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Impero Education Pro

Impero Education Pro


Impero Education Pro

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What is Impero Education Pro?

Impero Software offers award-winning classroom management, device management and student safety solutions for educational institutions around the world.

Impero Education Pro combines learner wellbeing and device management to enhance digital learning, support IT administration and monitor safeguarding issues effectively. Developed in line with Ofsted and ISI, Impero Education Pro offers a range of hosting options and built-in cross-platform technology.

Impero Education Pro is compatible with all major operating systems, allowing multiple different devices to be monitored and managed from a single view. It’s compatible with Windows, Chrome OS, macOS and iOS, so schools can support transformational learning through a mixed platform digital learning environment.

With real-time visibility of every student’s screen, and empowered by a range of classroom control, instructional and monitoring tools, teachers have visibility of what their students are accessing, viewing or creating online.

A powerful suite of admin tools enables technical teams to streamline efficiency across a school’s network and ensure maintenance is performed with ease.

Features include:
- Cross Platform

- Real-time monitoring

- Messaging & chat

- Remote control

- Keyword detection

- Capture management

- Reporting and analytics

- Power management

- Device inventory

Interested in learning more about Education Pro? Request a demo today.

Educational Impact

Improves Behaviour / Wellbeing
reduce teacher workload
improve attainment
improve teaching efficiency
increase student collaboration
CompanyBusiness Name: Impero Software
HQ Location: United Kingdom
Founded: 2002
Age Range0-4, 5-7, 8-10, 11-13, 14-16, 17-18, 19+
FeaturesCross PlatformReal-time MonitoringMessaging & ChatRemote ControlKeyword DetectionCapture ManagementReporting And AnalyticsPower ManagementDevice Inventory
LanguagesArabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
AccessibilityModerate features
PoliciesTerms of ServicePrivacy PolicyGDPR
RequirementsInternet - High BandwidthDesktop - MacDesktop - WindowsDesktop - ChromebookMobile - iPhoneMobile - iPadMobile - WindowsMobile - Android
Set Up

Each customer set up is unique and managed through our Acadamy onboarding team.

TrainingIn PersonLive OnlineWebinarsDocumentationVideos
SupportEmailFAQs/ForumKnowledge BasePhone Support24/7 Live Rep
Home Learning

Teacher must create the account.

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Impero Education Pro Pricing

Pricing Plans

Paid Subscription

Impero Education Pro pricing starts from £3 / per-pupil
Optimised for a quick response

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Impero Education Pro Reviews

4.5 out of 5

from 1 Verified Review

Impero Education Pro has collected 0 reviews in the past 6 months

User rating



Impero Education Pro
Adam Laycock

ICT Network Manager

Longridge High School, England

Used Impero Education Pro daily for 0–3 months

Mar 2022

Has really helped identify and resolve security threats. Been an indispensable tool for classroom management and student monitoring.

Adam Laycock found Impero Education Pro:
  • Moderately reduces teacher workload
    Helps keep students focused on work and allows IT to provide quick support.
  • Slightly increases student collaboration
  • Slightly improves teaching efficiency
  • Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing
    Able to detect and evidence computer misuse resulting in punishments and less offences in the future.
  • Slightly improves attainment
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Last updated 27th March 2025
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Impero Education Pro
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