What is MathsWatch?
MathsWatch is a complete solution that supports teachers' delivery of the Maths curriculum while reducing their workload.
We provide teachers and their students with high-quality videos covering every Maths topic, combined with banks of interactive questions that can be used for classwork/homework/assessment/independent learning. Our innovative marking algorithms have revolutionised the way teachers can deliver quality Maths lessons to their students as we are the only platform worldwide able to give marks for working out and not merely for final answers. This revolutionary feature makes the MathsWatch experience much more realistic and beneficial to students than most traditional quiz setting platforms.
Furthermore, our popular modelled exam series offer the best possible preparation to students before their final GCSE exams. They can see their grade progression as they advance and clearly identify their strengths and areas of development. A truly immersive experience.
All this is offered to schools by MathsWatch at one of the most competitive price points currently on the market.
Educational Impact
Company | Business Name: MathsWatch Ltd HQ Location: United Kingdom Founded: 2007 |
Age Range | 8-10, 11-13, 14-16 |
Features | Administer AssessmentsGive Student FeedbackStudent Performance AnalysisAward-winning Marking AlgorithmsReduce Teacher WorkloadImprove AttainmentReduce Attainment GapImprove Teaching EfficiencyExam PracticeEncourage Independent WorkingAdminister HomeworkAdminister ClassworkAdminister Intervention |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Moderate features |
Policies | Terms of ServicePrivacy PolicyGDPR |
Requirements | Internet - Low BandwidthInternet - High Bandwidth |
Set Up | Less than 1hr from us receiving your information. |
Training | DocumentationVideos |
Support | EmailKnowledge BasePhone Support We'll stop at nothing to support our schools and emails will often be answered until late in the evening and at weekends. |
Home Learning | School must create the account. |
Tags | GCSEMathematicsKS3 National CurriculumHomeworkSelf-Made AssessmentsReady-Made AssessmentsModelled Exam SeriesExam-Style Marking |
MathsWatch PricingPricing Plans Free Trial Paid Subscription MathsWatch pricing starts from £100 / year The Primary package comes at only £100 per year. Our popular GCSE package is probably the most affordable on the market (like-for-like product) at only £375 per year. |
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MathsWatch Reviews
from 85 Verified Reviews
User rating
Sep 2024
Ryan found MathsWatch:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Reduced time marking homework”
- Significantly reduces attainment gap“Those students that ensure they complete homework”
- Does not provide school data
- Significantly improves attainment“When students complete work”
Sep 2024
So easy to use, students find platform easy to use. Cuts workload of marking.
Steffi Hesketh-Spells found MathsWatch:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Can not only mark homework for you but you can use this to quickly assess students understating throughout lessons”
- Moderately reduces attainment gap“Students can be set work individually that have missed lessons or struggle to attend lessons due to medical or mental health issues. Students can also be set interventions based off areas they need to work on.”
- Significantly provides school data“Mathswatch gives us data for students homework completed- but also scores from assessments. We often use the ‘hours spent’ data to run competitions between classes.”
- Moderately improves attainment“Students are not only able to complete set work but work on mathswatch independently through all the topics on gcse.”
Sep 2024
I like that is adaptable and has suitable videos and also the option of the 1 minute video and worksheets.
Gemma found MathsWatch:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“It is self marking and can be used when students are out of school for a variety of reasons”
- Slightly reduces attainment gap
- Does not significantly provide school data
- Slightly improves attainment
Sep 2024
It has helped make a big shift within our school. It has trained students to become more independent.
Teghpal Bharj found MathsWatch:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Quicker to check HW”
- Significantly reduces attainment gap
- Slightly provides school data
- Significantly improves attainment“Giving access to students to learn topics themselves.”
Sep 2024
Just all round provides exceptional value for money. Our students much prefer it to similar and far more expensive options and as such complete far more tasks. Students say that the videos are not irritating like a lot of them are on educational sites!
Iain Eglinton found MathsWatch:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Speed at which you are able to set work (which is always of a good quality) is excellent and the search facility does excatly what it says, without any fuss. Feedback is easy to both give and receive back.”
- Significantly reduces attainment gap“Students are happier to complete work outside of lessons on the platform and we have a higher completion rate than when we used other similar (and more expensive!) ones. The ability to do it on mobile devices ensures that students can do it rather than having to have laptops or other devices. The questions are ideal to use in interventions and can mean that sessions can be supervised by non-specialists, particularly later in the year when students finish other courses before the exams start. The quality of the videos ensures that students have good support out of the classroom.”
- Moderately provides school data“Reliable data on the amount of time that students are spending on work outside of the classroom. Being able to make detailed comparisons between student groups e.g. PP and non PP, Boys and Girls etc. by exporting the Mathswatch data”
- Significantly improves attainment“Students who completed all tasks set on MW outperformed those that did not by on average a grade at GCSE”
Sep 2024
MathsWatch has proved a valuable part of our Maths programme and independent learning offering to students for many years now, and we have never needed to consider moving away from it. Our Maths faculty is able to rely heavily on the platform.
Steven Wainwright found MathsWatch:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload
- Moderately reduces attainment gap
- Significantly provides school data“Excellent reporting capabilities for student usage and attainment.”
- Significantly improves attainment“Excellent platform for independent learning.”
Sep 2024
Mathswatch is a fantastic resource that we have used in our school for around 10+ years. We recommend use of the website for practice and assessment revision to all KS3 and KS4 year groups. The website continues to be improved with new features added. It is particularly useful for the videos, assignment setting, data tracking and interactive questions that pupils can complete with immediate feedback. I have also always received quick and helpful customer service.
Sophie found MathsWatch:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Pupils get immediate feedback to the questions they answer, therefore they do not rely on the teacher marking their work. Teachers can refer pupils to certain videos to watch and interactive questions to watch if they need extra help.”
- Slightly reduces attainment gap
- Significantly provides school data
- Significantly improves attainment
Sep 2024
To be honest I don't think I could teach without this wonderful resource. They even have WJEC Maths papers on there which helps us.
Sarah Timbrell found MathsWatch:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Less Marking, instant feed back for pupils. Quick to set work”
- Significantly reduces attainment gap“Pupils who use Mathswatch to revise do well in Maths has particularly helped our boys.”
- Significantly provides school data“We use the sheets to see what topics have been completed well and which topics we may need to cover.”
- Significantly improves attainment“Pupils who use Mathswatch tend to do better in class and assessments”
Head of Maths
Used MathsWatch weekly for 5 years+
Sep 2024
I have looked at other platforms and no other platform provides the same resources as MathsWatch. It is also a more affordable option
Rebecca found MathsWatch:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Automatically marking homework”
- Significantly reduces attainment gap“videos support weaker students, intervention work can be set for individual students”
- Significantly provides school data“homework completion, working at grades for year 11 completing past papers”
- Significantly improves attainment“access to independent work on curriculum”
Sep 2024
The platform is already very good and is being developed continually
Glyn found MathsWatch:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Less time marking - more time giving feedback”
- Moderately reduces attainment gap“We use it to target students who have underperformed after module tests”
- Moderately provides school data“We use it to celebrate success with Pupil of the Month awards”
- Moderately improves attainment“Pupils who have underperformed in module tests take a series of booster lessons on MathsWatch and they then perform better in the End of Year exam”
Sep 2024
Is very useful, but could be made more user friendly by adding pre made assignments or aligning assignments to popular SOWs
S Rome found MathsWatch:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Creating assignments and reusing them the following year simplifies the process significantly.”
- Slightly reduces attainment gap“It depends how much you can convince pupils to engage with the platform, however a pupil regularly using mathswatch should expect to make significant progress.”
- Slightly provides school data“Tracks homework completion and can track attainment on online shadow papers”
- Moderately improves attainment
George Cunningham
Assistant Headteacher - Maths
Used MathsWatch weekly for 1-2 years
Sep 2024
It's quick and easy to use and the content is high quality.
George Cunningham found MathsWatch:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“It's a quick and effective form of cover work”
- Significantly reduces attainment gap“It makes it easy for all students to revise”
- Moderately provides school data“It can be used for assessments”
- Moderately improves attainment“It ensures there is always meaningful learning opportunities at students fingertips”
Sep 2024
Mathswatch is a remarkable tool that makes a phenomenal improvement to all student performance. The video explanations are clear and the follow up questions develop a depth of understanding. We use it for homework, intervention, assignments, past paper work and independent revision. Our comprehensive school has a maths P8 of +0.9 at GCSE, 50% grades 7+ and 85% grades 5+. Mathswatch plays a significant role is these excellent outcomes
Simon Critchley found MathsWatch:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Homework, intervention, cover work, independent revision”
- Significantly reduces attainment gap“Every attainment grade makes superb progress with mathswatch”
- Significantly provides school data
- Significantly improves attainment
Sep 2024
Because it is a great tool for both students and teachers.
DBA found MathsWatch:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“I like using practice papers with my KS4 students as they are self marking and you can focus more on the questions that the students have got wrong. Additionally, using Maths Watch to set cover work helps as it makes the lesson more engaging and you can see the work of the students.”
- Significantly reduces attainment gap“Independent practice - the students can use the clips to work through the topics they most struggle with.”
- Slightly provides school data“We can see the grades for the practice papers, but we don't use the data officially. It informs planning.”
- Moderately improves attainment“Students that use it regularly for either revising specific topics or practice papers have seen an improvement in their attainment.”
Sep 2024
provides self marking homework, good range of questions, assessments and also great for intervention
Lexie Wiseman found MathsWatch:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“self marking homework, monitoring of revision, intervention groups”
- Moderately reduces attainment gap“you can set up intervention groups to target students”
- Significantly provides school data“homework and revision engagement#”
- Significantly improves attainment“study skills, and independant learning”
John Quarmby
Faculty leader for mathematics and computing
Used MathsWatch monthly for 5 years+
Sep 2024
MathsWatch is an invaluable part of our assessment system and allows students to independently address problem topic areas.
John Quarmby found MathsWatch:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Providing follow up material for assessments”
- Moderately reduces attainment gap“Students that use the follow up work are able to address their learning gaps.”
- Does not provide school data“None”
- Moderately improves attainment“Students who use MathsWatch are able to make positive progress”
Yvonne Corbishley
Head of Department for Maths
Used MathsWatch weekly for 5 years+
Sep 2024
Yvonne Corbishley found MathsWatch:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload
- Moderately reduces attainment gap
- Moderately provides school data
- Moderately improves attainment
Fahima Haque
2ic Mathematics
Used MathsWatch weekly for 5 years+
Sep 2024
The ease of use of Mathswatch is what makes it very convenient. The time it saves for teachers, the data it produces and the intervention that it can provide to students - whether this is directed or self planned, is fantastic. Mathswatch opens up many opportunities for teachers and students.
Fahima Haque found MathsWatch:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Homework tasks are set by teachers but marked automatically by Mathswatch. This saves us a lot of time where we do not need to mark work physically and also allows the students to get feedback immediately. Data analysis (time spent on homework/revision) is also easily available and teachers do not need to spend extra time gathering this information.”
- Moderately reduces attainment gap“When a student has gaps in knowledge - and this can be for a number of factors, including being away from school for a long period of time. teachers are able to set work on Mathswatch as a means of catch up. We are also able to keep a tab on what they are completing and what they require further assistance with. Many of our exam students also use Mathswatch to focus their revision and target topics that they are not as confident on.”
- Significantly provides school data“Time spent on homework is a key statistic that is useful to schools and parents, Mathswatch does this brilliantly.”
- Moderately improves attainment“Again, similar to above, students are able to use Mathswatch to identify gaps in knowledge . They are also able to use it brush on exam techniques, revise key topics etc making them more confident in answering questions during their GCSE's.”
Sep 2024
Easy to use & quick, many resources, personalised learning, excellent customer service.
Mrs A McLeonards found MathsWatch:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“There are so many different resources and they are catergorised well that it allows teachers to search quickly & use it for lessons, home learning, revision. It also allows students to do their own personalised work.”
- Significantly reduces attainment gap“There are different styles of questions that allows all students to access it.”
- Moderately provides school data“We use the data to discuss with students and parents regarding their progress.”
- Significantly improves attainment“Personalised learning for students, classes, year groups.”
Vicki Brunink
Learning Leader for Maths
Used MathsWatch weekly for 5 years+
Sep 2024
I have and will continue to recommend MathsWatch to other schools because there are so many resources on there that can be used for homework, revision, intervention
Vicki Brunink found MathsWatch:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Makes marking and setting homework much easier”
- Moderately reduces attainment gap“Students who use it for revision regularly do better in assessments”
- Significantly provides school data“We can monitor how students are revising, how long for, which questions they are stuck on etc”
- Significantly improves attainment“When used for revision, attainment in assessments is improved”
Sep 2024
Mathswatch saves teachers time, gives students immediate feedback and ultimately improves student performance.
Brian Wilshaw found MathsWatch:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Automatic marking of homework and giving immediate feedback to students”
- Significantly reduces attainment gap“We use mathswatch for our Year 11 intervention program and the students who engage with it can be shown to perform better in the final exams.”
- Significantly provides school data“Homework scores from mathswatch feed into our attitude to learning scores for students.”
- Significantly improves attainment“We base our revision guidance for students in each year group around our programs of study mapped to the mathswatch video clips.”
Sep 2024
It's a fantastic resource that does decrease workload and time on staff. My team really benefit from this and we like the bespoke nature of it compared to other costly programmes. It allows my team to still have that autonomy when settings tasks. What I would really like to see is whether any trends data would be available with regards to progress.
Ross Welch found MathsWatch:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Homework setting. Automatic markings. Tests set and I don't have to mark.”
- Moderately reduces attainment gap“For SEN students who have further intervention with non-specialists, can access the videos/worksheets etc to improve attainment”
- Slightly provides school data
- Slightly improves attainment
Krish Govender
Senior Lead Practitioner
Used MathsWatch weekly for 5 years+
Sep 2024
We have used MathsWatch for many years at FHS and I have also used it in my previous schools since 2008. They consistently innovate and add materials that make learning Maths enjoyable for our pupils and significantly reduce teachers' workloads in terms of planning, setting homework and assessing tasks that have been allocated.
Krish Govender found MathsWatch:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Revision, planning, setting assignments, exam practice”
- Significantly reduces attainment gap“Pupils who need frequent explanations use the videos and practice questions to consolidate their knowledge. Pupils have made significant progress in terms of progress and independent learning.”
- Moderately provides school data“Assignments include exam practice papers which pupils complete to provide an indication of their potential grades.”
- Significantly improves attainment“We have had pupils with FFT targets of Grade 4 achieve Grade 7s because of the confidence they derive from the clear explanations on videos and structured assignments that are set to accompany the topics. The data suggests our pupils score almost a grade higher on average as a result of using MathsWatch.”
Sep 2024
Mathswatch allows us to have a consistent homework platform in place that ensures all pupils are receiving weekly homework tasks and getting feedback immediately and are able to converse with their teachers where appropriate. The range of questions are vast, and weekly tasks are quick and easy to make and adapt to your class.
Emma Topliss found MathsWatch:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Weekly homework tasks are marked for the pupils allowing teachers to focus on specific misconceptions and addressing these with pupils.”
- Slightly reduces attainment gap
- Significantly provides school data“Feedback reports are useful to contribute towards self evaluation and also to communicate with parents.”
- Significantly improves attainment“Past exam papers specific to WJEC are available for pupils to support with revision”
Sep 2024
The quality of the videos plus the excellent questions.
Matthew Fox found MathsWatch:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Superb for reducing time spent on preparing homework.”
- Significantly reduces attainment gap“Our PP pupils came closer to our non PP pupils through the use of MathsWatch”
- Significantly provides school data“When using MathsWatch exam papers you can make accurate predictions.”
- Significantly improves attainment“This year we have had our best results ever, MathsWatch played an important part in that.”