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Koulun hyvinvointiprofiili

Koulun hyvinvointiprofiili

Koulun hyvinvointiprofiili

Quality pedagogy award
Learning goals

What is Koulun hyvinvointiprofiili?

Koulun hyvinvointiprofiili (School Well-Being Profile) is service that helps you measure and track the wellbeing of your school, and compare it with other schools in your area.

It contains science based questionnaires on school environment and student's health and wellbeing.

The school can easily and effectively execute the surveys to create a profile of their school's facilities and student wellbeing.

Age Range5-7, 8-10, 11-13, 14-16, 17-18, 19+
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Koulun hyvinvointiprofiili Pricing

Pricing Plans

Free TrialPaid Subscription

In many cases, a municipality or city provides a service to its schools. A small annual fee is charged for individual schools that are not covered by such an agreement. This fee guarantees continuous development, customer service and service maintenance.

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Certified Pedagogical Quality

Certified by Education Alliance Finland, 04/2019

EAF Evaluation is an academically-backed approach to evaluating the pedagogical design of a product. EAF evaluators assess the product using criteria that covers the most essential pedagogical aspects in the learning experience.
Koulun hyvinvointiprofiili offers a broad range of science based questions on different categories of student well-being and school facilities. This makes the work of the teacher and school management easier. For the students, taking the questionnaire offers a chance to reflect their life and school work.
The results of the questionnaire can be compared to other schools and municipality averages. If the results are shared with students, the questionnaire encourages students to reflect their learning at school, which encourages participation and taking responsibility of one's own learning
The questionnaire is structured linearly and is easy to use. However, the users can skip some questions and also provide open text feedback on several occasions. Sharing the results with the students can act as a starting point for various learning activities.
The students fill in the questionnaire individually, but the system encourages collaboration and comparison with other schools.

Learning goals

Certified by Education Alliance Finland

The supported learning goals are identified by mapping the product against the selected reference curriculum and soft skills definitions most relevant for the 21st century.

  • Through their participation, the pupils can learn to express their views constructively, search for solutions in cooperation with others, and consider justifications for different ways of acting from various perspectives.
  • The pupils develop learn to evaluate both their own and their community's and society's practices and structure and find ways of promoting sustainable well-being.
  • The pupils learn to participate in reflecting on and planning their own studies and the objectives and working practices of their own group, the organisation and comfort of school facilities, and matters concerning meals, recesses, festivities, excursions, and other school events.
  • The pupils are guided to recognize factors that promote or harm the well-being of themselves or others and to gain competence in promoting health, safety and well-being. Particular attention is paid to the importance of sleep and rest, a balanced daily rhythm, exercise and versatile nutrition, and the significance of an intoxicant-free lifestyle and good manners in life.
  • The pupils are encouraged to take responsibility for the tidiness, comfort, and atmosphere of the learning environment and to participate in drawing up common rules of the school community and developing its operating methods.
  • Using technology to express one’s emotions and experiences
  • Practicing to take care of one's own wellbeing and health
  • Encouraging the growth of positive self-image
  • Learning decision-making, influencing and accountability
  • Practicing to argument clearly own opinions and reasonings
  • Oppilaita ohjataan tunnistamaan omaa ja yhteistä hyvinvointia edistäviä ja haittaavia tekijöitä ja harjaantumaan terveyttä, hyvinvointia ja turvallisuutta edistäviin toimintatapoihin. Erityistä huomiota kiinnitetään unen ja levon, tasapainoisen päivärytmin, liikkumisen ja monipuolisen ravinnon sekä päihteettömyyden merkitykseen ja hyvien tapojen tärkeyteen elämässä.
  • Oppilaita kannustetaan ottamaan vastuuta oppimisympäristön siisteydestä, viihtyisyydestä ja ilmapiiristä sekä osallistumaan kouluyhteisön yhteisten sääntöjen laadintaan ja toimintatapojen kehittämiseen.
  • Oppilaat saavat valmiuksia sekä omien että yhteisön ja yhteiskunnan toimintatapojen ja -rakenteiden arviointiin ja muuttamiseen kestävää hyvinvointia edistäviksi.
  • Practicing to give, get and reflect feedback
  • Practicing to express own thoughts and feelings
  • Oppilaat harjaantuvat ilmaisemaan näkemyksensä rakentavasti, etsimään ratkaisuja yhteistyössä toisten kanssa sekä pohtimaan erilaisten toimintatapojen oikeutusta eri näkökulmista.
  • Oppilaat harjoittelevat pohtimaan ja suunnittelemaan omaa opiskeluaan ja oman ryhmänsä työn tavoitteita ja toimintatapoja, työskentelytilojen järjestämistä ja viihtyisyyttä sekä ruokailuun, välitunteihin, juhliin ja retkiin sekä koulun muihin tapahtumiin liittyviä asioita.

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Last updated 30th March 2025
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