Review of Answer Perfect
Answer Perfect
Jackie Shute

Head of PE

Used Answer Perfect for 12 months

Nov 2020

A good platform. I like the videos giving advice on how to structure answers to the longer style exam questions.

Jackie Shute found Answer Perfect:
  • Moderately improves attainment
    It definitely helps the students think about structuring 8 and 15 mark questions. They are more aware of what they need to include to gain marks for AO1, 2 and 3.
  • Moderately builds student knowledge
    It helps them to apply subject knowledge to exam style questions. As a result, they do improve their knowledge and understanding of exam technique.
  • Slightly reduces attainment gap
    Most of our students are quite able - so not able to comment really
  • Moderately reduces teacher workload
    Yes, I often set the class to watch a video and then answer the exam question for homework. It saves me having to model an answer - it is done for me!
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Answer Perfect
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