Review of IRIS Adapt
IRIS Adapt
Jane Pepa

Head Teacher

Used IRIS Adapt for 13 years

Jun 2020

We have a piece of software that is bespoke to our setting, it's easy to input information, do data analysis, show trends, see progress, create reports from and if we require any changes a quick phone call and it's adapted.

Jane Pepa found IRIS Adapt:
  • Slightly improves behaviour or wellbeing
    Iris adapt supports the collating of behaviour data allowing users to understand spikes in behaviour, issues with pupils, recurring behaviours, record safeguarding concerns, parental contact all bespoke to your setting
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    In both the settings I have used Iris Adapt in this system replaced paper based systems, with Iris adapt information is input with a drop down menu or the ability to select multiple pupils or staff, we added first aid information and physical interventions to our system, over the covid period we have been able to record all parent contact information, online lesson attendance. Honestly I'm not sure how we could have coped without it.
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge and skills
    information that needs to be shared can be, safeguarding information can be input to DSL's
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