What is mySchoolApp?
Keeping in touch with parents and carers is vital for schools – whether it’s reminding them about children bringing wellies in for wet weather or a change to the parents' evening. It helps the school run smoothly and improves both family and pupil engagement. But with more demands on your time and money, you need a simple, effective solution that won’t cost the earth. Say goodbye to relying on scrunched up letters in school bags and say hello to mySchoolApp – use it to keep the 'mobile generation' of parents updated on school news, events, payment requests and last-minute changes such as snow days and event cancellations. One tap or click will get through to all the parents you want.
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mySchoolApp Reviews
from 20 Verified Reviews
User rating
Sep 2021
Loving it so far and the IT team are amazing! So easy to use to

Sep 2020
Couldn't get my email verified so couldn't use the app. Customer support was no support.
Linda Thompson found mySchoolApp:
- Does not save school money
- Does not provide school data
- Does not improve school processes
- Does not improve parental engagement

Sep 2019
great communication tool. can be hard to get parents to download it
Jen found myschoolapp:
- Slightly improves school processes“parents like the calendar function”
- Moderately improves parental engagement“The calendar has helped a lot of parents remember whats going on in the school”
- Slightly saves school money“still trying to get more parents on board”
- Does not provide school data

Sep 2019
It is easy to use and has several potential benefits.
Rebecca Ogg found myschoolapp:
- Moderately improves school processes“Return of permission forms, parental engagement / attendance at school events”
- Moderately improves parental engagement“Attendance at whole school events”
- Slightly saves school money
- Slightly provides school data

Jul 2019
amanda found myschoolapp:
- Significantly improves school processes
- Significantly improves parental engagement“better communiction”
- Moderately saves school money“sending out letters/clubs”
- Does not provide school data

May 2019
It is so easy to use and set up, friendly support team if you need help, paperfree has reduced parent and school stress and ability to send an immediate reminder app is great
Mrs Nicky Metcalfe found myschoolapp:
- Significantly improves school processes“improved communication for all parents with a quicker response turn around. Better are better informed and this has supported us to become paper free”
- Significantly improves parent engagement“parents respond quicker and we can use this as a reminder for key events therefore giving parents more opportunities to take part”
- Significantly saves school money“With funding a key issues for our school as with many others, we have now gone paper free, All letters, documents and homework go on the school aps for each year group. No way to lose a letter now !”
- Does not significantly provide school data“we know how many parents have downloaded and use the school app”

Mar 2019
Excellent, easy to use and perfect interface for parents
Linda found myschoolapp:
- Moderately improves school processes“Quick and easy communication and link between home and school. ”
- Significantly improves parent engagement“Almost all parents are registered and feedback so far is excellent.”
- Significantly saves school money“Cost of the App against Communication elements of other packages”
- Slightly provides school data“Not used this way”

Mar 2019
Feel it has been a huge success for our school.
Caoimhe Devine found myschoolapp:
- Significantly improves school processes“Able to give parents message and display our Monday note ”
- Significantly improves parent engagement“Parents are not able to register sickness of a child through the app ”
- Significantly saves school money“It has let us go paperless ”
- Significantly provides school data“Yes by providing information about the school,classes and day to day life of the school”

Mar 2019
After having similar products in the past, we have found this system to be easy and user friendly for both parents, children and school.
Karen Ratcliffe found myschoolapp:
- Significantly improves school processes“Working in the office, we have found less telephone enquiries, for information.”
- Significantly improves parent engagement“We have received verbal and written confirmation of parents approval”
- Slightly saves school money
- Significantly provides school data“On a daily basis parents can access the school information via their mobiles”

Mar 2019
Fantastic response from parents and very easy to use. We have 100% of families on board.
Phillip found myschoolapp:
- Significantly improves school processes“Parents receive up to date news daily rather than waiting for the fortnightly news letter”
- Significantly improves parent engagement“We send links to events and questionnaires”
- Slightly saves school money“Newsletters were emailed so no change financially but huge time saver”
- Slightly provides school data

Mar 2019
Becky found myschoolapp:
- Significantly improves school processes“Really supports us with our communication and parent partnership which is very important to us. ”
- Significantly improves parent engagement
- Moderately saves school money“Some messages are used within the app instead of letters. ”
- Moderately provides school data

Mar 2019
There are a couple of things we would find useful to have like 2 way messaging and an appointment booking system.
Julie found myschoolapp:
- Significantly improves school processes“Teachers now have a way to send reminders to parents which is very quick and doesn't waste trees”
- Significantly improves parent engagement“Huge increase in parental response to the Parent Governor vote because I was able to send reminders”
- Significantly saves school money“Paper”
- Does not significantly provide school data

Feb 2019
Really good company, always there to help and develop use of app, good value for money.
Mr C Hilliard found myschoolapp:
- Moderately improves school processes“Removes the need for paper based communications with parents”
- Significantly improves parent engagement“Improves communication and information flow with parents.”
- Moderately saves school money“Saves money on postage, school comms etc.”
- Slightly provides school data“ ”

Feb 2019
Instantly get messages out. Just about all our parents have it now.
Zena Mayhew found myschoolapp:
- Significantly improves school processes“Used every day for reminders, information. I have attached it to our website so class pages are at a fingers touch a way.”
- Significantly saves school money
- Significantly provides school data“Letters, app messages, web site links”

Feb 2019
Cerys found myschoolapp:
- Moderately improves school processes“ ”
- Significantly saves school money“ ”
- Significantly provides school data“ ”

Dec 2018
Some inefficiencies but generally has enhanced communication
Clair Denman found myschoolapp:
- Moderately improves school processes“reporting absence”
- Slightly saves school money
- Does not significantly provide school data

Dec 2018
Daiga found myschoolapp:
- Significantly improves school processes“less papers to print, get messages to parents faster”
- Significantly saves school money“don't have to print newsletters anymore”
- Slightly provides school data“n/a”

Dec 2018
Andrew found myschoolapp:
- Significantly improves school processes
- Slightly saves school money
- Does not significantly provide school data

Dec 2018
excellent service
amanda found myschoolapp:
- Significantly improves school processes“school to home communication”
- Significantly saves school money“not having to send text messages”

Dec 2018
Excellent service at an affordable price.
Paula found myschoolapp:
- Significantly improves school processes“Communication to parents ”
- Significantly saves school money“The app is substantially cheaper than any other app to able communication to parents ”
- Does not significantly provide school data