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iSpace Wellbeing Curriculum

iSpace Wellbeing Curriculum


iSpace Wellbeing Curriculum

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What is iSpace Wellbeing Curriculum?

The iSpace Wellbeing and #iWonder curriculums offer an exciting whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing children aged 4-16. Our curriculums provide age appropriate frameworks including who and how to ask for help, and a common language, which encourage conversations about mental, emotional, social and physical health to become part of everyday school and home life.

The award-winning curriculums provide a proactive progressieve and preventative approach to mental health and wellbeing; supporting schools in achieving the Governments new Mental Health, Relationships and Sex Education requirements. Schoosl can have complete confidence that mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing are addressed in our curriculums as part of your PSHE.

Online CPD accredited teacher training means that teachers benefit from increased confidence to deliver the curriculum and improved understanding about wellbeing. Teachers also benefit from fast onboarding and immediate access to over 200 complete lesson plans and resources to reduce their time spent planning lessons,

Educational Impact

improve teacher knowledge
improve teacher wellbeing
improve school processes
Improves Behaviour / Wellbeing
improve parent engagement
reduce teacher workload
CompanyHQ Location: United Kingdom
Age Range0-4, 5-7, 8-10, 11-13, 14-16
PoliciesTerms of ServicePrivacy PolicyGDPR
RequirementsDesktop - MacDesktop - WindowsDesktop - ChromebookMobile - iPhoneMobile - iPadMobile - WindowsMobile - Android

Account setup, teacher orientation, implementation

Set Up

On completion of purchase registration is immediate


We can offer a range of training programmes for additional fees dependent on school's requirements.

SupportEmailFAQs/ForumPhone Support
Home LearningParent AccessParent Supervision

Parents can create the account.

Parents can purchase the curriculum for home school use and additionally parents may want to puchase the tool kits and books to continue learning at home to support the school. The Took kits and books are available via the shop on our website

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iSpace Wellbeing Curriculum Reviews

5 out of 5

from 4 Verified Reviews

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iSpace Wellbeing Curriculum


St Johns walsall, England

Used iSpace Wellbeing Curriculum weekly for 7–12 months

Mar 2022

Ispace is a fabulous resource. It has been extremely helpful to our children in expressing their feelings, but also giving them the means to. The children feel understood and it is taught in such a child friendly way, children often reflect on previous experiences and are able to make sense of them.

Emma found iSpace Wellbeing Curriculum:
  • Slightly reduces teacher workload
    Notes and resources for each lesson are extremely helpful
  • Significantly improves teacher wellbeing
    Mindful activities help. Pick a pair, breathing. Mindfulness as well. Being able to refer to situations in ispace terms e.g asteroids helps us all to understand what’s going on without elaboration if not needed.
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
    The training was excellent as well as the lesson plans and slides.
  • Significantly improves school processes
    More disclosures. Children feeling listened to even more and understood.
  • Slightly improves parent engagement
    To be worked on. We have sent newsletters home explaining ispace. This has led to a pupil well-being questionnaire being sent home too.
  • Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing
    Children often refer to the strategies taught. The acronym, the breathing etc in difficult and challenging situations
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iSpace Wellbeing Curriculum
Charlotte Harris

Head of Y3

Used iSpace Wellbeing Curriculum for Schools and Children 4-13 for 3 years

Aug 2020

It is a fantastic, user friendly and child centred resource that has opened up the wider discussion of Wellbeing at my school - which can only be a good thing. It has benefitted me as a Wellbeing teacher and has definitely benefitted the children in my care. I think the tools and space theme are superb and I look forward to continuing to help my students learn to help themselves by talking, sharing stories and building resilience through our iSpace sessions. 10/10 from me!

Charlotte Harris found iSpace Wellbeing Curriculum for Schools and Children 4-13:
  • Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing
    It has helped our school find a universal vocabulary which has in turn, led to the children vocalising their worries with confidence and eloquence and understanding that they are not alone.
  • Does not significantly reduce teacher workload
    The workload is not reduced but the resources are very easily accessible so I do not have to fish around looking for relevant resources as it is all there in one place. This also means that we are all teaching wellbeing in the same fashion, which means there is a ‘through line’ for pupils and we know that wellbeing is being taught thoroughly and consistently throughout the school.
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge and skills
    They unit on how the brain works was very informative, the fight or flight urge. My understanding of my pupils feelings has developed greatly through our iSpace discussion work and shared stories.
  • Slightly improves school processes
    I’m not sure I totally understand this question. Sorry.
  • Significantly improves parental engagement
    We have many parents purchasing the tool kits and using them at home. They are asking us for support in supporting their children. Parents have also found their children more able to discuss their feelings.
  • Does not significantly improve behaviour or wellbeing
    I wish it did, however I don’t think we have implemented the strategies in our own Common Room, but it has helped me as a parent and in my own home.
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iSpace Wellbeing Curriculum
Claire Pepler

Director of Music, iSpace Wellbeing Co-ordinator

Used iSpace Wellbeing Curriculum for Schools and Children 4-13 for One academic year - started in September 2019

Jul 2020

We are still within the first year of its introduction, but the way that it runs throughout the whole school to date, has enabled the children, the staff and in many cases the parents, to start using the same language, when talking about their wellbeing. The toolkit idea on which it is based, has been particularly effective and as the children progress through the school, they will be able to develop their strategies to help them with a positive approach to wellbeing. As it becomes established in the school, it is apparent that iSpace and #iWonder are allowing the children to talk more freely about their thoughts and opinions. The cards have been immensely useful for the those (younger) children who need more 1:1, or small group support. Parents are very much part of the journey and it has been particularly useful during this period of online learning, to be able to present the lessons not only to the children, but to the parents helping at home. iSpace has strengthened that three-way link between children, teachers and parents - a link which is essential for the success of a wellbeing curriculum. Before embarking on the iSpace curriculum, Dulwich Prep had recently introduced Place2Be to the school, so iSpace and #iWonder have also benefited from those links.

Claire Pepler found iSpace Wellbeing Curriculum for Schools and Children 4-13:
  • Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing
    Children feel more able to talk about niggles and stressors, using a common language. As a result, I feel that they have also been able to help each other when necessary.
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    The way that we run the curriculum, is that I present a weekly assembly to the children, by way of introducing the planet/lesson. The form teachers then use their 35 minute PSHE lesson to deliver the activities and ask the children to complete the worksheets etc. As the iSpace co-ordinator, I provide support to the children individually or in small groups for regular or one-off iSpace chats. This is providing support to the children, but not eating into the form teacher's time. Feedback is given to the form teacher where relevant.
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge and skills
    Yes - in terms of knowledge of their pupils and any niggles they have. Also, as the form teachers are part of the assemblies, they have a greater knowledge of the curriculum being covered at the time and the language that is used.
  • Significantly improves school processes
    I think that anything that may arise as a result of the iSpace chats and curriculum activities will be considered in many of the school processes. It will have an impact on classes and friendship dynamics and it will be considered when grouping children in various situations.
  • Significantly improves parental engagement
    Parent engagement has particularly improved as a result of the online learning last term. I did a weekly iSpace lesson directly into the children's homes and as a result of most of the parents being present, they have had a great introduction into iSpace and now have a much better understanding of it. Parents were also invited to a meeting with Paula, which gave them an opportunity to engage with the curriculum. A few have as a result, asked me to talk to their children about certain anxieties, or asked my advice as to how to help their children at home. Children have also gone home to talk about what they have learnt in iSpace that day and parents have fed back - which is very positive.
  • Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing
    I do firmly believe that the teachers are committed to this new curriculum and have taken it onboard. Their positive approach has had an effect on the way they teach PSCHE and they are actually doing the breathing techniques themselves. This must have a positive impact on the teachers' wellbeing. I also think that the overall success of iSpace at Dulwich has seen a positive effect on their wellbeing, as they experience such positive responses from the children.
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iSpace Wellbeing Curriculum
Stefannie Wright

Head of Pre-Prep

Used iSpace Wellbeing Curriculum for Schools and Children 4-13 for 4 years

Jul 2020

An excellent resource, user friendly and relevant. Works in a progressive way, developing children's understanding of their own wellbeing as well as that of others as they grow. Looking forward to seeing the impact of the #iWonder too.

Stefannie Wright found iSpace Wellbeing Curriculum for Schools and Children 4-13:
  • Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing
    Calming influence of children when they are encouraged to think about the breathing, rocket launching. Ability to discuss 'niggles'.
  • Moderately reduces teacher workload
    All prep prepared resources and lesson plans alongside the online stories are a great help.
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge and skills
    Widens the horizons and makes all staff consider the impact of the scheme on the children as well as their own wellbeing. Works as a great focal point for discussions too.
  • Moderately improves school processes
    A more coherent approach to dealing with the children and developing an all round language that the children and staff are familiar with.
  • Slightly improves parental engagement
    A few parents have taken on board the scheme, talking with their children where appropriate.
  • Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing
    yes for those willing to embrace it!
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