Review of Pobble
Rachael Wilding

Primary Head

Smart Vision School, United Arab Emirates

Used Pobble for 1 1/2 years

Jan 2020

It's the whole package, the support behind the platform, the networking it brings, the publishing, the joy of children interacting with other children's work, the prestige of being a genuine published author, the simplicity of the website and how it links with parents and comments on work.

Rachael Wilding found Pobble:
  • Significantly improves attainment
    our primary writing results have improved in every year group in the last academic year since using the Pobble platform. It has also upskilled the teachers with the CPD sessions to ensure all writing is of a higher standard.
  • Significantly reduces attainment gap
    We have found the use of Pobble has specifically helped us close the attainment gap between boys and girls. It has also supported our SEND students to achieve results more in line with year group expectations.
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency and productivity
    Unlike before when teachers would use prep time looking for examples of text. Students independently search out examples and are able to create their own success criteria linked to their writing focus by using Pobble examples. This has had a massive impact on all of our writing results and has boosted writing interest and confidence. Just last week I found two boys in ERIC time using Pobble as a reading text, I asked why and they said they enjoy reading other children's stories.
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    See point before (g)
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge and skills
    The CPD and support offered with a Pobble subscription is the best value for money going. Along with the opportunity to publish children's work, search through lesson planning and resources, the new version allows you to create your own resources. All of this has helped upskill our teachers in their delivery of writing lessons.
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