Review of Widgit
Lynne Clegg

Special Needs Coordinator

Killinghall Primary, England

Used Widgit daily for 5 years+

May 2024

It is an invaluable resource to have in school. We absolutely could not manage without it. We use Widget throughout school for all our children as an inclusive tool eg for Neurodivergent children who really value accessing the visual timetables and labels etc. If children do not need it, then they ignore it. It is there for all to use and enables access and inclusion in every aspect of school. Our school is fully labelled and will continue to be so.

Reply from Widgit:Hi Lynne, Thank you for your lovely review! Your feedback about children being able to use the tools as needed is exactly what we strive for- creating a resource that is accessible to all but unobtrusive to those who don't need it. Thank you for your commitment to inclusion and for sharing your positive experience.
Lynne Clegg found Widgit :
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Widget enables children who find reading difficult to access the curriculum and the task with more independence. The children become more self-confident and less reliant on constant adult support.
  • Does not significantly reduce attainment gap
    Children who need to use Widget on a daily basis to access the learning are always significantly behind age-related peers, therefore the impact of Widget on the attainment gap is minimal, but it is there. The impact of Widget is most significant with independence and self-esteem because it enables children to work alongside peers without an adult needing to be there every minute.
  • Significantly increases student collaboration
    Children can access the learning and therefore know what is happening and can discuss their learning with adults and peers eg in a science lesson the instructions and all labels were in Widget, enabling a small group of children (who would otherwise have had to work with an adult) to work alongside their peers. These children then recorded their work using Widget labels for sorting and sticking - they achieved the same learning objective (about conductors and insulators) but just through a visual medium.
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency
    Teachers have a consistent tool (with many resources) to help them plan and make appropriate tasks for children to access learning with their peers. Widget has excellent templates and a wealth of resources. It is very quick and easy to use - effective inclusion with no fuss or lengthy preparation.
  • Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing
    Children who struggle to read lengthy texts or who struggle to read even simple instructions can access Widget through the visual symbols (or photos if the teacher chooses) and this makes them much more confident, raising self-esteem. When children feel safe and included and they know what to do and what is expected of them, their behaviour automatically improves.
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