What is Belouga?
Belouga is a digital platform providing teachers and students with the ability to connect, communicate and collaborate with their peers locally and globally.
The platform is driven by interactive content that gives all users an experience to learn about the world, with the world. Belouga utilizes an internal methodology known as CLAI (Curiosity, Learning, Action, Impact) to provide students and teachers with a wealth of real-world learning initiatives, sourced from global organizations and customized to their educational goals and curiosity, followed by action items where they can put their learnings to work in their own communities to create impact.
Educational Impact
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Belouga Reviews
from 19 Verified Reviews
User rating
Apr 2020
Belouga has really helped my students and my own children with online learning that is fun and peaks their interest.
Molly Sanders found Belouga:
- Significantly increases student collaboration
- Significantly reduces teacher workload

Apr 2020
Jane Keller found Belouga:
- Significantly increases student collaboration
- Significantly reduces teacher workload

Mar 2020
I can't imagine not using Belouga right now for remote learning.
Graham Allen found Belouga:
- Significantly increases student collaboration
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“My teachers have been using Belouga to really help with lesson planning and activities for students during school closures.”

Mar 2020
Pam Vandegard found Belouga:
- Significantly increases student collaboration
- Significantly reduces teacher workload

Mar 2020
It’s the best all encompassing platform I’ve seen!
Marie S found Belouga:
- Significantly increases student collaboration“During covid-19 the platform is helping us collaborate with our students remotely via chat, video and tailored content”
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“The lesson plans are incredible!”

Mar 2020
This is a site that should be in every teachers toolkit going into online learning and school closures.
Maureen Penn found Belouga:
- Significantly increases student collaboration“Students in my class have used Belouga to learn about the SDGs and create presentations on how they can use their passions to create impact in our community. We are using the SDGs for everything now!”
- Significantly reduces teacher workload

Digital Convergence Facilitator
Used Belouga for 4 months
Mar 2020
Wonderful resource. Great addition to my classroom practice: Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking and Communication now has added: Curiosity, Learning, Action, Impact!
Sheryl found Belouga:
- Significantly increases student collaboration“Students are able to collaborate using many of the Deep Dive series”
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Lessons are curated by SDG andsubject. As well there is a wonderful search engine”

Mar 2020
Because it's an enriching experience for students culturally
Gonzalo Díaz found Belouga:
- Significantly increases student collaboration“My students had the chance to chat with students overseas and share their view of the world”
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Once I have uploaded an episode students from my class and students from different countries can interact. Besides my students may visit other episodes uploaded”

Bronwyn Joyce
Used Belouga for I have been involved with Belouga since they first began. I was lucky enough to be part of their Beta Trial group when I was teaching in the classroom. That would be over 3 years ago now.
Mar 2020
Belouga changed the way I taught. As a huge believer that students should be learning about the world with the world Belouga provided a learning spark that ignited a passion in students to be creative, to explore topics of interest in detail and to lead their own learning. It was the differentiation ability that I loved, being about to have all students learning together what ever ability level. They had choice, a voice and they were captivated by real world learning AND they were most importantly learning future ready skills to help them understand the world they will be part of into their futures.
Bronwyn Joyce found Belouga:
- Significantly increases student collaboration“Belouga enables students and teachers to collaborate on real world issues that they can share opinions and calls to actions. This collaboration can be in a singular class or with classes around the world. Belouga is constantly keeping up with growing changes and urgency for connectivity through collaborative practices and are leading the education world when it comes to the safety and content they marry together to have students learning every time they engage with a topic. Students learn with the world that is the impact.”
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Belouga has ready made topics with tasks that are curriculum driven - Such as write a persuasive piece, think critically about this, create something. Teachers do not have to spend hours searching for content. It has the adaptability for teachers to sequence lessons by using the series of learning tasks located under core topics. Belouga links directly to the SDGs and each topic indicates the curriculum area that is appropriate to learning. Most importantly the content has been sourced from all over the world using Not for Profits, leading educators and world organisations. This alone is an outstanding resource for teachers. Teachers can assign tasks directly to their students, offer feedback through the connectivity function and differentiate. What more would a teacher need, they do it all for you.”

Mar 2020
This is the virtual learning solution we have been waiting for!
Jill Parker found Belouga:
- Significantly increases student collaboration“Belouga has been an absolute savior during our school closures. Students have been able to access their lessons, while using chat and video to interact and collaborate. Our classrooms have now turned fully virtual, which was something we were nervous about but have seen it to be extremely simple and effective with Belouga.”
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Teachers at our school are able to share their own lessons, but also access Belouga's library of lessons from around the world.”

Jan 2020
Jacob B found Belouga:
- Significantly increases student collaboration
- Significantly reduces teacher workload

Jan 2020
Tyler S found Belouga:
- Significantly increases student collaboration
- Significantly reduces teacher workload

Jan 2020
Belouga is the education platform I have been waiting on to engage my students, while still accomplishing our school criteria and goals.
Meg B found Belouga:
- Significantly increases student collaboration“My students have been able to connect with classrooms in 8 countries, all aligned with our unit plans. This has brought their knowledge of the region, culture, history and even marks to a level previously unimagined.”
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“The library is my go-to for curriculum and subject aligned resources.”

Oct 2019
Every colleague I feel could benefit from the use of Belouga I try to mention to them and show them the benefits of having access to the course.
Austin Renzi found Belouga:
- Does not significantly increase student collaboration“Students discussing activities after taking one of the series”
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Already planned lessons make it easy to plug and place activities for stations or whole class activities.”

Oct 2019
Belouga has increased excitement in my classroom by engaging students in real-world learning initiatives, giving them the ability to create direct positive impact in the world along with reducing the amount of time it takes me to create new and exciting lesson plans. My students have never been more excited to learn.
Mark Hauge found Belouga:
- Significantly increases student collaboration“Students are easily able to discover peers globally that have similar interests to them which has given my students the ability to meet other students and form relationships, build empathy, and think globally.”
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Belouga provides hundreds (if not more) of high quality lessons that are directly aligned with standards making finding and assigning engaging educational content to my students simple. ”

Oct 2019
Belouga has so many functions and directions that you can take it.
Rhett Oldham found Belouga:
- Moderately increases student collaboration“I have contacted teachers in 4 different countries that have allowed my students to connect with new students”
- Does not significantly reduce teacher workload“At this time, it does not.”

Colleen Skiles
Used Belouga for 3 years
Oct 2019
I have been using Belouga for several years, not only do my students collaborate but i have developed friendships and A PLN from Belouga. I have recommended Belouga and presented many times on the impacts.
Colleen Skiles found Belouga:
- Significantly increases student collaboration“My students are able to work with each other in class on activities and projects and with other students from classes around the world. ”
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“There are already lessons developed on Belouga that aligns with my curriculum and standards. The lessons are engaging and rigorous for each of my students. ”

Oct 2019
Belouga is a platform that helps both teachers and students around the world to collaborate and it has helped me and my students so much
Kankam Mensah Felix found Belouga:
- Significantly increases student collaboration“Global citizenship ”
- Moderately reduces teacher workload

Beth Sanders
Coordinator of Instructional Technology
Used Belouga for 2+ years. Since the beginning.
Sep 2019
Belouga is in a league of its own. There is no other platform out there doing global learning at this level. They have phenomenal customer service, deeply passionate team members, and I've seen the impact of the platform on hundreds of students and a large amount of teachers.
Beth Sanders found Belouga:
- Significantly increases student collaboration“Students got to connect deeper to themselves, their peers, and classrooms locally and globally. It was deep, authentic, inspiring and real. ”
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“High quality content design. Access to teacher-created, vetted high impact, high engagement learning experiences through the platform. ”