KAZ Touch Typing
Shawn Miller

Project manager

Advanced Remediation Solutions Inc, Canada

Used KAZ daily for 4-6 months

Apr 2023

It is a fantactic program. Step by step, easy to learn. All you have to do is put in the time. I am 48, and never had any experience with touch typing, now after only 5 months, I am at 35-40 words per minute. My goal is to be at 50 by the end of the next month. Somtimes you can teach an old dog new tricks. Additionally, the staff responses to any issue's that I have had has been quick and sorted within days. I never felt any kind of runaround, they generally listened AND took action to responded promptly to any of my concerns. Fantastic product and fantastic company!

Shawn Miller found KAZ:
  • Moderately reduces teacher workload
    Just being able to think and type is huge. I never realized how much time it would save.
  • Significantly reduces attainment gap
    the differance between touch type and old style is night and day.
  • Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing
    It feels good to achieve a better score; you can moniter your own progress and actually see the results
  • Slightly improves attainment
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KAZ Touch Typing
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