Review of Little Bridge
Little Bridge
Michael Smith

Director of Studies

The Cultural English Centre, Spain

Used little-bridge-premium-school-account for 6 years

Feb 2019

As mentioned above, I believe Little Bridge is a valuable tool for children when learning English - I highly recommend it.

Michael Smith found little-bridge-premium-school-account:
  • Significantly improves attainment
    The fact that students do homework because they enjoy it, rather than just as an obligation. As a result, they recall the language learnt much easier.
  • Slightly reduces teacher workload
    Teachers can simply check when students have or have not done homework - in this sense there is a reduction. However, teachers still have to use that information and adapt their classes accordingly.
  • Moderately improves teaching efficiency and productivity
    As above - being able to check when work has been done at any time, without having to wait till the next class.
  • Does not significantly improve teacher knowledge and skills
  • Moderately provides school data
    In the sense that when explaining a student's progress (or lack of) to his or her parents, we can show or print a clear graph showing the work that has (or hasn't) been done. Parents often trust a printed page more than the teacher.
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Little Bridge
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