Review of Mark Mate
Mark Mate
Hilary Seaton

Head of Dance and PE

Used Mark Mate weekly for 0–3 months

Mar 2022

7 - cost does rack up. It works well with smaller classes but the time to set up classes can be excessive

Hilary Seaton found Mark Mate:
  • Moderately reduces teacher workload
    I am able to make better use of time. For example, when the kids are getting changed, I can quickly type up their verbal feedback and put it in their books by the time they come out of the changing rooms.
  • Does not provide school data
  • Slightly improves teaching efficiency
    It helps lower ability students to process the verbal feedback better. By them having it printed out immediately after the conversation, it helps to remind them what to do independently
  • Moderately improves teacher wellbeing
    I feel less pressured when I am having a book scrutiny knowing that my students have lots of stickers in their book
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