What is Learning Village?
The Learning Village is an award-winning blended EAL online blended vocabulary, language structure and reading programme for new to English, SEND and low level literacy learners. It supports induction to English, gap-filling and pre-teaching of vocabulary and language structures, for independent learning, small-group teaching and differentiation in class.
SEND and EAL learners of any language background use image as the language of instruction alongside text and audio to gain confidence in the components of reading including vocabulary and language structures, phonics, spelling, comprehension and fluency.
The programme is divided into two parts: The Village, for learners aged 6 to 12 years, and The Islands, for learners aged 12 to 16 years. so it supports both Primary and Secondary levels and can be used for independent learning, small group teaching and class differentiation.
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Learning Village Reviews
from 17 Verified Reviews
User rating
Apr 2024
Great ready made resources and visuals linked to the curriculum that support English language learners
Alison found Learning Village:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Ready made resources, Curriculum link, alignment to BELL and CEFR”
- Moderately reduces attainment gap“The vocabulary resources are great. The visuals really help the children and are linked to the curriculum.”
- Moderately provides school data“We have a clear route to follow for our Level 1 immersion group - The LV data allows us to judge when the children are ready to move to L2”
- Moderately improves teaching efficiency“As Eal Coordinator I regularly download LV resources and add as link to the planning docs for teachers to use.”
- Moderately improves attainment“The science activities have helped some of our children achieve 'expected' for their year group.”

Lilian Doyle
EAL Coordinator and HOD English (Secondary)
Used Learning Village daily for 1-2 years
Apr 2024
Overall, it helps improve student attainment, it helps TAs with less experience plan and sequence lessons, the students thoroughly enjoy using it, and it designed for independent learning which aids in teacher work load. It also allows students to see their progress on their language and phonics journeys which helps motivate them.
Lilian Doyle found Learning Village:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“I can have a group of students work on the Learning Village independently at the same time, giving me time to work 1:1 with targeted students. It has also been really helpful in helping less experienced TAs plan and sequence their lessons / support sessions.”
- Significantly reduces attainment gap“I think this is especially true with the phonics journey as we mostly use the Learning Village for phonics input and almost all students progress dramatically in their reading ages each term.”
- Moderately provides school data“It's helps us track students ability which informs part of our termly EAL assessments”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency“It helps us to plan and sequence lessons. Their training also provides valuable CPD for new TAs”
- Significantly improves attainment“The phonics journey helps improve reading accuracy. Students enjoy using the Learning Village so having them do something they enjoy also helps with student attainment as it motivates them to want to learn. It's also extremely user friendly and is accessible to students as low as Year 2.”

Used Learning Village weekly for 3-4 years
Apr 2024
I personally feel the programme is easily accessible for all. It is a very user friendly programme which encourages the learning of English Language and Grammar through repetition, images and revisiting newly learnt language.
Michelle found Learning Village:
- Does not significantly reduce teacher workload“The programme can be completed independently or via pre made printable resources, as well as having the opportunity to make your own printable worksheets etc”
- Moderately reduces attainment gap“On joining the school some EAL pupils progress further than non EAL pupils.”
- Significantly provides school data“We are able to give individual pupil data to inform the school staff and governors of progress made.”
- Slightly improves teaching efficiency“Children can pre learn vocabulary via lessons on numerous subjects/topics within the Learning Village programme.”
- Slightly improves attainment“Some EAL children surpassing their peers through using the programme regularly”

Mar 2024
The system is constantly improving. There are support documents, videos and tutorials to keep users abreast in the use of the system. Access to the system has been extremely reliable.
Fiona Elvin found Learning Village:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“The pre-made flashcards and games for language are a ready resource to support group work.”
- Significantly reduces attainment gap“Several highly motivated students have used the system independently and in priority lesson groups to progress from the first to the third level in only a matter of months.”
- Significantly provides school data“We are able to use small step targets for planning and measurement of progress.”
- Moderately improves teaching efficiency“Integrating face-to-face lessons with independent practice using Learning Village lessons, sometimes in rotations, maximises the opportunities to learn and revisit learning.”
- Moderately improves attainment“Students are more quickly able to access first language lessons - where previously we had a two year timescale for full integrations, we have seen some students reduce that timescale to 8 months.”

Joanna Karpiuk-Mochol
EAL Support Assistant
Used Learning Village daily for 3-4 years
Mar 2024
This amazing tool for supporting EAL and SEND children in their learning journey.
Joanna Karpiuk-Mochol found Learning Village:
- Does not significantly reduce teacher workload“N/A”
- Moderately reduces attainment gap“Writing, spelling, reading”
- Does not provide school data“N/A”
- Slightly improves teaching efficiency“N/A”
- Moderately improves attainment“Improving writing and reading skills.”

Mar 2024
Learning has been invaluable to use with our EAL new to English students. It has taken a whole new level now that we have started using it also with our monolingual weaker students. Students like working with Learning Village.
Una found Learning Village:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“It helps our EAL students to learn independently survival language. It also allows to help students who are EAL or monolingual to practice reading at a lower level than the mainstream reading software can support.”
- Significantly reduces attainment gap“same as previous”
- Moderately provides school data“Data was the training focus, therefore results will show an impact in the next term or so.”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency
- Significantly improves attainment

EAL Teacher
Used Learning Village weekly for 5 years+
Nov 2021
Using the Learning Village has a great impact on children learning English as a second language. It offers a wide variety of topics, grammar and vocabulary and it enhances things they have learned in the EAL sessions. It's a programme that can be used in the classroom as well as at home where children can work independently. It gives them a good sense of self-responsibilty for their learning. Above all, it makes learning English FUN!
Hanneke found Learning Village:
- Significantly reduces attainment gap“Being able to use vocabulary in the correct context and apply grammatical structures more accurately.”
- Slightly provides school data“N/A”
- Does not significantly increase student collaboration“They usually work independently”
- Significantly improves attainment

Jul 2021
Ian found Learning Village:
- Significantly reduces attainment gap
- Moderately provides school data
- Significantly increases student collaboration“Pupils can learn at home and we can closely monitor”
- Significantly improves attainment“Pupils reading ages improving”

May 2021
LV allows children to develop their English with support at school and independently at home. Both teachers, TA's and parents can use this to support EAL children.
Olabisi Akande found Learning Village:
- Significantly improves attainment“Improved speaking, listening, reading and writing”
- Significantly increases student collaboration“competing in games/comparing scores/bingo games”
- Moderately reduces attainment gap“Developments in reading”
- Does not provide school data“Not used”

May 2021
We are looking forward to some more challenging content for Middle school.
Bindu Grover found Learning Village:
- Significantly improves attainment“When we've used Learning Village for our Absolute Beginners we have seen significant progress in vocabulary and language acquisition. The progressive pathway for lessons helps ensure the students consolidate a concept before moving ahead.”
- Slightly increases student collaboration“Putting students together into teams for tasks”
- Moderately reduces attainment gap“The learn adaptability to use inbuilt Translanguaging tool and structured lessons are extremely beneficial for an upward impact on attainment gap.”
- Significantly provides school data“We analyse the students language strengths and areas of development based on the reports available. We also use the data to plan the support for our students.”

Apr 2021
Learning Village regularly updates the programme with new resources and useful webinars for teachers. In addition, the friendly team are always on hand to help. The learners love it and so do teachers. We are very impressed and would give it 11 out of 10!
Jane de Noord found Learning Village:
- Moderately improves attainment“Children with very little or no English soon acquire enough language to participate in class lessons.”
- Significantly increases student collaboration“Pre-teaching vocabulary with Learning Village builds confidence enabling children to communicate with their peers and contribute to discussions. The listen repeat, record function is a very useful tool which appeals to learners.”
- Moderately reduces attainment gap“If learners cannot speak the language of instruction, they cannot follow the curriculum. They have come to a new school in a different culture, where the sights and sounds are strange and often frightening for younger children. The Learning Village is easy to understand and navigate and has the advantage of teaching English while introducing curricular topics.”
- Moderately provides school data“Tracking the progress of learners throughout the school year is important.”

Mar 2021
Teaching EAL is challenging as there is no curriculum and no plan to follow. It is also a very isolated role within he school. LV provides everything you need, a plan, assessments, practice and lots of tools to adjust any teaching materials to suit your students need. And there is always something more you have not yet explored
Lenka Bayman found Learning Village:
- Moderately improves attainment“I like different aspects, accessing curriculum, phonics and useful tools for newly arrived .”
- Slightly increases student collaboration“Playing games”
- Significantly reduces attainment gap“I had students from Arabic speaking countries that found Latin alphabet very difficult and without that were lost in the class. Learning phonics on LV helped to speed up the inclusion.”
- Slightly provides school data

Feb 2021
excelent tool to build confidence among the foreign students especially those whose level of english is not enough good to be in the class without any help, expand the structures and vocabulary, build readiness to new circumstances in students life
Dorota found Learning Village:
- Significantly improves attainment“understanding new language, involment in lessons, growing confidence”
- Moderately increases student collaboration“involment, opening to new contacts, using new vocabulary in a proper context”
- Significantly reduces attainment gap“reducing element of isolation from english environment”
- Significantly provides school data“help subject teachers to understand the level of readiness to particular topics or possibility to rearrange the materials to assess the students in the class”

Jul 2020
Learning Village is a fabulous resource. Students can use it on their own with minimal staff input and they enjoy doing so. The resources provide us with differentiation and support for our non EAL students who struggle as well. The support from the company is unbelievable. Every question is answered with patience and speedily dealt with
Ruthanne Sireling found Learning Village:
- Moderately improves attainment“Pupils who came from abroad were able to use this programme at home as well as in school instead of the regular English lessons and the subject specific vocabulary enabled them to access the subjects”
- Slightly increases student collaboration“Not really. We use it one to one”
- Slightly reduces attainment gap“We have to few EAL students to be able to answer this”
- Does not significantly provide school data“Not at the moment”

Apr 2020
Yes I deliver LV with passion and I believe in the programme and see that throughout the years of using LV has made a huge impact on me and the children. The visuals have supported the children’s learning too. I also feel Caroline and Simon have worked extremely hard to make this programme work fr everyone and adapted to all abilities of children.
Ragini Patel found Learning Village:
- Moderately improves attainment“A child from Romania no English now is able to construct some sentences independently.”
- Significantly increases student collaboration“Yes I teach in small groups and this helps gain confidence of each child and the wiliness to answer questions and be comfortable”
- Moderately reduces attainment gap“Many children in our school come to the school without little or no English at all. Once they have used LV you find they are gaining confidence in speaking and gradually gain writing skills.”
- Significantly provides school data“At the moment don’t have access”

Dec 2019
Too many reasons but to name a few:the children are enthusiastic.
Jane found Learning Village:
- Significantly improves attainment“Confidence”
- Moderately increases student collaboration“talking and comparing experiences on LV”
- Moderately reduces attainment gap“Children are eager to power through LV and proud of their achievements. Communication in English is greatly improved enabling them to participate in lessons.”
- Moderately provides school data“Progress of EAL children is easy to share with teachers and other specialist teachers.”

Sep 2019
The Learning Village is a fantastic resource as it is a teaching tool and a learning aid. It supports the teacher through a vast amount of resources and guidance, and the children through survival language, phonics and topical themes via audio, visual and S&L games.
Sarah found Learning Village:
- Significantly improves attainment“The children progress at an accelerated pace, 5 terms in 3, allowing them to close the gap between their peers and perform alongside them. ”
- Significantly increases student collaboration“The children's fluency and accuracy increase rapidly through the use of flashcards game and competitions, which allows them to communicate in more detail and work in groups being able to take turns, share and solve problems. ”
- Significantly reduces attainment gap“The children progress 5 terms over 3. So, the longer they are with us the smaller the attainment gap becomes. ”
- Significantly provides school data“When the children are new to English they are unable to access the curriculum so cannot be assessed against it. The Learning Village provides data and trackers which enables us to see what skills the children have learnt and need to learn, also what proficiency stage they are at. ”