What is Education Perfect?
Education Perfect was created by teachers, for teachers. It provides a consolidated resource and comprehensive toolkit for schools, incorporating;
- A rich library of lessons across all core subject areas
- Engaging online delivery and world class tools which can be used in class or at home
- Intuitive and actionable data for teachers, parents and school leaders, enabling more time for effective teaching & learning.
Education Perfect (EP) saves teachers time with prepared lessons, enables differentiated learning pathways for students which improves learning outcomes, and provides school leaders with a consolidated schoolwide approach.
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Education Perfect Reviews
from 2 Verified Reviews
User rating
Nov 2023
Because I think it is a waste of time t it is no fun.

Angela Y
Used Education Perfect daily for 4-6 months
Jan 2023
I would say that it is lacking in some aspects, but I think that it would still be quite helpful to any student, especially if you want to revise or learn ahead as it provides all resources both above and below your grade level in your subject.
Angela Y found Education Perfect :
- Does not significantly save school money“Not really, as I did not go to any extra tutoring programs in the first place. It might have an impact if you decide to use education perfect instead of a paid tutor though.”
- Moderately provides school data“It gives me practice questions and exercises in one place, so I don't have to go looking for those resources myself”
- Moderately improves teaching efficiency“Again, it saves time and effort by gathering practice material in one place. In my experience though, some lessons don't have quite all of the pre-requisite knowledge you need to understand the questions and the explanations are sometimes poor so you have to go looking for additional teachings yourself, which is a bit annoying. It is essentially good for practicing topics you have basic knowledge about, but sometimes its hard to learn new stuff from it alone and you have to use other resources along with it.”
- Significantly improves attainment“It does allow you to understand the concept better in most cases, and is handy to revise things. I am mostly using this to challenge myself as classwork is a bit too easy, and so the topics I'm studying are not yet directly related to classwork, but it did help and I think it would be more helpful in the future.”
- Significantly builds student knowledge