Britannica School
Jill van Niekerk


International School of Berne, Switzerland

Used Britannica School monthly for 5 years+

Feb 2024

Britannica can be used by the whole school community. It is inclusive for students with special needs, language learners, young children and the oldest students. It is value for money.

Reply from Britannica School:Thank you Jill for your great feedback!
Jill van Niekerk found Britannica School:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    It helps with differentiation, and also including students with English as an additional language.
  • Slightly improves parent engagement
    I have not measured this... but I am sure it does.
  • Significantly improves attainment
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    I encourage students to use Britannica to understand the basics, particularly in the lower years. For example, the PYP often has quite descriptive units and lines of inquiry but Britannica can help them define the topic and start their research from a solid base of understanding.
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