Review of ubbu
Lúcia M N Azevedo


Escola Francisco Ferreira Drummond, Portugal

Used ubbu daily for 3-4 years

Feb 2025

ubbu is not just another digital platform for student learning; ubbu manages to articulate the contents of the subject areas with a methodology in its approach that meets the tastes of the students. At ubbu I've worked with students from 6 to 10 years old, with students with learning and behavioural difficulties, and I haven't had a single student who didn't like working at ubbu. ubbu's approach to the curriculum is innovative and engages students in formal learning.

Lúcia M N Azevedo found ubbu:
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    The contents covered by ubbu are those that form part of the Portuguese curriculum, as well as delving into other global issues (the functioning of satellites, for example).
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
    As a teacher, ubbu's contribution was mainly in the area of computational thinking and programming.
  • Moderately improves attainment
    Through ubbu, students develop the skills needed for other curricular areas, such as attention, concentration, problem-solving based on decomposition, etc. and they carry out the activities with great enthusiasm, even those with learning difficulties. I observed several students with learning difficulties carrying out the tasks with the same ease as their peers, once the instructions had been read out to them.
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