Review of AV1

Teacher and Pastoral Leader

Stanborough School, England

Used AV1 daily for 1-2 years

Jun 2024

Connectivity is increasingly becoming more and more of an issue, signal drops out during lessons and the AV1 is not always providing clear audio or visuals for the student. When it does work it is a 10 out of 10 but just not 100% reliable unfortunately.

Amy found AV1:
  • Moderately reduces attainment gap
    students unable to attend class for various reasons medical/social etc.. have access to live lessons and keep up to date with learning. Students do not get behind and have learning gaps on top of already difficult situations.
  • Moderately increases student collaboration
    Students not in the classroom can engage with questioning, asking for help and working with peers in groups.
  • Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing
    Students normally unable to access the learning environment are suddenly included and feel a part of the class.
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