5 Ways to Improve Behaviour with Social Emotional Learning

Sponsored content from Satchel Pulse.

Did you know that an average of 6.3 minutes per 30 minutes teaching time are lost to misbehaviour in UK schools? We know that effective behaviour management is crucial to combatting this widespread issue, but could social emotional learning (SEL) be the solution? 

In many schools students behave badly, reactively receive a detention or other punishment and then (more times than not) still repeat the same kind of bad behaviour. SEL addresses behavioural challenges differently by proactively equipping students with life skills like social awareness and responsible decision-making, getting to the root of the issue before it’s a problem. 

In this blog, we’ll explore five practical ways that UK secondary school leaders and teachers can use this powerful approach to create a better learning atmosphere. 

1. Integrate SEL into the curriculum

Embedding SEL principles directly into the curriculum ensures that students receive consistent exposure to these valuable skills. Infuse lessons with activities that actively promote skills like self-awareness, social awareness and responsible decision-making or use an SEL tool that generates these kind of lessons for you. A proactive approach like this allows students to develop a strong foundation for positive behaviour and emotional regulation, reducing the likelihood of low level disruption.

2. Provide professional development for SEL

Equip teachers with the knowledge and tools necessary to implement SEL effectively in the classroom with professional development courses. When educators are well-versed in SEL principles, they can address behavioural challenges more proactively and create a supportive atmosphere that fosters positive student behaviour.

3. Implement SEL-based behaviour management strategies

Integrate SEL principles into your behaviour management strategies. For instance, instead of relying solely on reactive measures, promote proactive interventions that encourage students to reflect on their actions and emotions.

4. Cultivate an SEL-focused school culture

Senior leaders who create a school-wide culture that values SEL can see benefits like better behaviour, increased academic achievement and improved wellbeing. A good idea for this is to incorporate SEL practices into daily routines, such as morning check-ins or reflective journaling. A positive school culture that prioritises SEL contributes to a more cohesive community and reduces the occurrence of reactive behaviour.

5. Use technology to make implementation easier

Leverage edtech tools that support SEL initiatives. Platforms offering interactive modules, digital resources and gamified activities can engage students in the learning process while reinforcing SEL concepts. These tools not only make SEL implementation more accessible but also cater to the diverse learning styles of students, enhancing the overall impact of behaviour management strategies.

SEL is a holistic approach that not only addresses reactive behaviour but also proactively nurtures students’ emotional intelligence. Through curriculum integration, professional development, SEL-based strategies, a focused school culture and technology, school leaders and teachers can create an environment where positive behaviour flourishes, setting the stage for a successful and fulfilling educational journey.

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Updated on: 2 February 2024

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