Review of Atom Prime
Atom Prime


Used Atom Learning daily for 3-4 years

Jun 2022

Great resource to prepare for the assessments coming up and a really effective and well managed medium for teachers/ parents and tutors to support the children on their learning journey.

Mariam found Atom Learning:
  • Moderately reduces teacher workload
    Homework assignements can be set on Atom, limiting marking/ grading. Suitably prepares for ISEB exams without requiring printing/ preparing of resources.
  • Moderately reduces attainment gap
    Algorithm is allows chidlren to work at their pace/ level without teacher setting one level; Teachers are able to set appropriate level tasks for children on individual basis
  • Significantly provides school data
    Used to write reports on how well their homework assignments are; how they are fairing preparing for their ISEBs and beyond; what topics to consolidate and review further; where children are being complacent and where they are positioned
  • Moderately improves teaching efficiency
    Allows me to review data and efficiently check pupil progress as all computerised. Allows me to prepare other resources and allocate my time effectively to other subjects where needed.
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Videos for trickier concepts such as nets of cubes, students have found really helpful. They are explicitly clear and show visuals. The helpsheets are a great revision tool / help feature for students
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Atom Prime
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