What is GraphoGame?
We are a Finnish company bringing together universities, game developers and educators to create fun, evidence-based literacy innovations for young children in every major language.
Our innovation, GraphoGame, is designed to be available offline, on any type of touch-screen device where audio can be played for the user. The best results have been found in children aged 5 to 8, although - in practice - it is useful for struggling readers of any age and children as young as 4. Players create their own customizable avatar and set off to train their first and most fundamental skills in literacy through phonics (connecting letters and sounds). After mastering letter-sound connections, players move on to blending (combining sounds into syllables) and, finally, to challenging syllables and complicated words. This sequence is known as the synthetic approach to reading instruction. With adult or teacher supervision, GraphoGame becomes more effective than business-as-usual instruction in achieving basic literacy for all kids.
The methodology was originally gamified in 1992 for the early-identification of dyslexia by Prof. Heikki Lyytinen, UNESCO Chair on Inclusive Literacy Learning for All, and colleagues at University of Jyväskylä and Niilo Mäki Institute in Finland. Since then, 35 language versions were developed.
In the past decade, GraphoGame was successfully adapted to Nyanja language in eastern Zambia, where researchers found that “children who were exposed to [it] performed better than the control group on all literacy measures. Furthermore, parent’s performance on tests improved after the intervention.”
Illiteracy costs the world over a trillion dollars every year in poor health, crime, lost earnings, welfare, lost productivity and other societal harms. We know from 2 decades of longitudinal research, over 300 international research publications and parents' reports that our game and methodology achieve basic literacy in every child from 4 to 9 years old, including dyslexic children.
Our goal for 2022 is to license the game as free-to-download app for every nation on Earth. Over the next decade, we will develop enough language versions to give quality literacy instruction in every child's native language.
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GraphoGame Reviews
from 1 Verified Review
User rating
Feb 2022
GraphoGame is more than just a phonics game, it helps instruct children and new language learners how to assemble words and eventually pronounce whole sentences. In one month any learner will be reading out loud! My English students in Brazil and young Canadian cousins love the American English version.