What is Bedrock Learning?
Bedrock Learning is a digital literacy curriculum which helps schools and parents to transform learning and literacy, equipping all learners with the knowledge they need to improve their educational outcomes.
Learning through literacy - By harnessing the power of tech, we give every learner an equal opportunity to thrive.
Built by teachers - A platform built with a deep understanding of what works for learners and teachers.
The UK’s Leading Vocabulary Curriculum - Transforming the way vocabulary instruction is regarded and delivered across the curriculum.
Bedrock Learning suite of curricula improves learners literacy through key areas including grammar, vocabulary and disciplinary literacy.
Recommended Usage
2-3 online lessons per week, in school or for homework.
Educational Impact
Additional evidence
Jul 2023
Case Studies & Testimonials - Primary schools
Jul 2023
Case Studies & Testimonials - Secondary schools
Jul 2023
Bedrock & Ofsted - Primary schools
Jul 2023
Bedrock & Ofsted - Secondary schools
Jul 2023
Impact Analysis - Multi-Academy Trusts
Jul 2023
Impact Analysis - External study
Company | Business Name: Bedrock Learning HQ Location: United Kingdom Founded: 2015 |
Age Range | 5-7, 8-10, 11-13, 14-16 |
Features | Cross-curricularVocabulary CurriculumPersonalised LearningReal-time Student ProgressGrammar CurriculumSelf-marking HomeworkTier 2 VocabularyKnowledge OrganiserDeep-learning AlgorithmFree-writing TasksHuman NarrationFiction TextsNon-fiction TextsReportingTier 3 VocabularyGcse English CurriculumDisciplinary Literacy Curriculum |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Moderate features |
Policies | Terms of ServicePrivacy PolicyGDPR |
Requirements | Internet - Low BandwidthInternet - High BandwidthDesktop - MacDesktop - WindowsDesktop - ChromebookMobile - iPhoneMobile - iPadMobile - WindowsMobile - Android |
Set Up | 24 hours |
Training | Live OnlineWebinarsDocumentationVideos Full training is provided by Bedrock Learning |
Support | EmailKnowledge BasePhone Support24/7 Live Rep Unlimited free support via phone, email or live chat |
Home Learning | Parent Access Anyone can create the account. Teachers can also track what percentage of parents have created free parent accounts. |
Tags | literacydigital learningliteracy improvementnational curriculumvocabulary curriculumgrammar curriculumdisciplinary literacygcse englishtier 2 vocabulary |
Bedrock Learning PricingPricing Plans Free Trial Paid Subscription Bedrock Learning pricing starts from £10.99 / per-pupil Our base Bedrock Learning subscription starts at £699, and covers 64 students. Every additional learner added to the subscription costs £10.99 per year. Significant discounts are applied if schools wish to enrol whole key stages, the whole school or for MATs at a trust wide level. |
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Bedrock Learning Reviews
from 2 Verified Reviews
User rating
Oct 2022
The children love bedrock, they get excited when they know they have a lesson. It helps to support vocabulary, which children are using in their writing. Also, in reading they are using the synonyms for words they have learnt.
Joanne Leech found Bedrock Learning:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“While children access bedrock I can mark books, have professional conversations with support staff, or I am able to teach reading/spelling intervention groups.”
- Moderately reduces attainment gap“Children have a greater understanding of vocabulary, so when we use formative assessment in reading and SPaG children have higher scores then in previous years.”
- Moderately improves school processes
- Moderately improves attainment“Higher scores on assessment papers, reading and SPaG.”
- Moderately builds student knowledge
Oct 2022
I think Bedrock is a really useful tool to improve vocabulary but it is difficult to monitor and assess progress holistically as part of curriculum. It is also expensive so I would recommend depending on the needs and context of the school but I am in agreement that it is a very useful too when implemented well.
Rachel Courtney found Bedrock Learning:
- Slightly reduces teacher workload“Increase on teacher workload through having to check for homework + give consequences but reduces workload in teaching new vocabulary in lessons to make more time for curriculum content.”
- Significantly reduces attainment gap
- Slightly improves school processes
- Significantly improves attainment“Students are able to understand and decode more complex texts in lessons, which increases attainment. Students also gain a breadth of knowledge and cultural capital through the text types they read.”
- Moderately builds student knowledge“Mythology - students often gain an understanding of key myths using bedrock before studying this in lesson”