How EdTech can help with staff absence or strikes ­­ 

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High levels of staff absence could coincide with strike action over teachers’ pay to cause major issues for the education sector and students. Will the situation improve? How can EdTech assist in the circumstances?

Online learning is limitless and can happen anywhere

EdTech allows learning without limits and can provide education to students wherever they are. Even when teachers are absent, learning can still be delivered to students.

Learning remotely has never been so easy. The internet has enabled students to access a vast amount of content that meets current curriculum guidelines. Additionally those students who have fallen behind in their learning after COVID can use EdTech resources to catch-up and speed-up their current rate of learning.

There are platforms available that can even offer one-to-one support for those students learning remotely. If teacher absence or strikes occur, then qualified teachers, or tutors, can remotely support students and assist schools.

Attendance codes can still be claimed

Certain provisions can be applied to approve off-site educational activities, such as when students are learning remotely, to help schools claim attendance codes.

To meet government guidance, schools just need to approve the provision and ensure that students are still being supervised by a qualified professional.

EdTech can do the work

Certain platforms can even fill the void of teacher absence where there is a structured pathway of learning and progression model for students. Granted, some students may prefer the face-to-face aspect, but it offers an alternative route for learning to be delivered.

Nonetheless, some students may even prefer learning remotely and find that it can allow them to reach certain educational limits that they may have thought were unachieveable.

Teacher workload can be reduced through EdTech

Excessive workload for teachers is something that schools and unions are constantly looking to reduce and is a significant contributing factor to teachers’ strikes over pay.

However, EdTech can help support teachers with their workload due to the amount of time it can save. Content can easily be produced at a more efficient rate than paper-based formats and reprographics, which also helps schools to save money.

Additionally, students can be continuously assessed throughout their learning with integrated questions which can also support faster progress. This is because analysis of results can be produced at a quicker rate, which allows students / teachers to better evaluate their performance and identify areas for improvement.

How an online alternative provision can help

EDClass can provide one-to-one support from UK-qualified teachers for students learning remotely. This means that attendance codes can be claimed in accordance with government guidance.

It also contains sophisticated integrated safeguarding mechanisms, which keep students safe when they are online. Lesson content matching the current curriculum is also provided, continuously assessing students so that teacher workload is also significantly reduced.  

To learn more about EDClass or to book a free online demonstration click here.

Photo by DuoNguyen on Unsplash

Updated on: 12 December 2022

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