What is ClassVR?
ClassVR is everything your school needs to bring virtual reality to the classroom.
A ‘standalone’ Virtual Reality headset complete with a unique student-friendly interface, gesture controls, embedded educational resources and simple-to-use teacher controls. ClassVR is a groundbreaking technology that's designed to help raise engagement & increase knowledge retention for students of all ages.
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ClassVR Reviews
from 15 Verified Reviews
User rating
Amista Nielson
Quantitative Science Teacher
Used ClassVR weekly for 1-2 years
Feb 2023
ClassVR has many learning experiences and accommodates independent creations. Students have the freedom to try, make mistakes and succeed. The fact that it is all done in a safe, educational environment at the direction of the teacher makes it the best platform available.
Amista Nielson found ClassVR:
- Significantly increases student collaboration“Students are able to overcome personal biases by working with others outside their peer groups and getting new perspectives on different cultures when using the ClassVR for human studies.”
- Significantly improves attainment“When students are able to interact with the world around them, they are more likely to retain the information than just writing answers down from a book or notes. Immersive experiences are much better and hold their attention”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“VR allows students to make mistakes and correct themselves while getting instant feedback. It is a nonjudgmental environment which is essential for allowing students who don’t want to take the risk to give it a go.”

Jan 2023
Marios found ClassVR:
- Significantly increases student collaboration
- Significantly improves attainment
- Significantly builds student knowledge

Dr. James G. Murray, Jr.
Used ClassVR weekly for 7–12 months
Dec 2022
We believe our school is the first elementary school in the world to introduce young learners to quantum physics. ClassVR enables us to use the power of virtual reality to help students make meaning of complex subject matter.
Dr. James G. Murray, Jr. found ClassVR:
- Significantly increases student collaboration“Students are working in teams to understand how photosynthesis works.”
- Significantly improves attainment“Using the VR simulation of The Gingerbread man, young students are better able to answer questions about key details and retell stories using key details.”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Using the VR simulation Photosynthesis, students are learning how to map the process of photosynthesis and exploring how, exactly, do plants absorb photons.”

Nov 2022
They are an excellent tool when used to accentuate the learning done in other areas of the curriculum
Daniel Swift found ClassVR:
- Moderately increases student collaboration“One person describing what they can see to another”
- Moderately improves attainment“Children can visualise elements they have been taught about, bringing the learning to life”
- Moderately builds student knowledge“You can expose children to things they wouldn't normally experience”

Nov 2022
We think more schools and children should benefit from ClassVR and have featured the headsets and your company on our national podcast.
Dave Waters found ClassVR:
- Significantly increases student collaboration“It is part of our EdTech bus so we use it for history, geography & science learning on the bus.”
- Significantly improves attainment“We even had the DfE visit our bus and classroom to see ClassVR in use with children and they asked children about what they can see via their headsets.”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“It also helps with phonics and literacy”

Danny Cain
I.T Technician
Used ClassVR weekly for 3-4 years
Oct 2022
KWS has been using the Avantis LMS class VR portal subscription and I would like to praise this learning solution for Teachers and Technicians like myself that are trying to persuade teachers to use the headsets for their lessons. This is because it provides hundreds or resources for different subjects which is amazing and useful for planning lessons. We haven't used the Avantis World yet but will be looking into how we can implement this in the future for the school.
Danny Cain found ClassVR:
- Significantly increases student collaboration“Students are really engaged with the lesson when they are asked questions in the lesson. They engage very well in the interactive videos and feel really immersed in the virtual world. This has helped them with answering their questions in their tests and helps solidify this learning for revision later on.”
- Significantly improves attainment“Many students are achieving higher ability by using the headsets in the lessons and many have made progress to make an improvement to their ability and understanding of the work set.”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Because of the 3D videos and images this helps the students understand a 360 environment and get to see everything in more detail compared to a normal google picture or a YouTube video.”

Bob Baldie
Principal Teacher Technical Subjects
Used ClassVR monthly for 1-2 years
Oct 2022
Nothing is ever 10 and had a small problem with the wifi - but not Class Vr’s making. It now works flawlessly in my class room.
Bob Baldie found ClassVR:
- Moderately increases student collaboration“Pupils can work in pairs sharing resources and talking about their experience in a “think pair share exercise”. In general in they loosen classes to discuss a shared focussed experience”
- Significantly improves attainment“It increases formative assessment significantly around higher Order skills where pupils are able to analyse and evaluate problems/ situations as they have a greater understanding by immersing themselves in it. Eg plastics in the ocean topic”
- Moderately builds student knowledge“Pupils are noticeably more engaged in the topic and their recall is significantly better because of the immersiveness of the experience.”

Oct 2022
We have had a lot of success using the headsets. It is easy for teachers and students to use. The support from ClassVR if needed, is excellent.
Mark Savery found ClassVR:
- Significantly increases student collaboration“Student discussion, particularly after having viewed video and image content together, can be much richer. It allows them to experience things up close (like swimming with sharks and seeing the fluidity of their movement etc) that they wouldn't have otherwise been able to see . Their discussions after these experiences are exciting to see unravel.”
- Significantly improves attainment“ClassVR can help students that are reluctant learners or that may struggle in a written test, but can view and then describe what they are seeing. We witnessed a student who was largely non-verbal in class, but when viewing content through ClassVR came alive and couldn't stop talking about what he saw.”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“ClassVR can bring a depth and richness to an experience as it can bring their knowledge to life - rather than looking at still images. For example - being able to see a cross section of a volcano, being able to watch a volcanic eruption as if you were standing there and seeing the different stages etc.”

Walberto Alexis Flores Fuentes
Educational Technology Coordinator
Used ClassVR monthly for 1-2 years
Oct 2022
Its a really good learning experience by their content and the way it present
Walberto Alexis Flores Fuentes found ClassVR:
- Moderately increases student collaboration“Talk about their experiences”
- Significantly improves attainment“They get engagement about what they see and heard in each world”
- Moderately builds student knowledge“Because they learn about different topics”

Deputy Head
Used ClassVR occasionally for 1-2 years
Oct 2022
It would be better if the product was a little more 'pick up and go', especially for staff who are less au fait with using tech.
David found ClassVR:
- Slightly increases student collaboration“Class VR increases pupil engagement and allows things to appear more tangible, so therefore the level of their conversations increases.”
- Slightly improves attainment“We have no data on this”
- Moderately builds student knowledge“laces 'visited' or things seen appear more real. More of the senses are used (e.g. sound) and so more information can be taken in. VR is a more immersive experience.”

Simon Luxford-Moore
Head of eLearning
Used ClassVR weekly for 5 years+
Sep 2022
As a teacher, it is the easiest and most cost effective platform on the market and, most importantly, teachers can create their own content and design specific experiences for their range of learners. The ClassVR team are also personable, reactive and keen to involve teachers in the design and implementation of new resources.
Simon Luxford-Moore found ClassVR:
- Significantly increases student collaboration“Paired work to develop descriptive and emotional language. Sharing of CoSpaces and ThingLink materials via ClassVR headsets.”
- Significantly improves attainment“The technology allows for immersive, experiential learning which gives children opportunities to learn in a preferred dynamic and learning style. Improving understanding and engagement reflects in better attainment.”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“21CLD advocates Knowledge Construction and using VR allow children to take learned facts and use them to create new evidence of skills being transferred.”

Feb 2022
Considering ClassVR was sold to us as an “educational” resource, rather than other VR systems that are more entertainment based, or just general knowledge, we are struggling to match content to the objectives of our curriculum.. The issue we have is that there are not enough resources specifically for the English Primary National Curriculum. I doubt the creators of the content have even looked at the UK’s Primary National Curriculum. I’m sure they get a lot more use out of ClassVR in America.
Paul found ClassVR:
- Slightly increases student collaboration“The children in Year 6 using the trench VR from WW1 enabled to talk about what they had learned and get more of a feeling for what it must have been like for the soldiers. The volcano AR (and other mountains) helped the children discuss mountains more easily.”
- Slightly improves attainment“Not yet!”
- Moderately builds student knowledge“We are a knowledge based curriculum school. Being able to see certain aspects of what they are learning helps the children to retain knowledge better than they may have.”

Feb 2022
The goggles don't always connect and I think there are better options out there.
Brad found ClassVR:
- Moderately increases student collaboration“When our goggles work, it opens new learning opportunities. The problem is, usually a few of ours don't work.”
- Moderately improves attainment“It opens new doors”
- Moderately builds student knowledge“It brings a new view to the things that they are learning about”

Aug 2021
The resources can be personalised and created to suit individuals, therefore they enhance teaching and learning. Other products are pre-created and are often used to direct learning which should never be the case. Teachers teach and use resources to facilitate that knowledge and understanding to their pupils, they should not be led by resources.
Simon found ClassVR:
- Significantly increases student collaboration“Empathy through immersive experiences. Emotional connections with subjects. Access and equality to learning and (virtual) school visits. Aids transition and experiences for neuro-diverse learners.”
- Significantly improves attainment“We have seen our youngest writers using greater descriptive and emotional vocabulary in their writing, which has been inspired with VR content. It helps learners to absorb and retain information through the variety of media.”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Same as prior answer.”

Aug 2021
We have had a great experience with ClassVR over the past 4 years. Their devices are easy to transport and utilise in the classroom the teacher portal is easy to navigate and their resources provide hundreds of educational experiences ready to easily access. It's designed to allow staff and students to virtually explore all aspects of the curriculum in an interactive and engaging experience. As a Head of eLearning, if it's easy for our staff and students, then it will be well used, and that's certainly been our experience.
Mark Savery found ClassVR:
- Significantly increases student collaboration“ClassVR is a great tool for collaboration. Aside from being able to view rich 360 images and video content that can direct valuable discussion, ClassVR is setup for students working indivudually or as a group, to easily be able to create their own content that they can upload to the headsets, then share with their classmates.”
- Significantly improves attainment“We have found that students being able to interact with an immersive learning experience brings a greater engagement and a greater excitement for learning. We have had students who can be disengaged in class, but who come to life in their learning engaging with the VR headsets.”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“For a writing stimulus, students may have previously viewed an image of a shark in water. Through a VR experience they can watch an immersive video of a shark, seeing it up close, observing how it moves and navigates its habitat. There can be a much greater richness through an interactive VR experience. It’s great for our students to have the freedom to explore these different environments, while also as a teacher, being in control, able to direct where our students are looking (on the 360 images or videos) and engage with points of interest or objects throughout the lesson.”