Review of Indigo
David Kemsley

Student Futures Advisor

St Joseph's College, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Used Indigo daily for 3-4 years

Sep 2022

Just like the simplicity and effectiveness of all Indigo offers

Reply from Indigo:Hi David, thanks for your review of Indigo! We're glad your find Indigo useful. If you would like, we can have a call to discuss which of Indigo's features could help reduce teacher workload and how we could improve Indigo in this regard. Please don't hesitate to get in touch with your thoughts and feedback!
David Kemsley found Indigo:
  • Moderately saves school money
    It is a cost effective solution that delivers good value which in turn drives client loyalty.
  • Does not significantly reduce teacher workload
    Very useful overall but not a huge impact on their work load partly because I'm not a teacher myself so have the time !!
  • Slightly reduces attainment gap
    No but that doesn't mean Indigo doesn't have a positive impact in this regard
  • Slightly improves attainment
    Only in regard of Indigo helping students to possibly aim higher and that helps improve attainment
  • Moderately builds student knowledge
    Better knowledge of apprenticeships and more qualitative and quantitative research on University plans.
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