What is Satchel One?
Satchel One is the market-leading learning platform that has launched with full cloud MIS functionality this academic year. Already used by ~1 in 3 UK secondary schools, it's firmly the teachers' choice for ease of use and classroom management. From the team behind award-winning software, Show My Homework, schools can use the suite of classroom management apps to support learning, save teachers time and involve parents in the learning process.
With the ability to choose your own apps, schools can create a bespoke learning platform to suit their needs, choose from: Show My Homework, Seating, Behaviour Attendance, Detentions, Timetables, Welfare Notes and Documents.
Achieve a consistent approach to online learning that involves teachers, students and parents in the process, whilst providing powerful evidence to Ofsted of your school’s behaviour and attendance policies. All from one simple login.
Satchel One, is now also an official Google for Education Partner and a Microsoft partner, offering powerful integrations to help schools take a holistic approach to education. Integrated use of these platforms results in an online learning experience like no other.
Learning Platform Features:
- Show My Homework
- Behaviour
- Attendance
- Timetables
- Welfare Notes
- Detentions
- Seating
- Documents
MIS Functionality:
Everything you need for classroom management including Behaviour, Detentions, Homework, Seating and Timetables.
Manage your student profiles, applicants and their parent or carer records easily.
Access everything for staff HR, personnel, contracts and directory from one place.
From subjects and departments, to teaching groups and academic structure, organise your school details effectively.
Setup roles and permissions, or personalise with public pages and custom themes securely.
Working with MATs
Satchel One provides multi-academy trusts with consistent reporting across all schools in the MAT and makes it simple for trusts to adhere to centralised attendance, behaviour and homework policies, and in the future a cloud-based MIS. By providing each school in your trust with access to Satchel One, trust leads can enjoy the benefits of dealing with a single supplier, preferential rates and tools for use in both primary and secondary schools.
Stay in touch
Stay in the loop about our MIS developments
Visit www.teamsatchel.com to learn more about our MIS, including our 'One Licence Offer' where we will provide you with up to 18 months free of charge if you're using another MIS provider, plus 25% off your first paid year.
Recommended Usage
20 minutes per week
Educational Impact
Additional evidence
Mar 2021
Increased Student Engagement (Ashton on Mersey School)
May 2024
Paper to Cloud: How Hatfield Wick Education Transformed with Satchel One MIS
Jun 2024
Switching from Arbor back to Satchel One
Company | Business Name: Satchel HQ Location: United Kingdom Founded: 2011 |
Age Range | 5-7, 8-10, 11-13, 14-16, 17-18 |
Features | HomeworkAttendanceSeatingTimetablesBehaviourDetentionsContentReportsGradebookNotice BoardGradingAssessmentDocuments SharingWelfareBehaviour ManagementBehaviour ReportsMis SyncSeating PlansTrack Pupil ProgressLesson AttendanceParent AppMessagingDiscussionClassworkAiManagement Information SystemMisExams |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Moderate features |
Policies | Terms of ServicePrivacy PolicyGDPR |
Requirements | Internet - Low BandwidthInternet - High BandwidthDesktop - MacDesktop - WindowsDesktop - ChromebookDesktop - LinuxMobile - iPhoneMobile - iPadMobile - WindowsMobile - Android No technical capacity needed. Users need access to a device such as a mobile phone, PC or laptop |
Set Up | A few days |
Training | In PersonLive OnlineWebinarsDocumentationVideos |
Support | EmailFAQs/ForumKnowledge BasePhone Support Live chat for customers |
Home Learning | Parent Access School must create the account. Mobile app and desktop versions available |
Tags | HomeworkAttendanceDetentionsBehaviourWelfareSeatingSeating PlansTimetablesClassroom managementLearning platformDistance learningShow My Homeworkwelfarebehaviour managementMISschool managementSchool Management SystemManagement Information System |
Satchel One PricingPricing Plans Free Trial Paid Subscription Satchel One pricing starts from £2 / per-pupil Request a quote to get pricing. |
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Satchel One Reviews
from 41 Verified Reviews
User rating
May 2024
Very customer focused company, who were fantastic during lockdown and moved moutains to support schools with the new way of remote learning. There set of tools are intuitive and very easy to use for staff, students and parents
Stuymac found Satchel One:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Instant communication with students regarding lesson requirements or homework Very easy and quick to use seating planner tool Easy way of rewarding students or setting behaviours/detentions which are quickly shared with parents and students 360 report for students, ideal for face to face meeting with parents to give a summary of students behaviour”
- Moderately improves teaching efficiency“Excellent seating plan tool Excellent rewards/badges tool Very good homework tool”
- Significantly improves school processes“Vert good integrated tool for behaviours linked to a detention tool with a register Very good reporting tool to quickly see which students need a greater focus”
- Significantly improves parent engagement“Parents love the homework tool to help support students Parents are instantly aware of rewards and behaviour points Parents get access to the students timetable”
Jan 2024
Some aspects for attendance officer are awkard and don't provide a streamlined work flow. There are compromises that writing back to sims makes editing prior and future marks difficult. Some aspects are revolutionary like seating plans, badges and easy access to points.
Ian Mead found Satchel One:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Seating plans are easier to administer and more informative”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency“Setting and administering detentions is now easier and more transparent.”
- Moderately improves school processes“Detention systems are more robust and able to provide extra feature like sanction for n offences.”
- Moderately improves parent engagement“Good ptake form parents in general but some problems getting google classroom assignment to sync has caused some frustrations.”
Dec 2023
Xerxes found Satchel One:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency
- Significantly improves school processes
- Moderately improves parent engagement
Dec 2023
Staff, parents and students are pleased with our expanded use of Satchel One and the benefits of bringing all these systems and processes under one umbrella package. The customer support is also very strong which is important with any IT based system.
S Yalden found Satchel One:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Being able to use one system rather than multiple packages to carry out a range of teacher tasks such as seating plans, rewards, sanctions, messaging, homework, communication with parents etc.”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency“By being a one stop shop for registers, conduct and homework it is an efficient use of time rather than using multiple systems. Seeking support to a class is more efficient and timely because of the on alert feature.”
- Significantly improves school processes“One bringing everything under one system it is easier to achieve consistency and is generally more efficient.”
- Significantly improves parent engagement“We have seen a rise in parent and carer access to Satchel from 29% when we used is solely for homework to 60% when we added in the additional features improving home-school communication and engagement.”
Dec 2023
Really good product, when it becomes a full MIS I think it will be much more powerful then it is now. There are still refinements to be made for what schools want, but these readily become available and Satchel engage with schools based on their needs
Andy found Satchel One:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Collaboration - reusing Homework, sharing ideas, one click solutions to a lot of admin tasks that normally take a lot longer”
- Moderately improves teaching efficiency“When used properly it is all of the time, getting staff to use the full features means real efficiency on a range of areas, homework, seating, attendance, praise and behaviour”
- Significantly improves school processes“Satchel are very receptive to talking about improving / changing features to make things work for schools.”
- Moderately improves parent engagement“When parents are onboard it enables parents to see a holistic view of their child's attendance, behaviour and homework meaning they engage more and feel a part of the school”
Dec 2023
Satchel One's customer support team has been nothing short of excellent. Every request we send (and we send a lot!) is taken seriously and dealt with quickly and professionally. We're so happy with Satchel One that we have decided to fully invest in all the services that they offer.
Chris found Satchel One:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Setting homework, allocating behaviour points and taking registers is all very streamlined by Satchel One.”
- Moderately improves teaching efficiency“Satchel One has helped significantly with organising homework and remote learning. In the classroom, we are saving time (compared to old systems) with doing tasks like awarding achievement points and recording attendance.”
- Significantly improves school processes“Our teaching staff find it much easier to quickly access student details, such as parent contact information, on Satchel One as opposed to our old MIS system.”
- Significantly improves parent engagement“As we have increased our use of Satchel One so to have our parents become more engaged. We now have 95%+ of our parents looking at it regularly. Their feedback is that it is very helpful to be able to instantly see homework tasks and behaviour feedback for their child.”
Head of High School
Used Satchel One daily for 4-6 months
Dec 2023
Ryan found Satchel One:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency
- Significantly improves school processes
- Moderately improves parent engagement
Neelam Parmar
Digital Learning
Used Satchel One daily for 1-2 years
Mar 2023
Fully cloud-based that involves parents in educating their children.
Neelam Parmar found Satchel One:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“All homework is set in one place and easy to find/refer to when needed.”
- Slightly improves teaching efficiency“No major impact on teaching efficiency”
- Significantly improves school processes“Homework can be monitored and evaluated on a regular basis and checked when it is completed by students or not.”
- Significantly improves parent engagement“Parents are informed”
Feb 2022
RICHARD ABBEY found Satchel One:
Mr Flynn
Teacher of Design and Technology
Used Satchel One weekly for 5 years+
Feb 2022
Show my Homework has been an invaluable tool for us, particularly throughout the challenging times of COVID: it's also very easy to use, and the Team have responded really well to feedback, creating new features which extend the effectiveness of SMH as a teaching and learning tool.
Mr Flynn found Satchel One:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“The ability to quickly re-use work, ease of editing, preparing drafts ahead of time, ability for other members of Faculty to share resource, Self-marking and analysis of comprehension in Quiz mode can direct future study areas.”
- Moderately improves school processes“Throughout the pandemic SMH has been essential in providing a familiar platform for students to access online learning resources. We also used the comment section to effectively communicate with our students. provide feedback, and pastoral support.”
- Moderately improves parent engagement“Parents sometimes communicated via comment section, many parents like the ability to monitor their child's homework/work.”
Simon Oldfield
Head of RE and Citizenship
Used Satchel One weekly for 3-4 years
Feb 2022
No other piece of software has so positively and widely impacted by teaching.
Simon Oldfield found Satchel One:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“The ability to set, collect and record homework tasks is a dream!”
- Significantly improves school processes“The ability to communicate clearly to varying groups of students allows efforts and energy to go into other things.”
- Significantly improves parent engagement“Easier for parents to partner in the hw process.”
Feb 2022
Excellent service!
James found Satchel One:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Quizzes - mark themselves.”
- Significantly improves school processes“Marking easier.”
- Significantly improves parent engagement“Students can show work to parents easily.”
Jan 2021
Saves lots of teachers time - easy for students to use on multiple platforms
Andy Braithwaite found Satchel One:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Attach worksheets / No printing of worksheets / Reuse HW for different classes / online submissions of work”
- Moderately improves school processes“The expectation by Parents that HW is always published on SMHW. Platform for students to submit work”
- Slightly improves parental engagement“Becoming more useful, but Parental engagement still low - parents do not understand SMHW enough - engagement is often parents querying either lack of HW or submissions”
Dec 2020
Only good experiences administering and using it
Liz found Satchel One:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Reusing previous homeworks”
- Moderately improves school processes“Getting messages to students”
- Significantly improves parental engagement“Parent app monitoring homework better”
Dec 2020
I think it costs the school a lot
Damian Woolf found Satchel One:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Students can submit online”
- Significantly improves school processes“Can reuse homeworks”
- Moderately improves parental engagement“You don’t link parents to students which is bad”
Dec 2020
It was a lifesaver in Lockdown. The company quickly adapted further tools. Now it's a comprehensive site.
steve found Satchel One:
- Slightly reduces teacher workload“Lockdown. Always at the keyboard.”
- Slightly improves school processes“Parents can see comments I put to students. They get involved more.”
- Significantly improves parental engagement“They can view all tasks.”
Nov 2020
it is informative and useful to set work as a teacher and check work as a parent
Sam Obeng-Asare found Satchel One:
- Slightly reduces teacher workload“I don't know how, I only set work for my pupils”
- Significantly improves school processes“Homework task set ahead of time”
- Significantly improves parental engagement“parents can check what work is set and or due”
Nov 2020
Saves time, allows me to send web links and the huge variety of types of homework. Amazing support during lockdown and you are helpful when I cannot get hold of our own IT!
Kim Vale found Satchel One:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Not having to copy worksheets, not having to take in physical work. Spelling tests and quizzes marked automatically”
- Significantly improves school processes“Setting work for absent students”
- Moderately improves parental engagement“Parents know what their children should be doing and by when - only helpful if they engage with this”
Nov 2020
Really good. A couple of things that could make it easier to use.
Rosie found Satchel One:
- Slightly reduces teacher workload“We are using it to set remote work which is adding to workload but I imagine normally it is very helpful being able to set the same homework etc for multiple classes”
- Moderately improves school processes“Easy to set remote work. No need to use homework diary.”
- Moderately improves parental engagement“Can check on students homework”
Oct 2020
It is very efficient; allows parental access; archives tasks; allows 2 way communication between pupils and teachers; keeps records and much more. We don't use seating plans, timetabling or behavior in Satchel One but I wish we did.
Emma found Satchel One:
- Moderately improves attainment“It enables students to be more organized about there homework and enables increased parental involvement both of which have a positive impact on attainment.”
- Does not significantly reduce teacher workload“It allows documents, presentations and links to be attached saving printing and allows homework tasks to be reused/edited for other groups and shared with colleagues.”
Jul 2020
Very professional, rapid answer to issues, constantly updating in response to feedback - new facilities added regularly
Emma Callan found Satchel One:
- Moderately improves attainment“Gives students access to information about the task at home and allows parents to see exactly what needs to be done.”
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Can set same task for equivalent classes/ whole year group etc”
Jul 2020
not sure it does ease my workload as it is currently
Stella found Satchel One:
- Slightly improves attainment“being able to send feedback to students and add screen shots or web links”
- Slightly reduces teacher workload“submitting grades , having to deselect students, then select, then deselect can be a bit time consuming”
Jul 2020
Good to share workload across a department and to track students' knowledge; parents like being able to see that too.
Clare found Satchel One:
- Does not significantly improve attainment“Good for students learning key knowledge like quotations; knowing quotations helps them improve their attainment in the Lit exams.”
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“As a department, we have each taken responsibility for doing quizzes for spelling and knowledge of key info in a scheme. They are a bit onerous to set up, but links can be shared and then we don't all have to do them individually. Great as well to track scores in spelling tests.”
Jul 2020
I would like to see the recurring feature added for regular HW (see Q9). I also think that expanding the quiz feature where questions can be posed that ask pupils to type a short, one word answer would be helpful. The multiple choice option is great, but they only make up a small portion of an exam paper so pupils need to be able to recall names etc. and not always chose it from a set of options. It is difficult to create a platform whereby pupils can write extended answers (Google Forms works to an extent here) but answers for 'state the name of...' questions could be loaded by the teacher when creating the quiz. Teachers would still need to be able to overwrite the mark given to allow them to give marks for misspellings etc.
Siobhan found Satchel One:
- Slightly improves attainment“Pupils can be held accountable by parents so may complete more work (especially over this lockdown period).”
- Slightly reduces teacher workload“A regular piece of HW set is a reminder to complete Tassomai questions. I log who has completed them in Satchel:One and award stamps for highest number etc. However, I have re re-use the same HW every week which is time consuming. Being able to re-use HW is helpful compared to always having to start from scratch however, if there were an option to tick the HW as recurring then I could choose multiple dates and set the HW for the term. I like being able to set HW in advance as it is sometimes easier to block this in when I have time, especially at the start of the term. The new options for flexible tasks etc. is a great addition also. I do not make enough use of the community feature.”
Jul 2020
It isn't perfect but the functions they have work really well, and there is lots in development too. The customer service is excellent, and they are very responsive to suggestions. The apps are easy to use and really enhance the system, for example it is super easy to tick off homework on the app if it is completed on a different website. Not 10 yet as the detentions module needs more development and the parent app should mirror what the teacher ticks off as completed not what the student ticks off.
Tina found Satchel One:
- Slightly improves attainment“Unsure, as we have only used it properly since lockdown. Prior to that we posted homework through it but didn't use it to monitor work. We haven't yet measured attainment since lockdown”
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Easy to post homework (reuse tasks), students submit via the app so no need to log when it comes in, no need for extra records of work, seating plan can replace printing of class lists or photos, easy to add behaviour through the seating plan. All of these save time”