Global Treasure App
sam blyth

Curriculum manager

edinburgh college, UK

Used global-treasure-app for more than 3 years

Jan 2019

It works for all ages and a multitude of possible trail ideas. It can be done alone, in pairs and in groups and encourages many vital employability and essential skills

sam blyth found global-treasure-app:
  • Moderately increases student collaboration
    Computing students find collaboration difficult as they are quite introverted, treasure apps helped them collaborate with students in other curriculum areas and historic Scotland staff
  • Slightly reduces teacher workload
    The workshops from TA take time out from teachers, as can the visits.
  • Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing
    Computing Students often don't get out and about, so treasure apps helps them learn about their environment and makes them healthier as they do
  • Moderately encourage-leaderships
  • Significantly improves creativity and critical thinking
    The TA app requires media elements such as video, audio and requires to be designed
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Global Treasure App
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