Twig Science Reporter

Physics Teacher

Pittsburg Unified School District, United States

Used Twig Science Reporter for 4-6 months

Apr 2021

It can help to apply concepts to issues of interest to students.

Karen found Twig Science Reporter:
  • Does not significantly improve attainment
    No sure what you mean by attainment. Is that comprehension of concepts? Students understand a concept better when it is related to something in their real lives. I've used the one City on Mars to relate energy choices to a possible future.
  • Slightly builds student knowledge
    Just relating the concepts we're covering to the videos in Twig Science.
  • Does not reduce teacher workload
    It gives me an extra assignment to develop and format.
  • Slightly improves teacher knowledge and skills
    Not really. I do my best to keep up with new developments in physics with the organizations I belong to and magazines that I read.
  • Does not save school money
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Twig Science Reporter
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