Quality pedagogy award
Learning goals

What is SPÖDY?

SPÖDY is an innovative educational platform designed to enhance the learning experience for students and educators alike. It integrates advanced technology with pedagogical strategies to create a dynamic and interactive learning environment. SPÖDY aims to bridge the gap between traditional teaching methods and modern educational needs, making learning more engaging and effective. By leveraging data analytics and personalized learning paths, SPÖDY ensures that each student receives the support they need to succeed.

One of the standout aspects of SPÖDY is its user-friendly interface, which allows educators to easily create and manage lesson plans, assignments, and assessments. The platform also offers real-time feedback and analytics, enabling teachers to monitor student progress and adjust their teaching strategies accordingly. Additionally, SPÖDY supports a wide range of multimedia content, including videos, interactive simulations, and gamified learning activities, which cater to different learning styles and keep students motivated.

In schools, SPÖDY is typically implemented through a collaborative approach involving teachers, administrators, and IT staff. Training sessions are conducted to ensure that all users are comfortable with the platform's features and functionalities. Schools often start with a pilot program to test the system and gather feedback before a full-scale rollout. Continuous support and professional development opportunities are provided to help educators maximize the platform's potential and integrate it seamlessly into their teaching practices.

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Certified Pedagogical Quality

Certified by Education Alliance Finland,

EAF Evaluation is an academically-backed approach to evaluating the pedagogical design of a product. EAF evaluators assess the product using criteria that covers the most essential pedagogical aspects in the learning experience.

Learning goals

Certified by Education Alliance Finland

The supported learning goals are identified by mapping the product against the selected reference curriculum and soft skills definitions most relevant for the 21st century.

  • Practicing to work with others
  • Practising visual recognition
  • Learning about different languages
  • Enabling the growth of positive self-image
  • Using technology for interaction and collaboration
  • Practicing fine motor skills
  • Understanding and practicing safe and responsible uses of technology
  • Practicing memorizing skills
  • Päivittäinen fyysinen aktiivisuus tukee lasten ajattelua ja pohdintaa.
  • Learning to find the joy of learning and new challenges
  • Lasten matemaattisen ajattelun kehittymistä ja myönteistä suhtautumista matematiikkaan tuetaan.
  • Lapsia kannustetaan ulkoiluun ja liikunnallisiin leikkeihin kaikkina vuodenaikoina.
  • Harjoitellaan erilaisia lukutaitoja kuten kuvanlukutaito, numeerinen lukutaito, medialukutaito ja peruslukutaito.
  • Lapset oppivat käyttämään tieto- ja viestintäteknologiaa monipuolisesti ja turvallisesti.
  • Lapset tutustuvat erilaisiin tieto- ja viestintäteknologisiin välineisiin, sovelluksiin ja peleihin.
  • Lasten kanssa nimetään asioita ja esineitä sekä opetellaan erilaisia käsitteitä.
  • Practicing to take care of one's own wellbeing and health
  • Lapsia kannustetaan tutustumaan tutkivaan ja kokeilevaan työtapaan.
  • Lapset tutustuvat tietoteknologisiin laitteisiin ja teknisiin ratkaisuihin.
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