Review of ClickView
Chris Jones

Executive Headteacher


Used ClickView daily for 1-2 years

Jun 2024

We had been looking for quite a while on how we could improve our access to quality curriculum resources and also how we could improve our offer of homework activities to our children and families so that it was meaningful. We also wanted to reduce teacher workload around homework. The analytics and assessment of homework tasks that teachers can access through ClickView for every child is another reason why Clickview really works for us.

Chris Jones found ClickView:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    The amount of resources and the ease at which you ca access them is very helpful for teachers.
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency
    The resources that are available are really up to date and saves a lot of time for teachers when planning and assessing. This means teachers can get on with doing what they are best at, which is teaching our children.
  • Significantly improves attainment
    Not only do we use ClickView for resourcing lessons but we also use it for homework. This has had a significant impact on attainment across a range of national curriculum subjects. For example our teachers have set up their own interactive videos for our children to complete at home - so not only are we providing homework for reading, writing and maths but also for History, Science, PSHE, Geography etc. This means our children are improving their basic skills across a range of subjects.
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Through the pupil conferencing we do across all subjects, our children are very knowledgable about the end points for each subject. During these pupil conferences our children talk a lot about how ClickView has helped them remember more through the resources they can access in school and at home.
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