What is Moki?
Moki empowers over 1,200 schools around the world with real-time data to evidence their physical activity levels for the first time. By inspiring children to move more and then capturing the data Moki provides a way for schools to evidence the impact of their health and wellbeing strategy and add a powerful new dimension to their personal development provision for students.
Moki combines a simple and robust wearable wristband step tracker that captures the movement of the wearaer and transfers it to a desktop app. Individual, Class, Year and whole school activity levels are then easily accessible.
Schools can create custom challenges to inspire children to work together to achieve movement targets and objectives. Schools can even create challenges and invite other Moki schools to participate!
Far more than just a tool for sports or physical education, Moki helps schools illustrate the importance of movement throughout the day for every child, not just the sporty.
Educational Impact
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Moki Reviews
from 5 Verified Reviews
User rating
Mar 2021
The Moki bands are easy to setup and use. The discussion points created by Moki around healthy lifestyle are great. The teamwork shown by trying to achieve the goals is great but also the enjoyment that chldren get out of individually beating their previous score is wonderful to see.
Dean Matthews found Moki:
- Moderately builds student knowledge“Students are much more aware of how being active is good for their health. This happened due to discussions started by using Moki.”
- Moderately increases student collaboration“Students work together to achieve goals set in the Moki platform, they encourage and support each other.”
- Moderately improves teacher knowledge and skills“knowing which children are most active allows me as a teacher to give others more focus in PE lessons.”
- Slightly improves parental engagement“Some parents have bought activity trackers for their children to use outside of the classroom”
- Slightly improves teacher wellbeing

Feb 2021
Moki can be used in many different ways to enhance and encourage more PE and Physical Activity in a fun, challenging, engaging and rewarding way.
Mark Smedley found Moki:
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Knowledge of distances covered: steps, miles, km and comparisons.”
- Significantly increases student collaboration“Our recent 'Moki Marathon Challenge' during lockdown. Families and children cumalatively working together to complete marathon distance.”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge and skills“Most active/least active/most improved etc.”
- Significantly improves parental engagement“Parents live to get involved with our challenges set.”
- Significantly improves teacher wellbeing“Completing activities and challenges with the children.”

Feb 2021
Moki has made my job as subject lead much easier. I know what to target and how, and can track if what I put in place is working. Children are keen to be active and they enjoy it. The impact in our school is clear to see across the whole curriculum. I wouldn't hesitate in recommending it.
Mrs Stacey Cannon found Moki:
- Moderately builds student knowledge
- Significantly increases student collaboration“Students work together to achieve a shared goal during class battles and MVPA ratings.”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge and skills“My knowledge is strengthened significantly by the data provided through Moki. I am aware of most/least active pupils and classes and am able to subtly target these in order to increase activity levels across school/the curriculum.”
- Slightly improves parental engagement
- Moderately improves teacher wellbeing“Teachers are more active and have become strong role models for the pupils.”

Feb 2021
Moki has really helped us focus not just on the amount of movement that children do but also the intensity of it. As a result of using Moki, we have changed some of our active breaks so that they are higher intensity to increase children's heart rate. Moki is helping us get closer to the 60 minutes MVPA recommended by the CMO and really helped us look at our provision.
Neil found Moki:
- Significantly builds student knowledge
- Significantly increases student collaboration
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge and skills
- Moderately improves parental engagement
- Moderately improves teacher wellbeing

Cherise Duxbury
Senior Leader of Computing, Home Learning, geography and History
Used Moki for 1-2 years
Feb 2021
This band helped to significantly raise the children’s activity levels throughout the day and definitely helped to have a positive impact in their learning and mental health. Thai product is absolutely amazing! My class LOVE MOKI.
Cherise Duxbury found Moki:
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Children became more receptive, engaged and ready to learn after using their MOKI bands in the morning. As a result their engagement in lessons and reactivity and therefore their knowledge increased.”
- Significantly increases student collaboration“The students became competitive with both their fellow class members and with themselves as they tried to beat their movement score and increase their activity. Their mental health increased as their achievements and collaborations were celebrated.”
- Slightly improves teacher knowledge and skills“Further cemented the knowledge that moment and activity will help children achieve and improve in their mental health as well as helping them to achieve better outcomes in their learning.”
- Significantly improves parental engagement“Parents commented on how much happier the children seemed, how more active they were and more happier in their mental health. The children wanted their parents to become more active too.”
- Significantly improves teacher wellbeing“Happy children learn well which helps make my job so much easier.”