How Noala can help educators to support children with DLD

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Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) affects 8% of children, equivalent to 1.4 million individuals in the UK. On average, two students in a class of 30 experience this disorder, yet these Speech, Language, and Communication Needs (SLCN) remain underdiagnosed.

What is Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)?

Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that causes significant difficulties in language acquisition and use of language. It affects children’s ability to speak clearly, understand language, and express their thoughts. DLD is not linked to intellectual or hearing impairments and requires early identification and intervention for improved communication skills and overall well-being.

How to recognize the signs

1) Delayed language development compared to peers.

Limited or no words by 2 years old

Difficulty combining words to form simple sentences or lacks understanding of basic instructions by 3 year old

2) Difficulty understanding and following instructions or conversations.

Struggles to follow simple instructions or respond to questions by 3 years old

3) Struggling to form sentences or use appropriate grammar.

Sentences are consistently short, fragmented, and lack grammatical structure by 4 years old

Continues to have difficulty with grammar, verb tenses, pronouns, or word order by 5 years old

4) Limited vocabulary or difficulty finding the right words.

Very small vocabulary or struggles to find words for common objects or actions by 2 years old

The vocabulary remains limited by 3 years

Difficulty expressing needs by 3 years

5) Persistent language difficulties over time, despite interventions or support.

Difficulties persist past the age ranges mentioned above

These challenges can impact their academic performance and social interactions. Please note that the age ranges given are general guidelines. It is advised to consult with a qualified speech and language professional for a thorough evaluation. 

How can educators support their learners? 

1) Create an inclusive environment

Foster a safe and accepting classroom that values diversity and encourages peer support.

2) Use clear language

Speak clearly and use simple language when giving instructions, avoiding complex vocabulary or lengthy sentences.

3) Provide visual aids

Use visual aids such as charts or pictures to supplement verbal instructions and reinforce understanding.

4) Break down tasks

Break complex tasks into smaller steps and provide visual or written prompts to help students with DLD comprehend and complete them.

5) Offer individualized support

Recognize unique needs and strengths, provide personalized materials, and collaborate with specialists for targeted interventions.

How can educators benefit from Noala?

Noala, an online speech and language therapy platform, offers educators valuable benefits in supporting learners with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) and their parents. We provide access to qualified speech and language therapists, offer professional development resources for educators in our noala pro library, deliver individualized support for learners with DLD, and involve parents in the therapy process. 

Noala supports educators to better their understanding of DLD. 

We’re here to support your journey to make a lasting impact on a child’s life. Partner with Noala today to support your students with DLD and provide them with the tailored support that they need. Contact us via or sign up for free here

In the end – it takes a village to build a strong foundation. 

Updated on: 11 July 2023

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