Content usage guidelines

Thanks for your interest in sharing or republishing our content and/or data. How you may use our content and data depends on the type of content/data and the purpose.

Permitted uses

  • You may share links to any of our content by email and on social media, provided that you follow the applicable attribution guidelines below.

  • If You have earned an EdTech Impact badge, you may republish the badge on your website, social media and other marketing/sales materials provided that it contains a backlink to the EdTech Impact page of your product or service. You must comply with all attribution requirements.

  • You may reference your position in EdTech Impact’s real-time category rankings, provided that such reference contains a backlink to the applicable Category page. You may republish and share the aggregated Star Rating of your product(s) on the EdTech Impact site, provided that you include a backlink to the applicable profile page on and that you attribute the Star Rating to EdTech Impact in accordance with our Attribution Policy below.

  • If you would like to use EdTech Impact’s content or data in a manner that is not expressly authorised or prohibited hereunder, you may contact us at with your request, and we will review your request, each on a case-by-case basis and approve or decline your request, in our sole discretion. Please note that any permission to use any EdTech Impact content or data that is granted by EdTech Impact may be revoked or modified in EdTech Impact’s sole discretion at any time.

Unauthorised uses

  • You may not republish, alter, abridge, or otherwise modify any of our reports without a license. This includes awarded badges, review content, product information and category ranking.

  • You may not republish in full or any excerpt thereof, any reviews of any products on EdTech Impact without a license.

  • You may not screenshot any portion of the EdTech Impact website for any purpose. You may not resell or otherwise exploit for commercial gain any content or data from the EdTech Impact site (and any subdomains thereof) except as expressly set forth in these Guidelines and/or in accordance with your applicable license.

  • Our site terms of use (available here) expressly forbid any scraping of the EdTech Impact Site; any use, whether commercial or noncommercial, of any content or data that has been scraped from (and any subdomains thereof) is unauthorised.

Attribution policy

Article/Press Release/Public Statement Attribution

If you would like to include EdTech Impact or cite our data points in an article, press release, or public statement, please attribute such reference or content to “EdTech Impact” in every instance. Link to the reference or content on whenever possible.

If your article, press release, or public statement is basing analyses and claims in part or wholly on EdTech Impact content or data, please contact us at for review and approval of the relevant statement prior to publication.

Blog attribution

If you reference a specific EdTech Impact blog post, please be certain to link to the URL of the specific post you are referencing.

Badge republication guidelines

If you have earned an EdTech Impact badge and wish to republish any earned badge on your website, you may not alter, abridge, or otherwise modify the badge in any manner. For example, you may not alter the colours of the badge to match your brand guidelines or crop a part of the badge.

Star rating attribution

If you republish and share the aggregated Star Rating of your products and services on the EdTech Impact site, please attribute the Star Rating as follows: “Source:”

Edtech Impact trademarks and copyrights guidelines

EdTech’s trademarks and copyrighted works include our names, logos, website content, videos, and other matters protected under trademark or copyright law.

You may refer to EdTech Impact’s trademarks in word form only to accurately describe how your products relate to our products or services, so long as you follow these Guidelines and ensure that your products and services are not offered, sponsored or endorsed by EdTech Impact.

You may only use EdTech Impact's logo under license or other written contractual permission. If you would like permission to use the EdTech Impact logo or other trademarks, please contact us at

Be sure to return to this page periodically to review the most current version of these Guidelines. We may modify these Guidelines to, for example, reflect additional data or content. You should look at these Guidelines regularly. We’ll post notice of modifications to these Guidelines on this page. Changes will not apply retroactively and will become effective no sooner than fourteen days after they are posted. However, changes made for legal reasons may be effective immediately and, if so, will be noted as such here. If you do not agree to the modified Guidelines, you should discontinue your use of the data and/or content.