Learning By Questions
Edel Murphy

Head of Maths and Numeracy Coordinator

Edmund Rice College, Northern Ireland

Used Learning By Questions daily for 5 years+

Feb 2022

LbQ is amazing. As a maths teacher of twenty years I have to say it is the best innovation I have encountered. The positive impact on my classroom practice is huge. I can immediatley pinpoint areas for development, engage all pupils and have fun with it! Highly, highly recommended.

Edel Murphy found Learning By Questions:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Learning by Questions marks the pupils work instantly, freeing the teacher up to target and correct mistakes and misconceptions immediately. The teacher can immediately see common problem areas and can pause the task to work with the whole class. Work can be easily differentiated by setting appropriate tasks to different groups.
  • Significantly reduces attainment gap
    Pupils are able to see immediately if they are getting a question wrong and can try a different method. The teacher can see if they are struggling with a concept as they are working rather than finding out later on when marking their book. Learning by Questions encourages pupils to work together to come to a solution. It also encourages all pupils to 'have a go' which is essential in Maths. Pupils are less worried about making a mistake as they know they can try again. We have found that the impact of this is that pupils are making more progress than previously and that this success is encouraging them to keep striving for more!
  • Significantly improves attainment
    Using LbQ helps the teacher immediately identify areas of weakness or misconceptions so these can be dealt with quickly. The pupils can quickly see that often the issue is that they are misinterpreting the question and that their understanding of the 'maths' is fine. Using LbQ has injected a 'buzz' into our maths classrooms and our GCSE results have improved significantly since using LbQ.
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    We use LbQ to directly target individual pupils' areas for improvement. Using data from standardised testing we can easily work on developing highlighted areas through the LbQ platform. In class, one of the advantages of LbQ is that the questions assess pupils' understanding, fluency, reasoning and problem solving in order. Often reluctant pupils can be motivated by the fact that their understanding and fluency with a concept is sound and that they just need more cnfidence with the problem solving type questions.
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