How EdTech Impact saved Classoos’ time with social media

Classoos is a digital textbook and learning resource platform, accessible on and offline on desktop, laptop, tablet and mobile.

What problem were you trying to solve?

We wanted an independent,  trustworthy platform where schools and teachers could review and share their comments. We know teachers go to the site and were confident that we would be able to connect with our existing and future clients.

We are confident that our offering is unique in the current marketplace and being part of Edtech Impact and sharing reviews was a great way to increase exposure.

Why did you choose EdTech Impact?

EdTech Impact is for educators and therefore targeted at our key audience, it is independent and the solutions and services on the site are relevant to our industry.

Did you have any reservations about adopting greater transparency?

We regularly receive genuinely great feedback from our schools so we didn’t expect to see particularly negative reviews. The more neutral reviews or suggestions within our customer’s comments are actually really helpful as we expand and refine our service. A complaint would be an opportunity for us to address and improve.

How have your schools and teachers reacted to being asked for feedback?

We regularly ask for feedback as part of our sales procedure . We listen and appreciate our clients’ feedback or recommendations and believe that they feel valued as a result.

However, some schools are very reluctant to write a review on the platform as they don’t want to or can’t without specific permission from the school. The more prestigious schools in particular need comments, quotes or reviews approved before they can be published. Some schools do not allow reviews at all.

Have you seen any measurable benefits?

We have seen and increase in our brand awareness, especially through the ability to share reviews on social media that reinforces our existing messages on social channels.

Want to be like Classoos? Book a 30 minute call with our team to discuss how to optimise your EdTech Impact profile for success.

Updated on: 10 November 2023

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