A parents’ guide to GCSE exams

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Parent engagement during exam time maximises a child’s exam potential. But parents can often feel lost as to how they can help their child best. Award-winning GCSE learning content and assessment provider GCSEPod is proven to help students achieve one grade higher on average than non-users. Presenting the curriculum in easy-to-digest 3-5 minute bursts, they help students navigate their way through, using formative assessment along the way to ensure the learning sticks.

They have put together some top tips for school to share with parents and help them through this difficult time.  

A Parents’ Guide to GCSE Exams by GCSEPod

As a parent, it can be difficult to know how to best help your child prepare for their exams. However, there are many ways you can support them during this stressful time and relieve some of the pressure they are under.

Even if you are just making sure they are eating breakfast on the day of an exam, the smallest help can make a difference. This guide discusses the top ways to support your child in the run up to and the day of their exams.


In the lead-up to exam season, it is crucial that your child is revising for their exams. The secret to good grades lies in the planning. As a parent, you can work with your child to develop a revision plan that fits both of your schedules.

Remember to include short breaks within the revision plan; studying is more effective in shorter bursts, as it allows the brain to switch off for a short period of time, refocus and assimilate information. We would recommend a 5-to-10-minute break at the least once an hour.

A good revision plan should also include days off from time to time to ensure your child isn’t overworking and they are still doing things they enjoy, which can reduce stress.

Staying in the loop

Different schools and colleges use different exam boards, have different homework schedules and different ways they support their learners with revision. As a result, it is important that you stay informed with any updates – this can be done by following their social media accounts, regularly checking emails, or contacting the school or college directly for information. Usually, schools and colleges will hold additional out of hours revision sessions in the run up to exams, knowing when these are on and making sure your child is attending them is important.

Good study skills

There are a few simple ways you can encourage better study skills, such as ensuring your child is keeping on top of their homework. While homework can seem like a chore at times, it has been designed to support their in-class learning. If your child is struggling with their homework, then you should speak to their teacher and explain the situation; this can help to identify any difficulties your child is having with their studies and overcoming them.

Another way to encourage better study skills is by creating a ‘study space’ within your home. This should be an area of the house that is quiet and distraction free, so your child can focus on their revision with no interruptions. Making sure your child has the equipment they need in their ‘study space’, such as stationery, notebooks and flashcards, can help them organise their work.

Tips for exam days

Being there for your child in the run up to exams is really beneficial and can help your child achieve better grades. You can also support your child on the days they have exams by:

  • Making sure they get a good night’s sleep.
  • Getting them to eat a substantial breakfast before they leave. Food is brain fuel!
  • Making the house a calm environment, this includes avoiding any arguments, as arguments can cause a further build-up of stress.
  • Ensuring they get to their exam with plenty of time to spare.
  • If they are feeling up to it, you can do a quick-fire question game with flashcards.

Tutor support

If you are worried that your child isn’t doing as well as they should be, and their school or college agrees, we would suggest seeking additional support for their studies. There are a few options, with the main ones being getting support from a personal tutor in your local area, or by using online tutor resources.

GCSEPod is a popular online learning resource for parents and children. Our content is designed to engage learners in their revision by using a combination of interactive learning tools, short videos quizzes and assessments. While GCSEPod requires a school subscription to access all learning materials, they have a range of free resources for learners to use. Take a look.

They also have free resources that are specifically for parents, helping them understand how to support their children during the stress of exams.

To find out more about GCSEPod, please visit their profile on EdTech Impact

Updated on: 14 March 2023

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