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Dance Notes

Dance Notes


Dance Notes

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What is Dance Notes?

Dance Notes offers a library of instantly-available, themed schemes for KS 1 & 2 Dance. Each plan provides a carefully-structured progression over a six-week program & includes all the music you need. In addition to the obvious health benefits, pupils gain a deeper understanding of classroom activities by physically engaging with the topics. Choose between individual downloads or a licence for unlimited use throughout your school.

Educational Impact

reduce teacher workload
increase student collaboration
build student knowledge
Improves Behaviour / Wellbeing
CompanyBusiness Name: Dance Notes
HQ Location: United Kingdom
Founded: 1992
Age Range5-7, 8-10
FeaturesPre-planned6-week Schemes Of WorkCurriculum ThemedInstant DownloadCds AvailableAll Music IncludedStream Or DownloadLicence Options For Unlimited AccessPupil Assessment SheetsTime-savingAffordable And Instant
AccessibilityFew to no features
PoliciesTerms of ServicePrivacy PolicyGDPR
RequirementsAvailable OfflineInternet - Low BandwidthInternet - High BandwidthDesktop - MacDesktop - WindowsDesktop - ChromebookDesktop - LinuxMobile - iPhoneMobile - iPadMobile - WindowsMobile - Android

Most teachers download the resources, so need to have basic computer/internet literacy. They will need to be able to place the order, open the download, unzip the lesson files and store the music files for use within their lessons. Music may be streamed using links within the plan but many teachers ill transfer files to their own devices. Others will order CDs. To use a licence, they will need to provide a log-in and password, which is then usable throughout their staff. The lessons themselves are designed to be delivered by any teacher, with no need for specialist dance or PE training. We do, however, also offer CPD where required.

Set Up

For online download orders, the download link is sent immediately on purchase. The lesson download will take seconds and the music may take a few minutes, depending on the number of tracks in the lesson. Invoice orders are processed manually, so take a little longer. Printed materials are normally posted the next working day but may take up to a week, depending on demand.

TrainingIn PersonDocumentationVideos

The Dance Notes schemes are designed to be pupil-led. This means that any teacher should be able to lead a class, with no specialist knowledge or instruction (beyond standard teacher training). A series of 6 videos is, however, available at the web site. These talk teachers through the progression of a typical Dance Notes plan and show pupils at work. Each is between 1:30 - 3:00 minutes in duration. In addition, each lesson plan includes a folder with supplementary teaching notes, to aid delivery of the lesson. These are also available individually, online, to licence holders. For teachers and schools that require more detailed help with their dance delivery and/or planning, we also offer CPD. This may take the form of an INSET day; twilight-sessions; or a whole term's delivery by a Dance Notes-approved teacher, working alongside school staff.

SupportEmailFAQs/ForumPhone Support

Supporting documents are included with each lesson plan. These give teachers a deeper understanding of what to expect from their pupil and how this should be assessed, in relation to the curriculum. Specific guidance is always available via email on info@madmusik.co.uk or phone, on 01225 313082. It may be necessary to leav a message but we pride ourselves on getting back to yo as quickly as possible.

Home LearningParent Access

Anyone can create the account.

The plans are aimed at teachers but may also be used by parents (for example, in a lockdown situation). All the work is pupil-led and designed to be used by non-specialists.

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Dance Notes Pricing

Pricing Plans

Free VersionPaid SubscriptionOne-Off Fee

Dance Notes pricing starts from £29.99 / one-off

Individual lesson plans are priced at:

£32.99 (download with mp3s)

£43.99 (download + CD)

£65.99 (printed pack + CD).

Online payments are discounted by 10%.

A full school licence costs £216 annually, discounted to £190 with online payment (not BACS).

Group discounts are available for academy trust and other partnership annual licences:

5 schools: £550

6–9 schools: £875

10–15 school: £1500

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Dance Notes Reviews

4.7 out of 5

from 23 Verified Reviews

Dance Notes has collected 0 reviews in the past 6 months

User rating



Dance Notes

Class teacher

Used Dance Notes weekly for 1-2 years

Feb 2024

Fits well with my Ancient Greece topic.

Anna found Dance Notes:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Easy to follow insructions with the music.
  • Moderately increases student collaboration
    Good pair and group work
  • Slightly improves behaviour or wellbeing
  • Slightly builds student knowledge
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Dance Notes
Lisa Flude


Used Dance Notes occasionally for 4-6 months

Feb 2023

It was just what I was looking for.

Reply from Dance Notes:Hi Lisa, Thanks for your kind comments. Great to know the pupils have responded so well and that Dance Notes planning saved you time and effort. Do get in touch if we can help with anything else at all.
Lisa Flude found Dance Notes:
  • Moderately reduces teacher workload
    The planning for our circus dance unit was done for me.
  • Significantly increases student collaboration
    They encouraged the children to work together.
  • Slightly improves behaviour or wellbeing
    The children behaved well in the dance lessons as they enjoyed them.
  • Moderately builds student knowledge
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Dance Notes
Cathy Clack

KS1 Teacher Inclusion Manager

Box Primary School, England

Used Dance Notes weekly for 3-4 years

Feb 2022

They are lovely ideas set to fantastic music.

Reply from Dance Notes:Thanks Cathy for sharing your thoughts. Great that the children have responded so well. Do get in touch if you need anything else at all.
Cathy Clack found Dance Notes:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Saves times finding appropriate music
  • Significantly increases student collaboration
    The activities lend themselves to children creating movement together
  • Slightly improves behaviour or wellbeing
    Children are always engaged
  • Moderately builds student knowledge
    Different ways of moving
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Dance Notes
Kate Caulfield

PE Co-ordinator

Wrawby St Mary's Primary School, England

Used Dance Notes occasionally for 3-4 years

Feb 2022

The lessons are clear and easy to follow for any member of staff and the bonus is having the music provided with the lessons so teachers don't need to spend hours searching for music

Reply from Dance Notes:Thanks Kate, please get in touch if you need specific help with anything at all.
Kate Caulfield found Dance Notes:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    The lessons are detailed and planned out so no need to do much before the lessons
  • Significantly increases student collaboration
    The lessons encourage collaboration whether it be paired work, small group work and whole class performance
  • Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing
    The themes are able to be linked to topics in school which gives more of a purpose to the lessons. Well being is promoted by keeping children active
  • Moderately builds student knowledge
    Gives pupils ideas on composing dances, movement sequences and choreography ideas
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Dance Notes
Sallyann Maddison

Assistant Head

Ravenswood Primary, England

Used Dance Notes weekly for 3-4 years

Feb 2022

Well resourced. Lessons easy to follow and adapt if teachers wish

Reply from Dance Notes:Hi Sallyann, Thanks so much for taking time to write this review. Do get in touch if you need any help at all.
Sallyann Maddison found Dance Notes:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
  • Significantly increases student collaboration
    Boys and girls work well together as there are ‘boy’ themes they engage with
  • Slightly improves behaviour or wellbeing
  • Does not significantly improve attainment
    Boys more willing to join in n
  • Moderately builds student knowledge
    Soecific vocab and terminology
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Dance Notes
Tim Robinson

Pe coordinator

Montpelier primary, England

Used Dance Notes occasionally for 7–12 months

Jan 2022

Provides good lesson ideas, including warm ups and cool downs, building to a final piece at the end of the unit.

Tim Robinson found Dance Notes:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
  • Significantly increases student collaboration
  • Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing
  • Significantly improves attainment
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Different history topics blended in well.
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Dance Notes
Karen Sullivan

Class Teacher and PE Subject Lead

Byron Primary School, England

Used Dance Notes weekly for 0–3 months

Nov 2021

Because I have subscribed using my money and not the schools I would recommend it but as a whole school PE approach

Karen Sullivan found Dance Notes:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    The plans are all ready to use. I just have to transfer them onto our own planning documents
  • Moderately increases student collaboration
    The children that have Dance experience support the others that may not have
  • Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing
    Some children that are not academically minded come into their own during Dance sessions
  • Does not significantly improve attainment
  • Slightly builds student knowledge
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Dance Notes
Ella Webb

class teacher

Used Dance Notes for 0–3 months

May 2021

Great music. Activities are a good starting point. To be a 10, maybe some examples of shapes or videos of dances to inspire pupils or teachers who don't know what they don't know.

Ella Webb found Dance Notes:
  • Moderately improves attainment
    increased engagement leads to pupils applying them selves more resulting in improved motifs, shapes and sequences
  • Moderately builds student knowledge
    language shared and used by pupils
  • Moderately increases student collaboration
    improved engagement and planned opportunities
  • Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing
    improved engagement
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    no need to search for suitable music. Inspires possible activities.
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Dance Notes
Trish Partridge

Sports Coach and PE Lead

Used Dance Notes for 4-6 months

Apr 2021

Dance Notes has given me the confidence to deliver Dance, something I have always struggled with or avoided. There are plenty of topics and themes to choose from and it is easy to use

Trish Partridge found Dance Notes:
  • Moderately improves attainment
    Because there are no 'rights and wrong's about what children's responses are, children were confident to join in and do what they felt and wanted rather than think 'I can't do this' or 'I can't dance'
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Enhanced learning about Roman army and Viking longships. Greater movement ideas in year 6
  • Significantly increases student collaboration
    Working in groups to tell a story, working together to become an Army, or a flower, or move a Viking longship
  • Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing
    Some boys who can sometimes be disruptive were totally engaged in Rough and Tumble. Also, because children can choose their own movements, there were less 'rules'. Children were back from school after lockdown and thoroughly enjoyed moving and expressing themselves to music
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Because the music is there ready and the plans are written for you, there is no scrabbling around finding suitable music. I would previously avoid teaching dance as I didn't have plans or music
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Dance Notes
Sophie Richardson

Year 3 class teacher and dance subject lead

Used Dance Notes for 4-6 months

Mar 2021

I have already recommended to Year 5 in my school and in September will encourage other year groups to use the scheme

Sophie Richardson found Dance Notes:
  • Significantly improves attainment
    Some of the boys in the class are more intrigued as the music and improvisation is more interesting
  • Moderately builds student knowledge
    Children are more aware of terminology whilst dancing
  • Significantly increases student collaboration
    Children want to push themselves to create a piece of dance
  • Slightly improves behaviour or wellbeing
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Following the lesson materials means we don’t have to create and source music or plans
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Dance Notes
Jonathan Marshall

Sports Coach

Used Dance Notes for 0–3 months

Mar 2021

Dance Notes has had a positive impact on the children who initially did not think that they would enjoy dance. Engagement in the lessons is high and behaviour is good. As the sports coach, I also feel a lot more confident in teaching dance now, as I did before I started using Dance Notes.

Jonathan Marshall found Dance Notes:
  • Moderately improves attainment
    Engagement with the source topics was interesting to the children as they wanted to find out how the topic linked to dance.
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Key phrases that can be inputted into a lesson that they can remember and show physically.
  • Significantly increases student collaboration
    An unfamiliar topic means they must work together to explore and discover new ways of thinking and learning.
  • Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing
    The year 5 children at our school can be very challenging but with the rough and tumble frame of work, the challenging boys were engaged and having a positive impact on the lesson as opposed to a negative one.
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    As a sports coach I must plan every lesson to suit each year group for each topic, so having lesson plans that are already planned and ready to go, means that I do not need to spend time researching for and creating a frame of work for dance for each year group
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Dance Notes

Class teacher

Used Dance Notes for 4-6 months

Mar 2021

It was easy to order, lessons were enjoyed and I felt like the children had accomplished new skills at the end.

Catherine found Dance Notes:
  • Moderately improves attainment
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Children learned about the way people lived and moved during Stone Age Britain
  • Moderately increases student collaboration
    They created some great group dances
  • Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing
    Boys are often reluctant to take part but enjoyed this dance unit and we’re actively engaged.
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    The unit of work was easy to pick up and deliver . Saved lots of time.
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Dance Notes


Used Dance Notes for 3-4 years

Jan 2021

This is the best dance scheme of work that I have used in my 40 years of teaching and even better than a dance teacher that comes into school

Pauline found Dance Notes:
  • Significantly improves attainment
    The children are very engaged in dance and enjoy it much more than they used to do
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    By doing the dance moves they are able to understand how people used to live
  • Significantly increases student collaboration
    I have had many students who find it difficult to work with others but dance notes helped them find the confidence to change
  • Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing
    I have had students who were not willing to join in with dance but with dance notes they find it enjoyable
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    The notes are so clear and well structured and the tracks are available too so there is no need for new planning
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Dance Notes

PE coordinator and KS1 class teacher

Used Dance Notes for 12 months

Oct 2020

Clear, simple to follow planning with all resources together. Lots of topics covered.

Katie found Dance Notes:
  • Moderately improves attainment
  • Moderately builds student knowledge
  • Significantly increases student collaboration
  • Slightly reduces attainment gap
  • Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing
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Oct 2020

Music not always liked by the children

Joanne Meyer found Dance Notes:
  • Slightly improves attainment
    Allows all children to take part
  • Slightly builds student knowledge
    dance word knowledge
  • Moderately increases student collaboration
    children have to work together
  • Slightly reduces attainment gap
    all get involved
  • Does not significantly improve behaviour or wellbeing
    children have a purpose in the lesson
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Dance Notes
Sarah Small


Used Dance Notes for 2 months

Oct 2020

It offers teachers of all knowledge level and confidence the chance to offer dance lessons for all students. Participation in dance has improved dramatically.

Sarah Small found Dance Notes:
  • Significantly improves attainment
    All children totally engaged with lessons - lots of topic areas offered for boys, who can sometimes lack interest.
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
  • Significantly increases student collaboration
    A great amount of collaboration in lessons.
  • Significantly reduces attainment gap
  • Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing
    Wellbeing has been helped by children having the opportunity in engaging dance lessons.
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Dance Notes
Lucilla Royden

Dance teacher

Roche School, England

Used Dance Notes for 7 years

Oct 2020

Lesson plans have broad and varied subject content for Dance with cross curriculur themes. Dance Notes provides music tracks of varied styles that stand alone or accompany the lesson plans.

Lucilla Royden found Dance Notes:
  • Significantly improves attainment
    Children are motivated by the lesson plans
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Lesson plans teach children about key dance principles
  • Significantly increases student collaboration
    Children create dances in duets, trios and small groups
  • Significantly reduces attainment gap
    Differentiation is offered within lesson plans
  • Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing
    The lesson plans are age appropriate in content and children enjoy them
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Dance Notes
Elton George Lewis

Class Teacher

Used Dance Notes for 2 years

Oct 2020

Very cost effective set of planning complete with suitable music and excellent, expert content.

Elton George Lewis found Dance Notes:
  • Moderately improves attainment
    Children can more readily describe their understanding using technical vocabulary.
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Technical vocabulary recall, confidence in choreography, and successful performance self evaluation.
  • Significantly increases student collaboration
    Plenty of group choreography opportunities and peer assessment moments.
  • Slightly reduces attainment gap
    Where children previously couldn’t use dance related vocabulary to describe their performance and learning, they can now readily do that!
  • Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing
    Better in lesson behaviour for learning.
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Dance Notes


Used Dance Notes for 5 years

Oct 2020

Easy to follow lesson plans. Great ideas. Super music choices

Melissa found Dance Notes:
  • Significantly improves attainment
    Covers all aspects of dance
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Lots of examples
  • Significantly increases student collaboration
    Every lesson
  • Significantly reduces attainment gap
    Pupils always engaged
  • Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing
    All children engaged
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Oct 2020

The lessons are easy to follow, the music is good and appropriate

Liz found Dance Notes:
  • Significantly improves attainment
    The children are able to create movements very creatively using the ideas in the lessons
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    They can hear the speed of the music and adjust the speed and style of their movement
  • Significantly increases student collaboration
    Many ideas provided require group work and collaboration in actions
  • Slightly reduces attainment gap
  • Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing
    The children are engaged and enjoy the activities so are less likely to misbehave
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Dance Notes
Jane Loughran

Class teacher maths lead

Used Dance Notes for 2/3 years

Oct 2020

I have only used 1 unit so don’t have loads of experience using dance notes but I’ve really enjoyed what I have used.

Jane Loughran found Dance Notes:
  • Moderately improves attainment
    Clear guidance for teachers leads to better focus on learning in lessons
  • Moderately builds student knowledge
    Extends technical vocabulary
  • Significantly increases student collaboration
    Partner and group work in the pirate unit children were motivated by the music to be creative and work together
  • Slightly reduces attainment gap
    Most children motivated and positive towards dancing. Helped some children gain confidence.
  • Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing
    Well-being music has a very positive impact and helps to motivate. Repetition of music linked to each lesson also builds confidence
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Dance Notes

Class teacher

Used Dance Notes for Used the sea themed one when doing sea topic

Oct 2020

All KS1 teachers found good to use

Rose found Dance Notes:
  • Moderately improves attainment
    All pe helps develop fine and gross motor which helps overall attainment . Dance notes motivated the children
  • Moderately builds student knowledge
    Good vocabulary included
  • Moderately increases student collaboration
    Good partner and group work
  • Slightly reduces attainment gap
    Not specifically only used for one topic
  • Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing
    Motivation leads to better behaviour. Dance helps creativity and hence well being
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Dance Notes
H Bridson

Teacher (now retired)

Used Dance Notes for 12 months

Oct 2020

The resources- notes and music- were excellent. Clear to follow. Such a time-saver for the non-specialist. Children responded well and enjoyed the dance lessons.

H Bridson found Dance Notes:
  • Significantly improves attainment
    Enhanced pupil engagement , cooperation with peers, structure of lessons built on skills.
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Broadening of curriculum subject knowledge through the discussion notes.
  • Significantly increases student collaboration
    Children required to work in groups, listening to each other and performing as a group.
  • Moderately reduces attainment gap
    Programmes are accessible to pupils of all abilities. All can succeed.
  • Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing
    Good listening as engaged in the activities. Children gaining enjoyment and sense of pride in creating dances, getting praise from their peers.
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Last updated 25th March 2025
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