Review of CodiPlay

STEM teacher

Galaxy International School, Kazakhstan

Used CodiPlay daily for 0–3 months

Oct 2024

Because this app is the most convenient for teachers

Temirlan found CodiPlay:
  • Moderately increases student collaboration
    They often help each other when assembling a project
  • Moderately improves teaching efficiency
    It is very easy for a teacher to prepare for the lessons, because all the needed plan and materials for studying is there
  • Slightly improves teacher knowledge
  • Moderately improves school processes
    It affected the assesment policy, because of project-based learning, the methods of giving lessons also significantly changed as well. For example instead of lecture about resistors, transistors we can give them deeper understanding of that things simply by showing them how it works and at the same time give some basic info about that
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    a student practised in programming(scratch,python)/basic electronics and mechanisms(arduino)
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