Review of Class Charts
Class Charts

Teacher, Head of Student Guidance

Gunma Kokusai Academy, Japan

Used Class Charts weekly for 0–3 months

Jul 2023

My main problem with Class Charts is that we don't seem to be getting enough communication with those in charge of the product. I'm not sure why but my emails are very rarely replied to. This may be due to security settings blocking emails, I am not sure. However, I haven't had this problem with other systems before. At this rate, I think it is unlikely that our school will continue using Class Charts in the next academic year.

Richard found Class Charts:
  • Does not significantly reduce teacher workload
    A lot of teachers are choosing not to use it. We are still new to it but questions and follow ups continue not to be answered.
  • Does not significantly improve school processes
    We are using it to compile information on students but again, not enough staff members are using it.
  • Does not improve parent engagement
    We haven't used it in this way as of now.
  • Does not improve behaviour or wellbeing
    It is mostly being used for recording information. Also, seating plans don't seem to be working quite how they should be.
  • Does not improve attainment
    Students are not widely aware that Class Charts is being used.
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