What is E.a.R.L Coding Robot?
The EaRL coding robot from Hope Education was designed by coding education specialists, and he is the perfect edtech resource for teachers and pupils starting out on their coding journey.
The cute smile, flashing lights and fun sounds make it impossible not to fall in love with E.a.R.L, but there’s a lot more to this little alien robot. He teaches the basics of computational thinking, complex problem solving and programming, helping to prepare your pupils with skills for the 21st Century.
The thought of teaching robotics and coding can feel overwhelming, but E.a.R.L comes with learning resources to guide you through a series of programming activities. Pupils begin by coding E.a.R.L just by tapping the large buttons on top of his shell and watching their programs come to life as he travels around the classroom. More advanced coders can then move on to programming E.a.R.L remotely via USB from a computer using Scratch.
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E.a.R.L Coding Robot Reviews
from 1 Verified Review
User rating
Year 5 Teacher / Computing Lead
Used E.a.R.L Coding Robot for 1 month - we were awarded one at the BETT show 2020 in Januray
Feb 2020
For all the reasons I have given in previous answers plus also I feel it is a very cost effective tool as well as the included planning, lessons and content ideas provided. It being less expensive than other options makes it a much easier request for funds as it has so many applications and uses not in computing but also in cross curricular situations also.
Adam found E.a.R.L Coding Robot:
- Significantly improves attainment“Has already helped some children to bridge the gap between physical inputs (Concrete coding) to block coding (Abstract)”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“As mentioned in the previous answer, using EaRL helps children to more easily see the link between direct inputs to the robot and block coding.”
- Significantly increases student collaboration“In lessons, students often work in pairs or groups to code EaRL within the context of the lesson to solve problems, create a sequence or for debugging and spotting errors. Children together to work to find the most efficient sequence. In cross curricular situations, for example sequencing a story, children may work as a group to create a narrative for EaRL to play out which also requires them to make use of certain functions.”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency and productivity“I believe this will over time as I hope it will result in KS2 teachers being able to more naturally progress children from their KS1 learning which may not have involved block coding. Without needing to orient the children in block coding, this will allow the curriculum to flow more naturally and quickly.”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge and skills“In cases where teachers are unfamiliar with computing and coding, EaRL allows teachers to also see the link between the physical inputs and block coding.”