Twig Science Reporter
Penny Crawford

Class Teacher

Isla Primary School, Scotland

Used Twig Science Reporter for 0–3 months

Apr 2021

It is easy to use, has great content and is free. We also use Tig Tag which we have to purchase but it is worth it. It's great to be using science-reporter too now but without a cost.

Penny Crawford found Twig Science Reporter:
  • Slightly improves attainment
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    It provides relevant up to date scientific information presented in an exciting way and in a useful format. Saves teachers looking for this info.
  • Slightly improves teacher knowledge and skills
  • Significantly saves school money
    We don't have to buy it which is a significant saving especially for small rural schools with pupil numbers less than 50.
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