What is Money Masters?
When looking into options on how to become financially educated holistically, no platforms exist. Either you find a platform that teaches you about the theory behind finance or you take a course and learn how to trade. We thought why not mix both? At Money Masters we created a guided path to learning about all things finance and the best part is we have built in a real-time fantasy stock market competition so you put all your knowledge into practice.
We deconstructed finance into 6 different pillars: Personal Finance, Investing, Economics, Corporate finance, Trading, and Financial players. Within each of these pillars, we created bite-sized content in a guided journey that includes interactive questions to engage the user. The way we built each module is by having a hook to engage the user on the topic, a short definition, an example with an infographic, and interactive questions for each term. In the end, learning about finance is similar to learning a language. To add real-life context, we have each module linked to articles that explain why the term is relevant to you, for example, macroeconomics.
Finance can be a dry topic so we decided to take the gamification a step further and created the Arena. In the Arena, users are able to participate in different length tournaments (daily, weekly, monthly). These tournaments are fantasy stock trading competitions, where the users receive $MNY 100K to build a portfolio and compete against others. The best performers of each day, week, and month earn real-life rewards like gift cards. These achieve two purposes, it gives the real-life user experience while leveraging competition to keep improving. If someone is thinking about trading or investing this is the first place where they can practice risk-free.
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Money Masters Reviews
from 2 Verified Reviews
User rating
Oct 2022
Best App I have personally used when it comes to financial education and is unique in the space of finance.
David Pelliccione found Money Masters:
- Significantly increases student collaboration“Partner with student associations to help them be prepared for real world financial problems.”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency“Teachers who have no financial background can become qualified educators by using the application”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge“They will now understand the world of finance”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Teaches students about finance”

Oct 2022
i havent found any other finance learning app that is fun, interactive and simple.
Ray found Money Masters:
- Significantly increases student collaboration“During the competition in the Arena, students can discuss their strategies”
- Moderately improves teaching efficiency“learning about finance can be quick and easy using the Money Masters app”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge“teachers can also improve their financial literacy”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“knowledge about finance can be too complex. With Money Masters, it has been simplified and delivered in bite-sized pieces”