What is Diagnostic Questions?
Diagnostic Questions is a world-leading assessment tool that provides detailed insights into student understanding in a fraction of the time, simultaneously reducing workload and improving student results and confidence.
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Mar 2019
Some of the Quizzes move too quickly to much harder questions. Repetition will help.
Kobus found Diagnostic Questions:
- Moderately builds student knowledge
- Moderately improves teaching efficiency and productivity
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Marking, Comparing answers, Statistics, Reason for answers.... Excellent”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge and skills
- Significantly saves school money“Printing”

Mar 2019
It's a very nice resource that helps my teaching
Joe found Diagnostic Questions:
- Moderately builds student knowledge“When going through misconceptions after a quiz, or as a starter before a topic to test prior knowledge”
- Moderately improves teaching efficiency and productivity“See above”
- Slightly reduces teacher workload“Not at my school, but it could elsewhere. I do make a lot of mini assessments from DQs”
- Does not significantly improve teacher knowledge and skills“Not that I have seen”
- Slightly saves school money“It doesn't cost but I'm the only one that uses it often”

Mar 2019
I find DQ very useful for some students.
Catherine found Diagnostic Questions:
- Significantly builds student knowledge
- Slightly improves teaching efficiency and productivity
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“It is an easy to access of topic based questions.”
- Moderately improves teacher knowledge and skills“Reminds me of common misconceptions. ”
- Slightly saves school money

Mar 2019
its got great resources but the feedback needs to be easier, maybe similar to Ihub
Craig Liddle found Diagnostic Questions:
- Moderately builds student knowledge“Reinforce what we are doing”
- Moderately improves teaching efficiency and productivity
- Slightly reduces teacher workload“the feedback part is very time consuming and complex to use”
- Moderately improves teacher knowledge and skills“can help with subject knowledge”
- Slightly saves school money“Unsure yet on impact on budget, potentially yes”

Mar 2019
I really believe in the system and think that it could revolutionise some aspects to teaching but it just needs a few tweaks.
Tom found Diagnostic Questions:
- Slightly builds student knowledge“I think that it helps us but we have hit a number of administrative issues which means that our view may be slightly warped. We will however continue with the system as we believe in it but we just need more time to demonstrate its true worth.”
- Does not significantly improve teaching efficiency and productivity“Yes and no, when it is working and there are no issues but as said previously we have a number of admin barriers which make it difficult. There has been no issue with the support we have had but it just feels like it takes up too much time against what we can get at this current time.”
- Does not significantly reduce teacher workload“At the moment no, but I think it could. If there was the ability to just hit a button to sync the MIS with DQ that would be amazing. If there was a quick way it could link to Show my homework that would be even better. Also, if more teachers could edit a SOW as we have split classes and as we teach continually rather than splitting topics it makes it difficult to use some features.”
- Does not significantly improve teacher knowledge and skills“It really will do when my department are dealing with the other issues, there are so many things that this will help with. ”
- Slightly saves school money“It is amazing it is free, and I know it may seem like I have done nothing but complain but we do really believe in it. It is sometimes difficult to get the staff to see the same worth as me due to the issues they have had.”

Terry Demello
Secondary Maths Teacher
Used Diagnostic Questions for 2 years
Mar 2019
Excellent teaching aid, free to use and online.
Terry Demello found Diagnostic Questions:
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Revises topics covered for their IGCSE Exam and introduces topics still not covered”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency and productivity“By checking on the misconceptions I emphasized the things they were doing wrong”
- Slightly reduces teacher workload“Quick, already marked and immediate feedback”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge and skills“Good revision aid”
- Significantly saves school money“Less photocopying ”

Mar 2019
Very good resource, could be improved in a couple of areas.
Harry Bakewell found Diagnostic Questions:
- Moderately builds student knowledge“Used as homework tool to develop understanding or check for misconceptions across a class or year group.”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency and productivity“Homework. Self marked, answers available and misconceptions shown.”
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Previous answer.”
- Slightly improves teacher knowledge and skills“Mastery questions to ensure what is being taught in lesson is what is expected for a greater depth pupil nationally.”
- Slightly saves school money

Mar 2019
It is just so useful and helpful. An amazing resource.
Richard found Diagnostic Questions:
- Significantly builds student knowledge“We use the questions at the start of all maths lessons. Each class begins with three questions. 1 on something we did 2 terms ago, 1 on something we did 1 term ago and 1 question onsomething we did the day before.”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency and productivity“MCQ that are already made and well designed saves lots of time”
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“so many quality questions that w can use”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge and skills“The misconceptions that the questions show are excellent and force teachers to think more deeply about what mistakes the children make/will make”
- Significantly saves school money“It is free, amazing.”

Mar 2019
I strongly believe in the principles of identifying misconceptions and firmly believe the use of diagnostic questions impacts positively on learning
Scott found Diagnostic Questions:
- Significantly builds student knowledge
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency and productivity“Students who completed last year's KS2 stream did significantly better”
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Test marked and analysed online”
- Moderately improves teacher knowledge and skills“Awareness of misconceptions”
- Slightly saves school money“It's free”

Mar 2019
I loved the revision scheme 2 years ago for a higher group and recommended it but this year’s scheme doesn’t fit so easily and the students have not adopted it en masse like before.
Barbara Eggleton found Diagnostic Questions:
- Slightly builds student knowledge“Individuals using the revision programmes can diagnose and work on areas of weakness”
- Moderately improves teaching efficiency and productivity“The Pearson collections are test for starters and recap sessions and are usually fully relevant without having to create my own”
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“See previous answer ”
- Does not improve teacher knowledge and skills
- Slightly saves school money

Mar 2019
B Morgan found Diagnostic Questions:
- Moderately builds student knowledge“identifying gaps to work on”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency and productivity“showing where a class is on a topic before we start teaching it”
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“automated collection of student understanding, showing the questions students struggled with”
- Slightly improves teacher knowledge and skills
- Moderately saves school money“avoids alternative solution for afl”

Mar 2019
Love it now that it has the class download file for the scores for every quiz. Would just like it all in one place - still find I'm looking in DQ and the Eedi for different things. More importantly I'd like to be able to print a report easily from the insights page for an individual pupil, with their areas of weakness and the questions they have got wrong. With this I then sit down with the pupils who are struggling.
Robin Wallis found Diagnostic Questions:
- Moderately builds student knowledge
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency and productivity“It is the weekly homework, therefore I'm not forgetting to set HW and I can now easily see who has completed it and where the issues are withing the class.”
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“See above”
- Moderately improves teacher knowledge and skills“Shows common misconceptions, which can then be addressed”
- Slightly saves school money“Well its free, if it wasn't then we wouldn't have a great tool as we can only just afford free!”

Mar 2019
Best tool to serve its purpose so far.
Inga Moreno found Diagnostic Questions:
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Students passed at target grades or above.”
- Moderately improves teaching efficiency and productivity“Minimal time and a lot of impact for retrieval.”
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“No need to produce/think of misconception questions. They are there and can be used without any planning.”
- Slightly improves teacher knowledge and skills“Can not tell. I am a specialist so knowledge wise I can not see improvement but skills to come up with a "tricky" question improve because of the diagnostic questions. ”
- Significantly saves school money“No need for printing sheets for starters”

Mar 2019
Needs to go back to how it was before eedi. 2 questions a day was perfect
Lewis found Diagnostic Questions:
- Moderately builds student knowledge“Regular use of app”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency and productivity“Increased usage”
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Data already available”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge and skills“When I use it myself”
- Slightly saves school money“Not my line of qork”

Subject leader for maths
Used Diagnostic Questions for since it started
Mar 2019
it can be awesome but is often too challenging for students
Jon found Diagnostic Questions:
- Slightly builds student knowledge“depends on the student”
- Slightly improves teaching efficiency and productivity“gets straight to the point”
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“pre made misconception questions”
- Moderately improves teacher knowledge and skills“very good for non specialists”
- Slightly saves school money

Mar 2019
Alex found Diagnostic Questions:
- Does not significantly build student knowledge
- Moderately improves teaching efficiency and productivity
- Does not reduce teacher workload
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge and skills
- Does not save school money