The Medic Portal
Helen Ferguson

Head of Careers

Used The Medic Portal for over 2 year

Jul 2020

Website is excellent unsure about the courses (can do most things online themselves to practice etc. and sometimes the interview course the people asking the questions are young and not necessarily have a great understanding of what is recquired)

Helen Ferguson found The Medic Portal:
  • Slightly improves attainment
    Helps students feel more confident with UCAT and inverviews but I am not sure if they do any better, I think they would do just as well without the courses.
  • Moderately builds student knowledge
    For very lazy students the fact they can get onto a course for UCAT helps and also the website is excellent for knowledge.
  • Does not significantly reduce teacher workload
    I would say it increases my workload as I have to organise the courses.
  • Moderately improves teacher knowledge and skills
    I use the website to keep me up to date with medical news
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The Medic Portal
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