What is Class Charts?
Class Charts is an award -winning classroom management platform, offering data-driven approaches to seating plans, behaviour management, attendance, wellbeing and more.
The easy-to-use system was designed by a teacher with 16 years classroom experience and allows staff to store and track data on behaviour, homework, attendance, wellbeing and more, all in one place. It then uses this information to create intelligent seating plans that work for everyone and improve learning.
Not only does this one-stop approach reduce staff workload and stress, it encourages a proactive approach to addressing issues that may arise and enables teachers, students and parents to stay in touch easily with its secure, two-way messaging system. And it also offers the the added benefit of integrating seamlessly with our sister product Provision Map to include the most up-to-date SEN information.
Educational Impact
Business Name: Tes HQ Location: United Kingdom Founded: 2012 | |
5-7, 8-10, 11-13, 14-16, 17-18 | |
![]() | Instant Seating PlansInteraction HistoryBehaviour Management & AnalyticsBehavioursDetentionsSeating Plans HomeworkMessagingRegistrationMis Integration Ios And Android App Behaviour ManagementReward StoreAttendanceTrack Pupil WellbeingSeating PlansPupil InteractionsMonitor And Motivate PupilsAchievement And Behaviour PointsInstant Reports For TeachersInstant Reports For SltQuickly Take Am/pm AttendanceTake Lesson AttendanceTrack Pupil WellbeingMotivate & Engage PupilsIncentivise And Promote Positive BehaviourHelp Engage & Celebrate AchievementManage Detentions ProcessQuickly And Easily Share Information With Parents, Pupils And TeachersKeep Parents And Pupils InformedReward Store For MotivationTeacher, Parent & Pupil AppsWork Action Results BoardsFree Online TrainingSeating Plans In SecondsInstant Behaviour ReportsSend And Track AnnouncementsSet, Share, Monitor HomeworkUp-to-date Sen InformationAutomatic Mis Sync |
![]() | English |
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![]() | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Access to a PC, laptop, mobile or tablet needed but no technical background needed, anyone can use Class Charts. |
![]() | You can get set up instantly with an account and a member of the team will assist you with the knowledge to get the most out of Class Charts. |
![]() | ![]() ![]() We take pride in taking care of our clients; providing training, troubleshooting and assisting every step of the way. We offer free online training throughout your licence. A comprehensive Knowledge base is available for all registered users plus phone, chat and email support. How good is our support? Our fantastic level of support is one of the secrets of our success, rather than pump money into flashy marketing our approach is to do an outstanding job with our schools who then talk to others about how good we are at what we do. |
![]() | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Training & SupportWe take pride in taking care of our clients; providing training, troubleshooting and assisting every step of the way. We offer free online training throughout your licence. |
![]() | ![]() School must create the account. Depending on how your school has set up our system, you will be able to use ClassCharts to keep track of your child’s behaviour, view attendance records, access their weekly timetable, view assigned homework tasks, track scheduled detentions, create wellbeing submissions and view announcements from their school. If you have more than one child, you can access Class Charts information about your children from a single, centralised parent account. Class Charts for parents can be accessed via our website, or through our iOS and Android apps. |
![]() | Seating PlansPupil InteractionBehaviour managementHomework SoftwareBehaviour SoftwareAttendancePupil WellbeingReward StoreClassroom ManagementPupil AppsDetention ManagementCommunicationSchool Register OnlineSeating Plan SoftwareTake AttendaceTrack WellbeingClassroom AttendanceParent EngagementPupil EngagementRegistration |
Class Charts PricingPricing Plans Paid Subscription Class Charts pricing starts from £870 / year You can request a quote to get pricing based on your school. We offer a free trial account once you have had a demo. We will provide you with a pre-populated account which you can use to see if Class Charts is the right product for you. We are an all in one solution for classroom management so schools no longer need to pay for separate pieces of software for homework. rewards, behaviour etc. We save our schools thousands of pounds every year. ![]() |
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Class Charts Reviews
from 22 Verified Reviews
User rating
Nov 2024
Does everything it says it does!
Alison Coombs found Class Charts:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Record of behaviour, no need to analyse done for you”
- Moderately improves school processes“Attendance reporting”
- Significantly improves parent engagement“Communication can get to parents quickly allowing parents accurate up to date information”
- Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing“Pupils enjoy seeing the class charts and sharing behavior success with parents”
- Moderately improves attainment“Behaviour improved by class charts, calmer learning environment”

Oct 2024
Teachers like the ease of use
Deb found Class Charts:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Behaviour and Seating Plans”
- Moderately improves school processes“Recording Behaviour”
- Moderately improves parent engagement“Monitoring behaviour”
- Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing“Not able to give examples as I am office based”
- Slightly improves attainment“Not able to comment”

Sep 2024
It is just a brilliant product and is easy to use, straight forward and effective. I have used other products similar to this and this is the most effective
Robyn Weldon found Class Charts:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“It is useful to have access to all of the SEND information all in one place such as learning passports etc.”
- Significantly improves school processes“It supports our 'on call' system, detentions and communications across the school”
- Significantly improves parent engagement“Announcement options which allows you to include parents in the receiving of announcements is excellent and parents also have access to see what homework students have”
- Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing“Classcharts supports and has impact on behavior and keeps an excellent record of student behavior positive and negative.”
- Slightly improves attainment“Staff can use classcharts to monitor attainment and some students log in to see their receipt of points”

Claire Dell
Receptionist and Administrator
Used Class Charts daily for 3-4 years
Oct 2023
In the last 3 years using ClassCharts I have only had to contact the help desk once due to 2 parents having issues and both parents had entered their information incorrectly! ClassCharts replied to my enquiry quickly. ClassCharts is very user friendly, I use it everyday in my role and would be lost without it.
Claire Dell found Class Charts:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Quick registration, Information all in the same place”
- Significantly improves school processes“All information is accessible quickly”
- Significantly improves parent engagement“Parents can see their child's homework and performance quickly”
- Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing“With the negative and positive point system, and parents can see when detentions have been issued and the reason why”
- Significantly improves attainment“Parents can see attendance, and reports can be run internally”

Sep 2023
I would like to give it higher but have a list of developments we would like to see added.
Samena found Class Charts:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Easy to add positives and negatives. Easy to access at home. User friendly.”
- Significantly improves school processes“Events can be automated so staff don't need to look for everything.”
- Significantly improves parent engagement“Parents use the app to track attendance and behaviours.”
- Slightly improves behaviour or wellbeing
- Slightly improves attainment

Joanne Lipson
Exam Officer/Administrator
Used Class Charts daily for 5 years+
Jul 2023
I think if used fully it is a great asset for school and parents
Joanne Lipson found Class Charts:
- Slightly reduces teacher workload“Class charts is not used to its full potential in this school as yet.”
- Moderately improves school processes“Attendance”
- Moderately improves parent engagement“Again not used fully. Not all parents are signed up yet. We have only had in this school just over 1 year.”
- Slightly improves behaviour or wellbeing“Not used fully. Other systems running along side it.”
- Does not significantly improve attainment

Jul 2023
I have found the package so helpful to monitor good and bad behaviour. I use the activity tab to proactively deal with bad behaviour. I have set up intel events so middle managers are aware of issues. I have set up intel events for parents. I celebrate the best points weekly. I use red and green points in middle manager and SLT meetings.
Karen found Class Charts:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Saved time with seating plans, referring incidents,...”
- Significantly improves school processes“Logging behaviour issues, setting up detentions, contacting home,...”
- Significantly improves parent engagement“Monitoring behaviour and attendance”
- Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing“Green positive points improve wellbeing and red point reduce behaviour issues - proactive behaviour management”
- Significantly improves attainment“Better class behaviour means better learning”

Jul 2023
The front end of the product is very well designed, visually appealing and easy for users to navigate. However, the back end has some limitations; it is not always possible to design reports to function in the desired way and some aspects of the system do not communicate well with some others.
Lee found Class Charts:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“The ability to summarise behaviour data into easily digestible formats.”
- Slightly improves school processes“It can be used to automatically notify staff of various events and triggers.”
- Slightly improves parent engagement“Those parents who are already engaged can use it to monitor their child's behaviour in school.”
- Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing“The ability to recognise and reward positive behaviour can have an impact on some students.”
- Does not significantly improve attainment“A consequence of recognising positive behaviours will naturally be that some students are more engaged in class.”

Jul 2023
Overall, a very good package, but some improvements could still be made.
Joe found Class Charts:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Not having to do manual paper-based seating plans, pupil data on seating plans updated automatically, allocation of reward/sanction points”
- Moderately improves school processes“Seating plans with data available for observations”
- Slightly improves parent engagement
- Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing“Pupils are keen to use the rewards shop”
- Does not improve attainment

Jul 2023
Reports need to be improved for easier reading and also data manipulation. With it being over several rows it would be better to give answers/finding over columns, as you need to adjust or add the students name onto the row to sort/review data. Also the attendance needs to be better at importing into Sims as we've had to rollback to using attendance in sims due to this.
Katie Tomlinson found Class Charts:
- Slightly reduces teacher workload“For extracting data into progress leaders & governor reports it doesn't present nicly so each extraction has to be tweak before we can use them in our reports”
- Slightly improves school processes“Detentions are harder to manage at the end of school year. As detentions just continue into the next academic year. This we don't want as we want all DT's dealt with in the same academic year they were issued.”
- Moderately improves parent engagement“Parents are viewing behaviour/detentions, homework and also what rewards their children have.”
- Slightly improves behaviour or wellbeing“It's allowed more rewarding of good and negative behaviour. Due to how easy it is to issue to single and multiple students.”
- Slightly improves attainment

Jul 2023
Very effective teaching and learning tool. Intel events should be developed further. Attendance has been on 'Pilot' stage for some time
Mark Durbridge found Class Charts:
- Slightly reduces teacher workload“Easier to enter behaviour data”
- Significantly improves school processes“Main interface for teaching - seating plans and all attendance records.”
- Significantly improves parent engagement“Staff send more notifications to parents and students than previous”
- Does not significantly improve behaviour or wellbeing“Recording and analysis is positive - school needs to react appropriately to make improvements”
- Does not improve attainment“Again - school needs to react to available data”

Attendance Officer
Used Class Charts daily for 7–12 months
Jul 2023
some great bits, but simple changes to some areas would make a big improvement - teachers need the ability to add a student to their list if they are extra in the class and notes on registers should not be typed over in reported absence and reported absence should automatically record the comment, as present you have to copy and paste also would be good to be able to add a comment to a register for the teacher to read but not have to put a mark in, at present when the teacher takes the register the cursor jumps over the - mark
Cordelia found Class Charts:
- Slightly reduces teacher workload
- Significantly improves school processes“missing registers”
- Moderately improves parent engagement“reported absence”
- Slightly improves behaviour or wellbeing“not my area”
- Slightly improves attainment“not my area”

Teacher, Head of Student Guidance
Used Class Charts weekly for 0–3 months
Jul 2023
My main problem with Class Charts is that we don't seem to be getting enough communication with those in charge of the product. I'm not sure why but my emails are very rarely replied to. This may be due to security settings blocking emails, I am not sure. However, I haven't had this problem with other systems before. At this rate, I think it is unlikely that our school will continue using Class Charts in the next academic year.
Richard found Class Charts:
- Does not significantly reduce teacher workload“A lot of teachers are choosing not to use it. We are still new to it but questions and follow ups continue not to be answered.”
- Does not significantly improve school processes“We are using it to compile information on students but again, not enough staff members are using it.”
- Does not improve parent engagement“We haven't used it in this way as of now.”
- Does not improve behaviour or wellbeing“It is mostly being used for recording information. Also, seating plans don't seem to be working quite how they should be.”
- Does not improve attainment“Students are not widely aware that Class Charts is being used.”

May 2023
Class chart's helps to track behavior and how to manage your attitude.
Nabeel uddin found Class Charts:
- Does not significantly reduce teacher workload“There's no impact on teaching workload”
- Significantly improves school processes“No”
- Significantly improves parent engagement“No”
- Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing“No”
- Significantly improves attainment“No”

Jun 2022
Joe found Class Charts:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload
- Significantly improves school processes
- Slightly improves parent engagement
- Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing“Points and reward shop”
- Moderately improves attainment

Jun 2022
Carl found Class Charts:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload
- Moderately improves school processes
- Moderately improves parent engagement
- Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing
- Slightly improves attainment

Jun 2022
There are a few areas which could be improved: - Reports and the data that can be pulled off - Icons on seating plans are very hard to read - Being able to colour code seating plans based on a number of criteria
Sazida found Class Charts:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Administration of detentions is easier via CC”
- Moderately improves school processes“Scheduling of detentions, communication of data with parents”
- Moderately improves parent engagement“Parents rewarding children for positives on CC”
- Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing“Students aware that data is being shared with parents/guardians”
- Slightly improves attainment

Nathaniel Howell
Assistant Head Teacher
Used Class Charts daily for 3-4 years
Jun 2022
ClassCharts is missing a few minor improvements that would help to take the score to a 9, mainly the ability to run certain reports about parent and student logins and also the ability to compartmentalise the store (we have a lower, middle and upper school).
Nathaniel Howell found Class Charts:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“If points are regularly awarded and comments used well, then it supports with report writing and reduces the need for parent communication.”
- Moderately improves school processes“End of term awards are influenced by classcharts, it is a part of the school's behaviour policy and the intel events help to support with appropriate and timely student interventions.”
- Moderately improves parent engagement“Parents can check ClassCharts instead of contacting teachers for regular updates.”
- Slightly improves behaviour or wellbeing“When ClassCharts is used consistently and effectively it can support with improving behaviour by helping students to be more self-aware of the positive behaviours they demonstrate and also to remind them of where they can strive for improvement.”
- Slightly improves attainment“For some students in some classes, ClassCharts is a supportive influence that encourages them to stay on task for longer.”

Jun 2022
Follow up support from Classcharts is not great when you need advice on how to streamline it
Ange found Class Charts:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“quick way to alert team to behaviour issues”
- Moderately improves school processes“swift intervention”
- Moderately improves parent engagement
- Slightly improves behaviour or wellbeing
- Does not significantly improve attainment

Jun 2022
It’s amazing! Easy to use, really responsive to queries and suggestions, always evolving
Jamie Wordsworth found Class Charts:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“All in one place, no wider systems needed”
- Significantly improves school processes“Attendance, behaviour”
- Significantly improves parent engagement“Sharing behaviour data”
- Slightly improves behaviour or wellbeing
- Slightly improves attainment

Jun 2022
Great product but sometimes let down by simplicity especially on attendance dashboards. Being able to input attainment would make it a more rounded solution where behaviour, attendance and progress could be reported via one route.
Rick Moss found Class Charts:
- Slightly reduces teacher workload“Easy analytics and input of data”
- Moderately improves school processes“Focused behaviour policy. Help raise the importance of attendance”
- Does not significantly improve parent engagement“40% take up. Would be improved by including progress data.”
- Slightly improves behaviour or wellbeing“Behaviour v positive.”
- Does not improve attainment

Jun 2022
Brilliant system - user friendly for teacher, students and parents!
Peter Lee found Class Charts:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Simple , few clicks to register rewards! No need for phone call home - instant update to parents via the app”
- Significantly improves school processes“All year groups have Class Charts on a large screen TV in their office - means staff can respond and intervene in real time - like the old Grandstand vidi printer...”
- Significantly improves parent engagement“over 90% of our parents regularly interact with the app daily”
- Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing“Positives and negative input with ease”
- Significantly improves attainment“At a glance seating plans make accessible information for teacher”