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Parent Hub

Parent Hub


Parent Hub

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What is Parent Hub?

Great schools use Parent Hub to have better parent communication. We make talking to parents quick, easy and effective. You can simplify everything by going paperless and cashless, and transform your whole approach to reaching every parent with the information that matters most to them.

It’s free to sign up, including MIS integration and unlimited app sending. Optional extras, like text messaging and email sending, are there so you can message everyone from the very start.

Book in for a demo and we’ll give you the grand tour!

Educational Impact

improve school processes
save school money
improve parent engagement
CompanyBusiness Name: Nexus Software Platforms ltd
HQ Location: United Kingdom
Founded: 2013
Age Range0-4, 5-7, 8-10, 11-13, 14-16, 17-18
FeaturesParent CommunicationPaymentsSlips And FormsSmsEmailApp
AccessibilityModerate features
PoliciesTerms of ServicePrivacy Policy
RequirementsInternet - High BandwidthDesktop - MacDesktop - WindowsDesktop - ChromebookMobile - iPhoneMobile - iPadMobile - WindowsMobile - Android

School staff access Parent Hub via a web browser and create their own accounts using an email and password

Set Up

We'll setup your school in advance so you can be up and running in less than a day

TrainingLive OnlineDocumentation

Parent Hub is super easy to use and all our online support and training is free! We recommend a 30min online on-boarding call, followed by a 15min launch call.

SupportEmailFAQs/ForumKnowledge BasePhone Support
Home LearningParent Access
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Parent Hub Pricing

Pricing Plans

Free VersionFreemiumPaid Subscription

Parent Hub pricing starts from £100 / year
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Parent Hub Reviews

5 out of 5

from 25 Verified Reviews

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User rating



Parent Hub

School Business Manager

Whitley, England

Used Parent Hub daily for 0–3 months

Jun 2024

It's such a simple system to use & as said previously, it's an all in one package which parents are really please about.

Diane found Parent Hub:
  • Moderately saves school money
    Reduction in paper copies of information going out to parent.s
  • Significantly improves school processes
    All in one comms/payments has made a big difference
  • Significantly improves parent engagement
    We have 100% of parents on board with Parent Hub.
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Parent Hub
Mark Robinson

School Business Manager

Rothwell Victoria Junior School, England

Used Parent Hub daily for 1-2 years

Mar 2024

Not only is the programme slick but the interaction with the provider is always a positive experience in terms of speed and supportiveness.

Mark Robinson found Parent Hub:
  • Slightly saves school money
    We have just started to use the payment aspect of Parent Hub meaning that we can remove the need to use an alternative programme for taking payments from parents. We have saved on this subscription and will do so year on year.
  • Significantly improves school processes
    Communication is slicker, use of slips reduces the use of paper and printing as well as speeding up the process of getting consents. Payments by parents for items is quicker and simpler and we have received great feedback.
  • Slightly improves parent engagement
    Our only difficulty is ensuring that all Parents are using the app properly.
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Parent Hub
Emily Walker

Office Manager

St Andrew's Academy, England

Used Parent Hub daily for 0–3 months

Dec 2023

We love our new App. The only thing we would like to request is the option to manually add contacts. We have some students who are in care and do not have anyone in our MIS system with PR but this means they do not pull through into ParentHub.

Emily Walker found Parent Hub:
  • Slightly saves school money
  • Significantly improves school processes
    Improved with monitoring attendance
  • Significantly improves parent engagement
    Improved attendance to events following reminders messages
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Parent Hub
Sally Bailey

Business Manager

All Saints C.E. Primary, England

Used Parent Hub daily for 3-4 years

Jul 2023

I personally love the Parent Hub app, it makes communicating with our parents so easy - I must use it at least 10 times a day, if not more! It took a while to get all our parents on board, but after the initial set up, it has been so easy to use. If there is ever a problem, a quick phone call to Mike and everything is resolved straight away! New features are being added all the time which makes my life easier eg templates and the edit and resend function for messages.

Sally Bailey found Parent Hub:
  • Significantly saves school money
    We can send direct messages to parents free of charge whereas previously we paid a significant yearly amount for our text messaging service. We have also saved money on printing costs as the majority of our correspondence goes out via the Hub.
  • Significantly improves school processes
    Too many to mention, but an example is we can schedule a message to go out on a Sunday evening reminding parents to order their children's meals for the following week. It is great for posting messages and photo's of events going on in school and for informing parents of last-minute cancellations of after-school activities.
  • Significantly improves parent engagement
    See previous response. As all our parents have the app on their phones, we know they will receive any important messages we send out, which is followed up with an email if they haven't read/received it for whatever reason.
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Parent Hub

School Business Assistant

Whaley Bridge Primary School, England

Used Parent Hub daily for 3-4 years

Jun 2023

We think it's fab. We like the added bonus of the app, it makes our organisation current and relevant.

Heather found Parent Hub:
  • Significantly saves school money
    We were eligible for a free package when Parent Hub first launched in a scheme through the council. We only pay for e-mail and txt bundles. This was a significant price drop from our previous provider.
  • Significantly improves school processes
    Staff have access to their classes, groups and private messages. We are able to attach links to websites and documents to the messages we send. We are also not limited to how many characters are in the messages, allowing for no miss communication.
  • Significantly improves parent engagement
    We are able to see when parents have read the messages. We are also able to see if parents have the app, and give the ones that don't have the app a reminder of how to download.
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Parent Hub
Natalie Wallace

School Business Manager

Used Parent Hub daily for 5 years+

Mar 2023

Parent hub is just perfect! Its a creat and easy system to work on PLUS they are always at the end of phone to help and assist if needed. We enjoy working with Mike and the team and would always renew - its a no brainer for us!!!

Natalie Wallace found Parent Hub:
  • Significantly saves school money
    Using the platform and having ALL my parents signed up cuts text costs significantly
  • Significantly improves school processes
    Getting important messages to parents quickly and efficiently.
  • Significantly improves parent engagement
    We have total coverage and 95% app coverage which is perfect
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Parent Hub
Tam Bennett

Head Teacher

Abercromby Nursery School, England

Used Parent Hub weekly for 4-6 months

Feb 2023

Almost perfect! Just wish I could have a few more characters on the Chanel Posts...

Tam Bennett found Parent Hub:
  • Significantly saves school money
    Less photocopying costs
  • Significantly improves school processes
    Quick and easy to communicate with families. We especially love the translation feature as we have around 65% of families with English as an Additional Language
  • Significantly improves parent engagement
    I send out a weekly newsletter with photos - families report that they really like this as it keeps them informed
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Parent Hub
Samantha Jones

School Business Manager

Southdale C Of E Junior School, UK

Used Parent Hub daily for 3-4 years

Jun 2022

I think Parenthub is fabulous and it continues to be innovative

Samantha Jones found Parent Hub:
  • Significantly saves school money
    No printing costs - all letters are sent via Parenthub. No text messaging costs - all messages sent through the app
  • Significantly improves school processes
    Quick and easy to send messages/letters to parents either as a group or directly
  • Significantly improves parent engagement
    Nearly all of our parents have the app on their phones. so they get instant messages
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Parent Hub

Office Manager

Netherton Infant and Nursery School, England

Used Parent Hub daily for 1-2 years

Feb 2022

Cost, ease of use for both parents and staff, aesthetics of site ie. social media look

Helen found Parent Hub:
  • Significantly saves school money
    Cheaper than using another comms provider, parent engagement is higher so fundraising events generate more income.
  • Moderately improves school processes
    Communication processes with parents are more efficient, decreasing admin staff task times i.e. targeting specific parents using direct messages or receipted messages function. Channels are viewed like a social media news feed that parents can scroll back through or search.
  • Significantly improves parent engagement
    See above: fundraising etc
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Parent Hub


Harlow Inspirational Learning Trust - HILT Academies, England

Used Parent Hub daily for 3-4 years

Sep 2021

A great system and the staff team are very helpful.

Kerry found Parent Hub:
  • Significantly saves school money
    This is the only way we communicate with parents and it is free.
  • Moderately improves school processes
    Instant notifications
  • Moderately improves parent engagement
    Parents evenings and menu changes
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Parent Hub

School Business Officer

Northfield Juniors, England

Used Parent Hub daily for 3-4 years

Sep 2021

I would not be able to communicate effectively without parenthub between home & school. It is a must for our school.

Sarah found Parent Hub:
  • Significantly saves school money
    We do not have to pay for a messaging service and only pay for texts when we need to.
  • Significantly improves school processes
    We are trying to become paperfree as much as possible between home & school. Parenthub enables letters, messages, reports, notifications to be sent directly to a parent - and not be lost be a child on route home
  • Significantly improves parent engagement
    Instant access via their phone to see notices/letters from school. All in one place
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Parent Hub
Rob Evans

School Business Officer

Used Parent Hub daily for 7–12 months

Sep 2021

Very user friendly

Rob Evans found Parent Hub:
  • Significantly saves school money
    Free use through App so no texting
  • Significantly improves school processes
    Helps communication with parents
  • Significantly improves parent engagement
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Parent Hub


Used Parent Hub for 1-2 years

Jul 2021

We have seen great results with our communication channels by using ParentHub.

Michael found Parent Hub:
  • Significantly saves school money
    By having the app - it means that it costs us nothing to send messages to those with the app.
  • Significantly improves school processes
    Sharing key messages; our school newsletter; speeds up communication with school community
  • Significantly improves parent engagement
    All new families who enrol have instant access to channels.
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Parent Hub
Alford Primary School

IT Consultant

Used Parent Hub for 5 years+

Jun 2021

Parent Hub has been, and continues to be, such a great tool for directly, group or whole school messaging. It helps track what is sent and who is reading (or not). We use it everyday, all day! Seamlessly syncronising with our MIS to have access to every contact available, we have atleast 93% engagement on the app and all the rest we can still reach via email or sms. Couldn't recommend it more, especially with over 600 contacts to keep in touch with!

Alford Primary School found Parent Hub:
  • Significantly saves school money
    Saving Stamps and printed letters
  • Significantly improves school processes
    Such an efficient way to contact parents
  • Significantly improves parental engagement
    You can see accurately who is reading your messages
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Parent Hub

Assistant Head

Used Parent Hub for 7–12 months

Mar 2021

Parent Hub support is very efficient and helpful.

Amy found Parent Hub:
  • Moderately saves school money
    Less paper being used for messages home
  • Significantly improves school processes
    Quick notices to parents with Covid rules or restrictions
  • Moderately improves parental engagement
    Parents have completed surveys on home technology and remote learning
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Parent Hub
Adey Greaves

School Business Manager

Used Parent Hub for 7–12 months

Feb 2021

Great services, great staff on the end of the email to help - links seamlessly with our MIS

Adey Greaves found Parent Hub:
  • Significantly saves school money
    Less paper to send out, less time to do things, cost of text messages are low, but app negates the need for too many texts
  • Significantly improves school processes
    Quick and efficient messaging service to parents. Ability to review what has been sent, who has accessed it and how.
  • Significantly improves parental engagement
    In a recent survey90% of parents stated how good ParentHub had been during lockdown. Messages are well received
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Parent Hub
Simon Morley


Used Parent Hub for 3-4 years

Feb 2021

Parent Hub has worked very well for as a school. We are able to communicate quickly and effectively with parents.

Simon Morley found Parent Hub:
  • Significantly saves school money
    Fewer paper letters and text messages sent to parents
  • Significantly improves school processes
    Instant and easy communication with parents
  • Slightly improves parental engagement
    There is potential for increased parent engagement
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Parent Hub
Emily Kelsall

School Business Officer

Used Parent Hub for 7–12 months

Feb 2021

We love Parent Hub!

Emily Kelsall found Parent Hub:
  • Significantly saves school money
    We use it as a free service, it saves money on text messages
  • Significantly improves school processes
    Fast and traceable parent communication
  • Significantly improves parental engagement
    Great marketing tool
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Parent Hub
Virginie Sanchez

Office Administrator

Used Parent Hub for 1-2 years

Feb 2021

ParentHub is a very simple platform to use but an amazingly powerful tool. ParentHub can pride themselves on an extremely reliable system and an impressively reactive support team. I can't speak highly enough of their ability to listen and take suggestions onboard. ParentHub is in constant development, and so far always for the better!

Virginie Sanchez found Parent Hub:
  • Significantly saves school money
    We have been able to send all school letters and communications to our 300+ parents and carers in high res, colourful pdf thus saving on printing/paper/mailing costs. Sending targeted, instant direct messages to contacts - with the ability to track whether messages have been read - has been a huge time (and therefore money) saver for our school.
  • Moderately improves school processes
    The most recent and significant impact of ParentHub for our school has been on maintaining clear, smooth communications at all levels during each lockdown : - the main school channel is fed by our Headteacher and Children and Families Officer (school life updates, mental health resources and support, COVID19 information, etc) - each class has its own channel where teachers can post specific timetables, links to remote learning, useful reminders etc. - direct messages also allow teaching or admin staff to easily offer additional resources/support to individual children. Together with our school website, ParentHub has been instrumental in reaching out to our families at this difficult time in a very simple, cost effective and immediate way.
  • Significantly improves parental engagement
    The functionalities developed by ParentHub have improved parent engagement greatly: - the interactive dates/times in messages allow parents to easily add to their calendar and remember school events/appointments easily. - the search function mean parents can easily find a specific message/piece of information in past communications. - quite a few parents use the "e-mail the school" direct button from the school page on ParentHub to contact us. At our end we have been able to monitor when a parent became less (or in-)active, which enabled us to proactively contact them and offer support where needed.
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Parent Hub
Maxine Hall

School Business Manager

Used Parent Hub for 4-6 months

Dec 2020

I am very impressed with Parent Hub's functionality and ease of use.

Maxine Hall found Parent Hub:
  • Significantly saves school money
    We are saving admin time and have reduced resource expenditure.
  • Significantly improves school processes
    Many documents are delivered electronically ensuring receipt. Reduction in photocopying and admin time
  • Significantly improves parental engagement
    Parents are kept up to date and well informed as they receive documents electronically in a timely manner. They like the convenience of being able to access the information on their smart phones. They have also found it useful that they have the documents stored and they can refer back as often as required.
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Parent Hub
Charlene Hudson

Business Manager

Used Parent Hub for 3-4 years

Dec 2020

ParentHub is one of the best systems I have implemented in school and it has completely changed the office administration in terms of parental contact. It has improved parental enagagement enormously and allowed us to have a much wider understanding of our parents views on the school.

Charlene Hudson found Parent Hub:
  • Significantly saves school money
    Virtually no cost of contacting parents due to 100% app coverage
  • Significantly improves school processes
    Better communication, more valuable information sent to aprents, questionnaires sent out via ParentHub to monitor parental engagement/ school views
  • Significantly improves parental engagement
    We have 100% app coverage so every child has at least one parent who receives all direct communication from school.
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Parent Hub
Varinka Strong


Used Parent Hub for 3-4 years

Dec 2020

Excellent service, well received by parents, easy to operate. Cost Saving.

Varinka Strong found Parent Hub:
  • Significantly saves school money
    Reduced phone bills and text messaging
  • Significantly improves school processes
    Increased engagement with Parents
  • Significantly improves parental engagement
    Quick, efficient, fast response from parents
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Parent Hub
Lisa Watson

PA to the Headteacher

Used Parent Hub for 5 years+

Dec 2020

Parenthub is so easy to use, it is a fantastic way to be able to communicate with parents/carers. I use it daily to send home reminders, letters. We would have been completely lost without Parenthub during the COVID lockdown. The support is fantastic too, if I have ever been unsure of anything Mike is always available to help and talk me through. James has created and put together many a parent survey for us. All of the surveys have been great and easy for parents/carers to complete. I know that if there is ever anything I need or am unsure of, I can telephone or email and have a reply right away.

Lisa Watson found Parent Hub:
  • Significantly saves school money
    We use less paper & telephone calls
  • Significantly improves school processes
    Using Parenthub has had a huge impact and has made a considerable improvement to our communications between home and school with most of our parents and carers using the app.
  • Significantly improves parental engagement
    We have over 80% app coverage which is great!
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Dec 2020

A very helpful and useful tool in our school

Catherine Elliott found Parent Hub:
  • Significantly saves school money
    We would be sending a lot less paperwork out to parents
  • Significantly improves school processes
    Quick results as the email is instant
  • Slightly improves parental engagement
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Parent Hub
Anya Wakeling

School Business Manager

Used Parent Hub for 7–12 months

Dec 2020

We could not have coped as well through lockdown without Parenthub

Anya Wakeling found Parent Hub:
  • Significantly saves school money
    When all the parents use the App its free!
  • Significantly improves school processes
    Parenthub has been invaluable this year so Admin and teachers can send messages to the class and parents
  • Significantly improves parental engagement
    Our weekly homework goes out from the teacher to their class as well as the Newsletter to their parents
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