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Python in Pieces

Python in Pieces


Python in Pieces

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What is Python in Pieces?

Python in Pieces is an interactive coding environment, designed to build student and teacher confidence in the text-based coding language of Python. With the ability to easily translate from block-code to Python, in BOTH directions, students will quickly become empowered to progress from the expectations of KS2 through to KS3.

Educational Impact

build student knowledge
reduce teacher workload
provide school data
CompanyBusiness Name: 2Simple
HQ Location: United Kingdom
Founded: 2019
Age Range11-13, 14-16, 17-18
Features Free Code AreaDetailed Teacher Guides Data To Monitor Student ProgressionCompatibility With Micro:bitSeparate Teacher And Student InterfaceShare Work With Other Users
AccessibilityModerate features
PoliciesTerms of ServicePrivacy PolicyGDPR
RequirementsInternet - Low BandwidthInternet - High BandwidthDesktop - MacDesktop - WindowsDesktop - Chromebook

Web based so easy to set up

Set Up

Access to Python in Pieces is instant. No installation required, MIS integration available following purchase of a subscription.

SupportEmailFAQs/ForumKnowledge BasePhone Support
Home LearningParent Access

Parents can create the account.

Home user licences are available. Find out more from the 2Simple website

TagsCodingblock codingPython codePython

Python in Pieces Pricing

Pricing Plans

Free TrialPaid Subscription

Python in Pieces pricing starts from £300 / year

For a personalised quote for your school and multi-year discounts for Python in Pieces, please request a pricing quote.

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Python in Pieces Reviews

5 out of 5

from 2 Verified Reviews

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User rating



Python in Pieces
Kay Sawbridge

Faculty Leader Computing and IT

Used Python in Pieces for 6 months

Jul 2020

Love PiP, great learning platform, students really engage and are enthusiastic about the tasks. The videos and hints allow most students to work independently giving the teacher a chance to work with those that need a little extra help. Watching the code run aids understanding as does the ability to switch from blocks to text based coding. The teacher dashboard is great and I like that you can set tasks as assignments which are auto marked and then you can download the results to analyse where students may need a little extra suppor.

Kay Sawbridge found Python in Pieces:
  • Moderately improves attainment
    Engagement is far better and the students are able to work more independently.
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Students can solve the challenges on their own and look at the videos and hints to reinforce their knowledge. It gives them a sense of achievement to finish each level. They can see their code running line by line a debug with the help of the hints if needed.
  • Moderately increases student collaboration
    Students ask each other if they are stuck and can work together to solve challenges
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Self marking and gives some feedback to individual students
  • Significantly provides school data
    Student progress can be downloaded and monitored
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Python in Pieces
Rhiannon Dumpleton

Computer Science and IT Teacher

Used Python in Pieces for Around 6 months

Jul 2020

While some schools might be wary of the price, I think that it is very much worth it. It saves time on planning and marking, and can be used across multiple year groups. The fact that each section is 6 lessons long makes it fit well into any half-term, for students who then need extra work, or if you have lessons left over with no work to complete, you can set them a challenge and let them loose on the freecode option.

Rhiannon Dumpleton found Python in Pieces:
  • Significantly improves attainment
    I have been able to use this with both KS4 and KS5 students who have not previously had any experience with Python, but need to get up to speed quickly, this has helped them to do so. I have also been able to support very low ability students much better, as they are able to look at the guidance given on the website (videos for example) and therefore not need me to be with them quite so much, thus allowing me to help all students much easier.
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Similar to my previous answer, PiP is just such a great resource to allow students to work more independently on building their knowledge of Python (which has been perfect during lockdown) while allowing me to keep track of their progress. When they are stuck, I can simply "log in" as them and see exactly where they are and what they've done wrong.
  • Slightly increases student collaboration
    I have not been able to test this
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    When lockdown was announced there was a panic in my department of how we are going to quickly create a scheme of work that is appropriate and accessible at home. PiP, being a website, meant that all the students needed was access to the internet and their login details, once that was set up, we didn't need to do any planning or marking, as PiP did that for us, we just had to check in on students (which was very easy to do, as I could click on a class and see the names of students who has attempted the work, how far they had got, and how many times they needed help).
  • Moderately provides school data
    It is so easy to extract the data from the website, I can easily see how my students are getting on, who is struggling, and who is flying ahead.
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Last updated 27th March 2025
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