Review of Academy21
Alison Casey

Administrative Keyworker for SEND

Used Academy21 occasionally for 0–3 months

Nov 2024

A21 is an excellent resource for those who struggle to attend school or even enter a school building. This way, they are somewhat in control of their own education and can get back into a routine, within the safety of their own home. One particular student has mentioned that A21 has been the best thing for them. Thank you!

Reply from Academy21:It is wonderful to hear of some of your student successes, thank you for sharing your feedback with us.
Alison Casey found Academy21:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Teachers can focus on the students in their lessons and not have to worry about those who are not attending as they are doing A21.
  • Significantly improves attainment
    We had 1 student from previous years who managed to go onto college and do a course of their choice. They were on the verge of not attending school and A21 really helped them get back on track.
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    I know of a particular student who has mentioned in their Annual Review that they now have an increased confidence in their learning.
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