What is Milk - My Interactive Learning Kit?
Remote school and home learning solution. Increase quantity and quality of homework submitted.
Functions include analytics, communication, homework/classwork, appointments, assessment/achievement data.
Educational Impact
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Milk - My Interactive Learning Kit Reviews
from 12 Verified Reviews
User rating
Joanne Harman
Head of Department
Used Milk Student Planner for 3 months
Jul 2020
Overall a good tool, however there could be developments
Joanne Harman found Milk Student Planner:
- Significantly improves attainment“more students complete the independent work set”
- Slightly reduces teacher workload“More focussed feedback”

Jun 2020
It’s simple, it is user friendly, and it is highly regarded by all stakeholders
James Done found Milk Student Planner:
- Moderately improves attainment“Helps parents and staff see available homework, improves home school communication and improves organisational efficiency”
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“The ability to schedule and duplicate assignments”

Oct 2019
The short version of my responses was that I like the product a great deal and would be reluctant to go back to a paper-based system. I praised the simplistic UI and that MILK essentially solves two problems (messaging and homework) very well indeed. The lack of a need to provide extensive training to use the product was also an area I was positive about.
Stephen Brown found Milk Student Planner:
- Significantly improves attainment“I like the product a great deal and would be reluctant to go back to a paper-based system. I praised the simplistic UI and that MILK essentially solves two problems (messaging and homework) very well indeed. The lack of a need to provide extensive training to use the product was also an area I was positive about. ”
- Significantly reduces teacher workload

Lisa Martin
Assistant Headteacher
Used Milk Student Planner for just over 1 year
Oct 2019
efficient system easy to use like that students and parents can reset their own accounts fairly intuitive
Lisa Martin found Milk Student Planner:
- Slightly improves attainment
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“resetting the same tasks for multiple groups being able to preset tasks when planning, for them to go live on the appropriate day using teacher tips for report targets / mentoring”

Oct 2019
really helpful support team when ever I needed help with any issue just contact them and it get resolved
Mohammed Rahman found Milk Student Planner:
- Significantly improves attainment“Homework”
- Slightly reduces teacher workload“communication ”

Oct 2019
We have had a number of issues in the past
George found Milk Student Planner:
- Moderately improves attainment
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Easier to set homework”

Oct 2019
Nick found Milk Student Planner:
- Significantly improves attainment
- Significantly reduces teacher workload

Oct 2019
Sarah Williams found Milk Student Planner:
- Slightly improves attainment
- Does not significantly reduce teacher workload

Sian Rawson
Assistant Headteacher
Used Milk Student Planner for Roughly 3 years
Oct 2019
Great interface, very student friendly and easy to use for all.
Sian Rawson found Milk Student Planner:
- Slightly improves attainment“Homework deadlines easier to keep to, raising profile of out-of-school work and supporting students education and learning”
- Does not significantly reduce teacher workload“Quicker to store information and log appropriately - Easier and faster to access”

Oct 2019
Nick found Milk Student Planner:
- Significantly improves attainment
- Significantly reduces teacher workload

Oct 2019
Milk are very responsive, and are improving features year on year, liked by staff and parents, however there is still some features we would like to see
Rob Downs found Milk Student Planner:
- Significantly improves attainment“Increased homework completion improving knowledge and understanding”
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Re-use past homework, set same homework for different classes”

Oct 2019
I would like to use it for student data collection too
amanda found Milk Student Planner:
- Slightly improves attainment
- Slightly reduces teacher workload“I imagine that it makes it easier for teachers but that is not my role”