How Developing Experts built brand awareness with EdTech Impact’s reviews

Developing Experts is a complete science curriculum programme for children aged 4 to 16 years, as well as functioning as a careers platform for the whole family. It provides a growing library of over 1000 online lessons, with practical investigations, handouts, and assessment quizzes. 

We chatted with Developing Experts’ COO, Katie Barrie, to understand their motivation for joining EdTech Impact and the impact of their Pro subscription on the company.

Whether it’s slow sales, or something a bit more complex like wanting to test different demographics, a lot of vendors approach EdTech Impact with a specific challenge they want to address. Developing Experts were no different.

What specific problem were you aiming to solve by joining EdTech Impact? 

Barrie lists ‘Brand awareness, comparisons with competitors, and celebrating our product.’ as the main drive. With their Pro account, Developing Experts are able to increase brand visibility and celebrate their successes garnering positive customer reviews – 70 to be exact!

Were there any unexpected challenges during the implementation of EdTech Impact at your company, and how were they addressed? 

“Having enough reviews quickly enough to look like we had a full profile [was the initial challenge]. We ran an incentive for any customer who reviewed us.” Many of our Pro clients agree, offering a small incentive to customers in return for an honest review works wonders, and in turn they then reap the benefits of a robust profile, positive ranking positions on EdTech Impact, improving their reach, visibility, and integrity within the marketplace.

Why, specifically, did you choose to work with EdTech Impact over alternative solutions?

Barrie says, “This is the solution used by all EdTech suppliers.” It makes sense then that, in order to increase awareness, companies need to be where the majority are! By positioning themselves on EdTech Impact, companies can ensure that they are seen by a broad audience.

How have your schools and teachers reacted to being asked for feedback?

“We have not had any push-back when asking for reviews. Feedback is vital for us as this helps shape the development of our product. Many suggestions for teachers have been implemented.” In this dynamic industry, many of our vendors agree with the invaluable role that customer feedback has on company decisions and business growth.   

For educators, reviews provide authentic insights into what it’s like to be a customer, whether the product’s performance is improving or declining over time, and how the solution fares against competition.

Can you share any measurable data about the impact or benefits of your EdTech Impact subscription?

“We like the star rating system and rating of individual elements.” As an EdTech Impact vendor, companies are able to choose up to five Impact Metric areas that they feel best suit their product, from Reduces Teacher Workload to Improves Attainment to Improves School Processes and beyond. Customers can rate each metric individually when they leave a review, allowing tailored feedback and analysis.

Can you highlight the key features or aspects of the Pro Plan that have proven most beneficial for your organisation?

“Access to all reviews and the breakdown.” As a Pro Plan solution, Developing Experts are able to download their reviews to use in external marketing and communications, an addon that helps to boost transparency and trust with potential customers. 

What advice would you offer to other organisations considering EdTech Impact’s Pro Plan? 

“Incentivise your customers to provide a review so you get a profile with many reviews as quickly as possible.”

So, there you have it; the dos and don’ts of being a trusted EdTech Impact solution.

A big thank you to Katie for her time and insights, and to all our Pro customers for their commitment to supporting schools globally as part of the EdTech Impact community.

Updated on: 5 July 2024

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